

Study on Some Legal Issues of Electronic Banking

【作者】 刘国智

【导师】 周忠海;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 国际法学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 银行业作为金融业的重要组成部分,长期以来对国民经济的健康发展有着极其重要的影响。自13世纪产生以来,银行业的业务范围不断扩大,其社会功能逐渐得到深化。而科学技术作为第一生产力,促进了包括银行业在内的金融业的进一步变革。电子计算机技术的产生与迅猛发展成为金融业包括银行业发生历史性革命的最持久、最富创新精神的动力。银行业利用源源不断的技术创新来实现金融创新,银行的经营方式正发生着巨大的改变。可以说,能否利用电子及通讯技术来进行金融创新已成为银行业与银行兴衰成败的根本原因。电子银行业务顺势而生。随着电子商务的纵深发展,电子银行业务承担着不可或缺的资金流职能,电子银行业务成败的意义已经不再局限于银行业内部,将逐渐波及至社会经济生活的各个角落。对电子银行业务引发的法律问题进行系统的、深入的研究有助于掌握其发展规律,及时解决相应的立法与司法问题,为电子银行业务、电子商务的顺利发展创造良好的法制环境。 就本文整体框架而言,包括五部分:绪论、电子银行的安全与法律保障措施、电子货币及其法律问题、互联网银行及其法律问题、中国电子银行发展状况与法制研究。其中,绪论至第三章是对电子银行法律问题的一般性研讨,对电子银行的定义、电子银行的安全问题与法律保障措施、电子货币的法律地位、发行主体、储值的性质、对等资金的使用、互联网银行业务的市场准入、业务交易的法律问题与风险管理等问题进行了综合的比较分析与研究;第四章在前述分析的基础上,对我国电子银行发展过程中应解决的法律问题进行了具体的分析,并提出相应的改进建议。 绪论主要是对电子银行产生的背景、发展过程与现状、定义与特征进行了研究。在对国内外学者、银行业实务工作者及相关国际组织提出的各种定义进行了比较分析后,本文提出自己的意见:“电子银行”是传统银行业以电子计算机技术、现代通讯技术为基础,为了应对日益激烈的竞争、更好地满足客户的个性化消费需求而进行的金融创新活动所产生的一系列业务范围的总称,既包括对传统业务与产品的改进,也包括各种产品创新,如电子货币,后者成为电子银行越来越重要的特点;电子银行不仅包括具有砖瓦大楼的传统银行的电子化业务,还包括各种崭新的业务种类,其中最典型的代表就是互联网银行业务。本文进一步归纳总结出电子银行的基本特征:产生的根本原因是银行为了突破自身的局限性,展开竞争,获取更大利润而采取的金融创新;以现代科学技术的飞速发展为基础;具 门.~生。,一_-二-中英文摘要囱回回囱问回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回囱回回回回回闻间切瞩回回回回回回回回回回问WW有前所末有的革命性。在电子银行定义的基础上,对电子银行的法律问题进行了简要介绍。。 接下来,本文对电子银行的安全问题进行了研究。安全问题是电子银行业务能否能到公栅普遍接受卡银行能否获得预期利润的关键问题。本章分析了安全问题产生的原因与类型,以忆联合国国际贸易法委员会电子签字示范法》(草案)与欧盟《电子签字指令})为基础,重点研讨了关于保护信息安全的措施一电子签名与认证的鲫性的、地区性的与各国国内立法实践,对电子签名的定义、法律效力。电贱字各方当事人一签字人、验证服务提供商、依赖方的最低行为。标准;证书及其必须具备的内容要素、对外国证书的承认等问题进行了深入的比较分本一””l’“ 电命货币作为一种新生事物,引起了监管当局、消费者的高度关注。从法律角度对龟子货币进行研究具有重大理论与实践意义。本文从对电子货币的各种定义进行综合研究人手,归纳总结了电子货币的特征,对主要的两种电子货币-电子现金与储值卡的特点与运行机制进行了分析,并简要介绍了现有电子货币系统。本文以美国、欧盟的立法实践为背景,详尽分析了电于货币的非货币法律地位、-发行主体资格及对发行主体能够从事的商业行为的种类、初始资本及后续资金要求。投资限制、储值的非存款性质、电子货币的回赎问题。 ,互联网银行业务的法律问题是本文研究的另一重点内容。本文以互联网银行业务产生的条件为切入点,对其定义、技术基础与业务种类、发展模式与发展现状进行了分析,重点仍是法律问题—一市场准入,即在具备哪些条件时,金融机构才能享有提供此类服务的法定资格;交易过程中的法律问题一银行与客户之间的权利义务;本文还对互联网银行业务特有的法律问题,即提供互联网银行业务的银行如何管理面临的特殊的科技风险,如何处理与第三方服务提供者的关系以便最大限度地利用技术带来的好处作出了有益的探讨。 在对电子银行的一般性法律问题进行深入研究的基础上,本文对电子银行在我国的发展现状与我国相应的法律制度面临的问题进行了认真的分析,并提出相-应的改进建议。“’最后,本文得出的结论认为,电子银行的产生与发展向我们提出了分析新的问题、制定新的规范、改进银行业监管的挑战,新问题需要我们以积极的、开放的态度、踏?

