

【作者】 朱振武

【导师】 郑克鲁;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 本文从社会心理学、文学心理学和精神分析学入手,结合心理美学、文学人类学和文艺发生学,对福克纳小说创作的发生、其隐含形式和内在机制进行心理上的跟踪,对其创作模式进行美学上的探讨,对其作品取得巨大成功的堂奥进行文化上的揭示,从而为更好地理解福克纳、更准确地解读其文本提供一个新的视角和参照。 本文首先从作者创作的心理动势出发,对作者的创作发生及其创作的心理轨迹进行跟踪,认为,福克纳的创作中有一种不为创作者的自觉意识所完全控制的直觉领悟的心理倾向,正是这种自主情结引导作者超越个人的局限,遨游于个人利害的范围之外,反映了超个人的、更为深邃的集体无意识,从而创作出了具有永恒艺术生命的作品和崇高的美学景象;福克纳的小说创作及其相关主题的发生,在一定程度上与作者由于在文化、形体以及生活环境等方面的劣势而产生的难以排遣的自卑情结密不可分,是自卑情结积聚成优越情结,进而过分补偿的结果;同时,由于美国南方特殊的历史、政治及福克纳的生活遭际等原因,福克纳在几十年的创作生涯中,情系荒原,创造了约克纳帕塔法县这个精神王国,使之成为自己的精神浪游之地、欲望宣泄之乡和心灵托付之所,其创作动因在于既关注对南方人们精神荒原的描绘,也着眼于挖掘这个荒原世界对自己、对人生的美学意义所在。 上述三种情结是导致福克纳创作发生的主要因素。也正是由于这些心理原因,福克纳在具体的小说创作,特别是在人物的塑造上表现出强烈的心理定势和明显的范式化倾向。他笔下的男性多处在成年的努力、焦虑、矛盾和成年后的困惑之中,而女性形象则多表现为毁灭、堕落的特征,这一方面与福克纳特有的自主情结和自卑情结等心理原因及其个人的生活遭际有关,也是福克纳作为一个美国南方的男性话语膨胀的典型代表使之然;而作品中表现出的人类受难范式则是其荒原情结和积淀于作者内心深处的宗教忧患意识作用的结果。 至于福克纳在结构小说时所拥有的独特的心理机制,应主要归因于作者的自主情结以及个人禀赋、家族影响及其作为大写的人的深层的无意识。福克纳特殊的时空意识是其使用意识流语体、对时间与空间进行随意转换的重要原因,其难以割舍的神话意识则是其作品从内心深处打动读者、唤起人们深层无意识的壶妙所在,加之以作者与一般经典作家明显不同的通俗意识,终于使其作品跳出传统文学的樊篱,告别了高雅文学的象牙之塔,形成了具有超凡脱俗的美学品格,进而登上了20世纪小说创作的峰颠。

【Abstract】 This dissertation, based on social psychology, literature psychology, and depth psychology, and combined with aesthetics of psychology, literature humanics, focuses on explaining the causes of the creation of William Faulkner’s fiction, its implied meaning and its inner mechanism in the sense of psychology, on discussing the mode of creation in the sense of aesthetics and on opening out the secret of his highly successful creation, so that a new point of view can be adopted to better understand Faulkner and his fiction.Starting with the developments of the author’s creation, the dissertation follows up the scent of the occurring of his novels and the’track of his psychology of creation, holding the opinion that there exists an intuitive psychological tendency in Faulkner’s creation which the author is not aware of. It is the autonomous complex that leads the author to go beyond his limitations and to reflect a deeper collective unconsciousness.Faulkner’s novels and their respective themes are closely connected with the inferiority complex caused by American culture, the author’s physique and his living conditions. They are the results of his inferiority complex that accumulates into some kind of superiority complex.Because of the southern American’s special history and politics and his sufferings Faulkner is deeply absorbed in the southern wasteland and invented Yoknapatawpha County, making it a place where he can do whatever he wants to do to counteract the lack in his real life. He concerns himself not only in the description of the Southern spiritual wasteland, but also in mining the aesthetic meaning of the wasteland, both to him and to the human beings.The three complexes mentioned above are the main factors leading to Faulkner’s creation. Just on account of these psychological reasons, Faulkner shows a strong tendency of clear paradigm in his creation. His heroes are mostly in the process ofbecoming adults, while his heroines feature destruction and degeneration. This has something to do with Faulkner’s autonomous complex and inferiority complex and also, with his typical masculine discourse as a southern American man. The suffering paradigm of human beings in his novels is he result of his wasteland complex and his innermost consciousness of hardship.As for Faulkner’s particular mechanism when he wove his novels, we should owe it to the author’s autonomous complex, his natural endowment, his family’sinfluence upon him and his deep unconsciousness as an individual.It is, to a rather large extent, in virtue of the author’s peculiar consciousness of time and space that Faulkner employs the technique of stream of consciousness and uses at will the conversion of time to space and sometimes space to time. And it is due to his consciousness of myth that his novels deeply move the readers and awake their unconsciousness. With the popular consciousness which is obviously different from other novelists added up to the above two kinds of consciousness, Faulkner’s novels eventually cast off the yoke of traditional literature, get out of the ivory tower, and thus reach the summit of 20th novel creations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】I712.074
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1528

