

Experimental Study on the Features of Presceription-Compounding of Ephedra Decoction

【作者】 马艳春

【导师】 康广盛;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 方剂学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 麻黄汤不同组方配伍及剂量的增减变化(即君臣佐使的更迭),导致其功用与主治证发生变化。本文通过各实验组药效学指标的比较及物质基础的差异,验证了君臣佐使复杂的配伍变化,如麻黄配桂枝方可峻汗;桂枝与麻黄协同发挥解热作用;麻黄配杏仁则入肺平喘止咳;麻黄配桂枝及杏仁可祛痰抗炎。同时证明麻黄汤各药味配伍煎煮后,麻黄碱的含量较单味麻黄水煎液中的含量增高,而减去与麻黄配伍的任何一味药,或变化方中药量配伍比例,麻黄碱含量都会明显减少,提示臣药、佐药、使药对君药均有加强作用。从而用实验手段验证了君臣佐使的科学内涵,及“力大者为君”的正确性。为探讨方剂组方原则的合理性及配伍规范化的研究,为方剂学的教学实验方法的研究提供了实例。

【Abstract】 Drugs and dose of ingredients in Ephedra Decoction are modified and the roles of principal, assistant, adjuvant and guiding drugs in the prescription are different, its functions and indications are changed accordingly. In this paper, complicated change of prescription-compounding in the recipe is validated. Ephedra being used combination with Cinnamon Twig has a strong diaphoretic action. Cinnamon Twig is used as an adjuvant drug with the effect of reducing fever. Ephedra being used in conjunction with Bitter apricot kernel has the effect on arresting cough and relieving asthma. Moreover, it is proved that Ephedra alkali content of several drugs being decocted together is more than that of single Ephedra being decocted with water. If any drug is subtracted from the group or prescription-compounding proportion is alternated, Ephedra alkali content will decrease obviously. Results show that the assistant, adjuvant and guiding drugs can help strengthen the effect of the principal. It is expatiated with experimental methods on that the connotation of the principal of forming a prescription and potency is the basis for the determination of the principle drug. This paper gives an example for discussing the rationality of the principal of forming a prescription and mode standardization of teaching experimental methods of Prescriptions of TCM.

  • 【分类号】R289.5
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】705

