

Land System in the Process of Urbanization

【作者】 汪晖

【导师】 杨义群; 黄祖辉;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 农业经济管理学, 2002, 博士


【摘要】 在过去的二十多年中,中国改革开放政策导致了快速的工业化,但是城市发展却相对滞后,即使在经济较发达的浙江省等沿海地区也是如此。针对这一现象,学术界从不同的学科角度提出了解释。但是还没有从土地制度的视角对此加以系统地研究。本文通过细致的文献综述和大量的调查,以浙江省为例,围绕着城市发展中的土地制度问题展开了以下的研究工作: 第二章综述了城市发展与土地制度的理论溯源与研究进展。首先回顾了城市发展理论,包括比较利益、生产专业化和规模经济引起的城市发展,生产与需求引起的城市化理论,以及刘易斯的两部门理论。其次综述了社会学界、经济学界对土地制度、中国城市发展问题的研究进展。 第三章给出了本文的研究背景,回顾了浙江省城市发展的历程,阐述城市发展现状,总结了城市发展路径,并对目前城市发展水平进行评价,本文的结论是快速的工业化并没有导致较高的城市发展水平。 第四章首先分析了传统城市土地使用制度在城市用地效率,功能布局以及环境品质方面对城市发展的影响。接着分析了城市土地使用制度改革对城市发展在土地市场、资本集聚方面的促进作用,指出了现行城市土地使用制度由于在供地方式市场化改革、存量土地使用制度改革等方面相对滞后,城市土地配置效率低下、城市环境品质较差以及布局混乱的局面还没有得到彻底改变。通过建立土地成本推进模型解释了现行集体非农建设用地使用制度与城市化滞后之间的关系,该模型同时可以说明,集体非农建设用地使用制度改革将对企业选址决策进而城市化的影响。这一章还讨论了在企业改制中土地使用制度改革的公平与效率问题。 第五章通过引入厂商行为理论模型,分析了土地收益分配制度变迁对土地成交量、土地的价格以及城市更新的影响,并讨论了土地税费转嫁问题及其对城市经济的影响,总结了不同用途的城市土地的供给弹性及其对成本变动的反应。通过引入税费对土地开发时机的影响模型,建立了土地收益分配制度与城市土地开发的时机、城市更新速度以及土地配置效率、土地黑市之间的逻辑关系。 第六章通过两个具体的规划案例证明了现行土地规划制度存在的“计划失灵”现象。通过对具体规划过程的分析,探求经济不确定性及市场功能不健全、行政干预、部门协调是“计划失灵”现象的成因。 第七章首先分析了土地管理体制不顺引发的土地权属管理、土地市场管理、 “两个规划”协调等问题对城市发展的阻碍,论证了寻租与土地管理体制不顺之间的关系,指出我国财政体制中预算外资金占财政收支重要组成部分的特点为寻租提供了可能。本文认为改革具有的“非帕雷托改变”性质是土地管理体制不顺问题长期得不到解决的原因,而示范效应、强制改革可能是渐进加以解决的途径。 第八章首先指出了经济体制改革暴露了形成于计划经济时代并沿用至今的土地征用制度,部分导致了城郊土地黑市的形成以及土地利用效率的低下。其次,通过对现行法律体系和征地补偿方法的分析指出制度的弊端主要在于征地权滥用和征地补偿不合理,分析了征地补偿机理和征地活动对土地利用的外部负效应导致的损失。与此同时,本章进一步分析表明征地补偿不合理导致的农民抗争以及长时间讨价还价增加了延迟成本和交易费用,降低了征地效率。另外,以低补偿费用取得土地,可能会降低土地利用效率。 第九章首先指出现行农地制度的安排提供不了农村剩余劳动力彻底放弃土地、迁居城镇的激励结构。然后分析了农地租期、正规合约与农地价值之间的关系,结论表明长期的规范的农地租赁则会提高租入者的支付意愿和出租者的要价,土地租金要远高于短期租赁、缺乏正规合约的情况。在此基础上,本章提出如果培育一个农地长期租赁市场,将会提供通过长期出租农地筹集进城资金的激励结构,这有助于农业劳动力的转移和城市的发展。 第九章是结束语,首先对全文加以总结,提炼了全文主要结论,然后根据在前面几章对城市化进程中土地制度的分析基础上,提出了相应的政策建议。最后对未来的后续研究进行了简短的展望。

【Abstract】 In the past 20 years, China’s reform has accelerated industrialization. But when compared with the rate of industrialization, even in some provinces along the coast such as Zhejiang where economies are more advanced than other provinces, it hasn’t achieved a corresponding rate of urbanization rate. Although some researches tried to explain this phenomenon from different viewpoints, there is no effective explanation from the perspective of land system. Based on the existing literatures and investigations, and using the case of Zhejiang province, this paper discusses the issue of land system in the urbanization as the followings:In chapter 2, the theoretic sources and research progress of urban development and land tenure are discussed. Firstly, this chapter reviews the literature on urban development, including the theories of urban development derived from comparative advantage, specialization of production, and economy of scale; urbanization theories derived from production and demand, and Lewis’s Two-Sectors-Model. After that, this chapter discusses the research progress on Chinese urban development and land tenure issues. Finally, research progress of land tenure and urban development in china are summarized.In chapter 3, the research background of this paper is presented. Firstly, in the case of Zhejiang province, the process of urban development is reviewed, and the current status of urban development is described. Secondly the path and level of urban development is discussed. Finally, based on the analysis, this chapter presents that the high rate of industrialization has not resulted in a corresponding rate of urbanization.In chapter 4, the author analyzes the impact of urban land use efficiency; functional zoning and environment quality affected by the traditional urban land use system on urban development. Although the reform of urban land use system has resulted in the land market which accelerated urbanization, the low distribution efficiency of urban land, urban environment quality and spatial location have not been improved due to the lag of reform on land supply system and use system of the current reserves of urban land. In order to understand the logistic relationship between the collective land use system and the lag of urbanization, this chapter presents aland-cost-push model which can also explain how the reform of collective land use system changes individual rural enterprise location decision to accelerate urbanization. The efficiency and equity of land use system reform in the process of State-owned Enterprise Reform are also discussed.In chapter 5, the author analyzes the impact of land benefits distribution system on land transaction, land price and urban renewal. Then the paper discusses the shifting and incidence of land taxes and fees, and also its impact on urban economy. The supply elasticity of urban land of some usage and its reaction to cost change are also discussed. This chapter presents a model to understand the impact of land taxes and fees on the optimal timing of land development, and the results of theoretical and empirical studies on the logical relationship among land benefits distribution system, optimal timing of land development, urban renewal, land distribution efficiency and land black-market.In chapter 6, the author proves the existence of plan failure in the current land planning system by using two land planning cases. Through the detailed analysis on the planning process, the author can come to some conclusion that the reasons for the plan failure phenomena are uncertainty of economy, market failure, administrative intervention, and lack of coordination among some government agencies.In chapter 7, the author begins with the analysis on how the conflicts caused by current land administration system in administration of land utilization certificates, land market, and "Two-Planning" (coordination between land utilization planning and city planning) hinder the urban development. Then this chapter studies on the logical relationship between rent-seek

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 01期

