

An Exploration of Instructional Design on Problem System

【作者】 朱德全

【导师】 张诗亚;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2002, 博士


【摘要】 在数学现实教学实践活动中,诸多教师特别重视数学的逻辑运演形式,关注学生课堂上数学知识的系统消化。重有限知识的“学会”,轻无限知识的“会学”;重单向独白的“传授式教学”,轻双向对话的“探究式教学”;重间接书本知识系统中的“学数学”,轻直接生活领域中的“做数学”。基于此,国家基础教育数学新课程标准的目标与理念都指向于“以人为本”的发展性教学设计思想,主张问题式教学与探究性学习的教学互动理念,让学生“在游泳中学会游泳”,“在数学问题解决活动中学会数学”。这便是本课题提出的现实背景。 在教学设计的理论研究中,诸多研究者侧重于教师“教程”的设计,即从哲学认识论的角度对教学过程的规律、原则、方法与结构进行演绎性描述,并从伦理学的角度对教师教学行为进行规范性界定或形式约束,却忽视了对学生的发展程式即“学程”的教学设计。学生学习上的变化发展以问题解决为土壤,通过有效问题的有效解决,学生的认知与非认知将会由此得以提升,因此,教学设计应是人的发展的“学程式”设计,人的发展的“学程式”设计又归结于“基于问题解决学习”的教学设计。由此,教育心理学家和学科专家对问题解决进行了程式上的解析和方法上的归结,但教育心理学家更多侧重于问题解决中个体心理表征的分析,学科专家侧重于问题解决中解题策略的探析。前者缺乏外在效度,不易推广到教学情境中,后者缺乏内在效度,一味盲目解题,未关注人的发展需求,无以达到“诊断”与“处方”的教学功效。 在本课题的理论与实践研究中,笔者试图从教学原理与教学心理的角度出发,触及科学教育哲学的范畴,建立在“建构主义学习观”、“拟经验化数学教学观”、系统科学以及多元智慧理论基础之上,取向于国家基础教育数学新课程改革的现实背景,去探究教学中问题情境的设计、问题系统的设计、问题系统解决程式的设计以及基于问题解决学习的教学组织设计。具体研究视角表现为,依从学生认知发展变化律去线性设计教学环节和程式,非线性设计促成人的全面发展的多元教学目标;根植学生全面发展的问题探究式解决土壤,以有效数学问题系统去诊断学生问题,以有效问题系统的解决去开示教学行为与学习行为的处方:以问题解决作为显性课程的角度,去构建数学教学中问题解诀的认知变化过程与教学问题诊断过程的同构关系;着手于人的全面发展的内核要素,着眼于人的全面发展的多元目标,处方教学设计的本意在于达成牵一发而动全身的功效。 0 本课题研究的技术路线为:以思想方法为理论基础;以实验调查为举证依据;以原理归结为研究用意。基于问题是数学的心脏,问题是教学的心脏的问题式教学设计 乌的思想与方法作先导,在中小学微型教学实验研究与个案诊断性调查研究基础之上,本课题比较明显地归结出数学问题系统处方教学设计的基本原理一促成人的发展的教学设计原理。教育是人的教育,教育原理是人的发展的有效教育设计的原理。人的发展是一个由输入与输出变量诀定开放程度的自组织系统。教学设计则指向于对该自组织系统的整体优化与完善,促成教学系统对人的发展系统的普适与整体改进,使人在教学中的发展既朝向一般能力方向和谐发展,又有所侧重地朝向特殊能力方向发展,绝非朝向单一学科发展方向的畸型发展。 基于问题系统教学设计的思想方法,在微型教学实验与个案诊断性调查研究中,本课题归结出了数学处方教学设计的基本原理:数学教学系统是一个影响困素多维、信息资源丰富与发展目标多元的开放性系统,由此演绎出教学系统设计的“目标多元化原理”;数学教学系统是一个信息及时流通并能及时回流的双向通讯系统,由此演绎出教学系统设计的“双适应双发展性原理”;数学教学系统是一个逻辑耦联与整合 一并指向于人的发展的主客体互动系统,由此演绎出教学过程中主体客体化与客体主体化的主体性转换原理即教学发展的“双赢互惠性原理”:数学教学系统是一个一直追 必求有序但又永远处于无序状态的自组织系统,由此演绎出教学系统设计的“自组织有序化原理”:数学教学系统是一个教学与评价之间能互动与调整,并不断追求与达到理想化状态的变化发展系统,由此演绎出教学系统设计的“问题指向性评价原理”。

【Abstract】 In mathematical teaching practice, a great many teachers particularly emphasize the logical operational and deductive form of mathematical and pay close attention to students’ system digestion of mathematical knowledge in class. Teachers pay more attention to " You can master after you learn" of limited knowledge, but less attention to "You are able to learn" of unlimited knowledge; they pay more attention to "Passing-on Teaching" of individual monologue but less attention to "Exploration and Inquiry Teaching" of two-way dialogue. They pay attention to "Learn Mathematics" indirectly from knowledge system of book, but less attention to "Deal with Mathematics" directly from life. Therefore, both goal and principle of national primary education on new mathematical curricular standard aim at developing Instructional design thought of which is "based on human in nature". This design thought declares interactive teaching principle which problem teaching and exploration and inquiry teaching are included. And this design thought lets students "Learn to swim in swimming practice", and "Learn mathematics in activity of mathematical problem solving", which is the real background where the discussion is raised.In the course of theoretical research of Instructional design, many researches lay particular emphasis on the design of teachers’ "Teaching Course". That is to say , they deductively describe principle, method and structure of teaching process from the angle of philosophical theory of knowledge, and furthermore they make standard judgment on teachers’ teaching behaviors or restrict the teaching from the angle of ethics instead of paying attention to Instructional design of students’ developing formula which can be called "Learning Course". Students’ development on study is based on problem solving, and cognition as well as non-cognition will be elevated by the means of solving problem effectively, so Instructional design should be "Learning Course" of design of human development, which is summed up Instructional design of "Basing on learning from problem solving". Because of these reasons, educational psychologists and subject experts analyze the formula, and sum up the method on problem solving. Unfortunately,educational psychologists lay more particular emphasis on the analysis of individual psychological explanation in problem solving; and subject experts, on the other hand, pay more attention to investigation of problem solving strategy. The former lacks external validity, which is difficult to popularize in teaching circumstances, and the latter lacks internal validity, which pay blind attention to problem solving instead of concerning about the demand of human development. As a result, it can’t reach the teaching efficiency of "Diagnosis" and "Prescription".In the discussion research of theory and practice, on the basis of "the conception of Constructivism Learning", "the conception of Quasi-empirical Mathematical Teaching", Systematical Science and the theory of Multiple Intelligences, I touch the categories of science educational philosophy from the angle of educational principle and educational psychology to investigate the design of problem circumstances, problem system, problem system solving formula and organizational Instructional design of learning based on problem solving in order to adapt and conform real background of national primary education on new mathematical curricular reform. The concrete research angle can be shown like this: Linearly design teaching segment and formula according to cognitive developing regular pattern of students, making nonlinearly design accelerate poly-teaching goal of human’s full-scale development. Use effective mathematical problem system exploration of students’ full-scale development, and use the solution of effective problem system to make a prescription for teaching and learning behavior. Build up relationship between cognitive developing process of problem solving in mathematical teaching and d’.agnostic process of teaching problem, taking problem so

【关键词】 数学问题系统处方教学设计原理
【Key words】 mathematicsproblem systemprescriptionInstructional designprinciple
  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】5086

