

【作者】 沈如军

【导师】 郑垂勇;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 技术经济及管理学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 资源配置问题是国有商业银行经营管理理论与实践中需要解决的核心问题。由长期计划经济体制脱胎而来的国有商业银行,资源配置的结构矛盾和资源配置的不协调是导致其质量不高和效益低下的根本原因,要改善和提高国有商业银行资产运营质量和效益,就必须从制度、手段等方面入手,改革国有商业银行的资源配置。本文就国有商业银行资源配置以及资源配置改革深化问题进行了较为细致的探讨和研究。全文共分九章,主要内容包括: 1、总结了新古典经济学关于资源配置的基本理论,描述了国有商业银行资源配置的一般原理,对国有商业银行资源配置目标和原则进行了讨论。 2、以资源配置层次观对国有商业银行资源配置层次进行了区分,并比较分析了国有商业银行资源配置层次效力,由此对国有商业银行资源配置的层次着力点进行了研究。 3、比较分析了不同资源配置方式的效率,对自我计划配置与市场配置的内在联系、边界、条件进行了研究,并对国有商业银行资源配置方式的选择进行了思考。 4、分析了国有商业银行资本资源配置现状,就国有商业银行资本资源优化配置的前提:产权制度改革;资本资源配置效率提高的关键:组织重建与业务创新进行了探讨。 5、剖析了国有商业银行人力资源配置现状,从理论出发对人力资源需求问题进行了研究,并对国有商业银行人力资源配置调整提出了针对性的措施建议。 6、分析了国有商业银行信贷资源配置现状,对信贷资源配置调整的目标、措施;信贷资源增量扩张动因、总量控制、计划管理以及信贷资源配置模型的构建进行了研究。 7、对国有商业银行财务资源配置现状以及影响财务资源配置效率的重要因素:行为、机制进行了剖析。对财务管理体制与管理手段的改革进行了研究,并就主要财务资源计划配置的基本思路与模型的构建进行了探讨。 8、分析了国有商业银行资源配置效率评价与资源配置的内在联系,研究了国有商业 BS 银行资源配置效率评价指标体系及模型,并从效率评价与资源配置约束角度对整 合国有商业银行资源配置问题进行了研究。

【Abstract】 Resources allocation is a critical issue should be addressed in the management practices of State Owned Commercial Bank(SoCB). Since transformed from plan economy,the structure and contra -harmony of resources allocation in the SoCB are the fundamental factors why the SoCB facing so much problems as poor financial performances and bad loan. It is the groundbreaking work to introduce the resource allocation into the organization,in order to reach SoCB’s business objectives around financial targets and goals.The thesis systematically and deeply addressed those issues how to allocation the resources and reform of resource allocation in the SoCB. It contains nine parts:1. Summarizing the principle theories about resources allocation initialed by the New-Economy,describing the general principle of resource allocation of SoCB,discussing the objectives and approaches of SoCB resources allocation.2. In the perspective of hiberarchy of resources allocation,making a clear distinguish about SoCB resources allocation,providing the comparable analysis on effects and valuation of hiberarchy of SoCB resources allocation,and presenting the key points of resources allocation in the management practice of SoCB.3. Leading on the forms and models of SoCB resources allocation,which is done through the comparable analysis of the effectiveness of different methods of resources allocation in associated with the internal relationship,margin and condition between self-plan allocation and marketable allocation.4. Discussing the current state capital resources allocation in the SoCB,and with deeply studies about elementary factors of capital resources allocation,and reform of ownership and organization restructure and business innovation which are considered to be critical with the improvement of effectiveness of capital resources allocation.5. The current state of Human Resources being addressed,and the demand of Human Resources being discussed. Also giving several practical suggestions on improving the effectiveness of Human Resources allocation.6. Analyzing the current state of loan business in the SoCB,drawing on extensive discussions on the targets and methods of reform of loan resources allocation,the drivers of exposure expand of loan resources,limit setting,portfolio management and model design of loan resources allocation.7. Describing current state of financial resources allocation in the SoCB,and a completely updated research on the financial behaviors and mechanism having strong effects on financial resources allocation,discussing the reform of system and approaches of financial management,and then a comprehensive study on the allocation of financial resources and its model design.8. Evaluating the effectiveness of resources allocation and their relationship in the SoCB,and developing the indexes system and its models,studying on the integration of resources allocation in the perspective of their effectiveness evaluation and constrain.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】F832.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1151