【Abstract】 As a major part of the financial industry, banking industry has been showing its great influence on the healthy development of the national economy. Since its emergency in the 13th century, banking industry has undergone continuous expansion in its business scope and the social function of banking has deepen a lot. While scientific technology as the first productive force, is promoting further revolution in the fields of financial and banking industry. The birth and rapid development of the computer technology has become the most lasting and innovative momentum to the historical revolution of the financial industry, including the banking industry. By taking advantage of the endless technology innovation, banking industry is endeavoring to achieve successive financial innovation, and great changes has also taken place in the operating strategies of banks. In light of this, we may say that the realization of financial innovation by way of using computer and communication technology is the fundamental cause of the success of banking industry as well as banks. Hence, electronic banking (e-banking) comes into birth. With the development of electronic commerce (e-commerce) e-banking is; playing an important role in the flowing of capital. Whether or not e-banking is successful does not just have impact on banking industry itself, but steadily spread to almost every aspect of the social and economical lives of the people. To conduct a systematic, deep research into the legal problems rising from e-banking is helpful to master the rules of development to resolve the relevant problems, and to create a favorable legsil environment for the development of e-banking and e-commerce.The dissertation can be divided into five parts: introduction, security of banking and legal safeguard measures, electronic money (e-money) and relevant legal problems, Internet banking and relevant legal problems, and the development of e-banking in China and its legal research. The first four parts are general studies on the .legal problems of e-banking and are dedicated to make a comprehensive, comparative analysis and study the definition of e-banking, security of e-banking and legal .safeguard measures, legal status of e-money, the issuer, the character of stored-value, use of the received funds, market access of Internet banking, legal issues in Internet banking transaction, risk management, etc. On the basis of the analysis above, a further specific analysis is made on those legal issues which should be settled in the development ofe-banking in China and some proposals are put forward accordingly in the forth part of this dissertation.The introduction mainly centers on the background of the emergency of e-banking, development and current situation of e-banking, and the definition and character of e-banking. After a comparative analysis on various definition of e-banking, this dissertation defines "e-banking" as an overall name of general scope resulting from all the financial innovative activities by traditional banks on the basis of computer technology and modern communication technology; in order to accept the fierce challenge of modern competition and to meet various requirements of the customers, including both the improvement on the traditional business and innovations of" the traditional products such as e-money. E-banking includes hot only the electronic business of traditional banks, but also a bulk of brand-new business, the typical of which is Internet Banking. Furthermore, this dissertation summarizes the basic characters of e-banking: the fundamental cause of its emergency is the financial innovation by traditional banks, to break the limitation of Itself to be more competitive and to gain more profits; on the basis of rapid development of modern scientific technology; with an unprecedently revolutionary character.Then, the dissertation elaborates the security problem of the e-banking, security is crucial to the public’s acceptance of e-banking and whether or not the banks can get the expected profits. This part

  • 【分类号】D912.28
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1617

