

A Grammatical Study of the Siyi Dialect in Guangdong

【作者】 甘于恩

【导师】 詹伯慧;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 四邑方言是粤语的次方言,通行于广东西南部,与粤语代表方言广州话相比,具有奇特的个性。本文是迄今以来首篇对四邑话语法作全面综合比较的论文,它填补了国内外四邑话语法研究的空白,在调查方法上也有所创新。在内容上,本文揭示了四邑话语法的诸多特点,对汉语方言学的理论建设具有重要的价值,其主要贡献是:从形态角度详细描述了四邑话的各种变调,并(?)清了各个变调之间的层次关系;论述了四邑话和广州话名词词缀的异同,探讨其中的非粤语成分与其他南方方言的关系;系统展示了四邑话代词体系的独特面貌;通过对动态语境的观察,显示四邑话动词、形容词重叠式的特征;首次将粤语的语气助词分为五类,认为语气词的分析亦可借重形态分析的方法,并介绍了四邑话十种体貌及其助词;在对四邑话其他虚词的研究中也多有发现,不仅仅局限于描写与广州话的形式差异,也注重其间的用法差异;四邑话的语序和句式尽管与广州话大同小异,但透过这种“小异”,往往可发掘出许多深具理论价值的现象。本文的突出特点是,通过共时描写和历时研究的结合,确立四邑话语法的立体特征,较清楚地显现四邑话与其他方言(尤其是广州话)的关系。

【Abstract】 As a subdialect of the Yue dialect, the Siyi dialect is mainly spoken in the most areas of four cities (Taishan, Kaiping, Xinhui and Enping) in the southwestern part of Guangdong Province of China. It shows many special features compared with Cantonese, the representative dialect of the Yue dialect. With a pioneering method of research and analysis, this dissertation presents an overall grammatical description of this dialect in 12 chapters, including an in-depth discussion of all sorts of tone changes in the Siyi dialect from the angle of morphology, full explanations of parts of speech (specially function words), and clear comparison of the main differences between Siyi and Cantonese in both word order and syntactic patterns. At a word, it is the valuing work of this dissertation that establishes a three-dimensional system of the grammar of the Siyi dialect through a method combining synchronic investigation and diachronic research.

【关键词】 粤语四邑话语法形态词法句法
【Key words】 the Yue dialectthe Siyi dialectgrammarmorphologyword formationsyntax
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期

