

Research and Application of the Theory and Key Technologies of Advanced Project Management

【作者】 高绍新

【导师】 纪卓尚; 林焰;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 船舶与海洋结构物设计制造, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 本文对先进项目管理技术的理论方法和关键技术及其应用进行了探讨。 首先分析了传统项目管理理论方法和关键技术的局限性以及先进项目管理理论产生的背景,指出研究先进项目管理理论方法的必要性;同时论述了目前船舶管理的现状和项目管理对船舶行业的适用性。 本文对项目管理中的关键技术一网络计划评审技术(PERT)进行了深入的研究。通过引入灰色系统理论中的灰色预测、灰色评估和灰色嵌套技术到PERT中来,首次提出Grey-PERT方法,既解决了进度计划中返工回路的计算问题,又增加了进度计划的准确性和适用性。并通过船舶项目大节点进度计划为例,详细分析了Grey-PERT方法的计算过程、应用效果和优越性。 本文在传统项目管理理论方法(PM)的基础上,有效的集成了企业资源计划(ERP)、业务流程重组(BPR)、电子商务(EC)、供应链管理(SCM)、伙伴关系管理(ARM)等先进管理模式和信息技术,首次提出集成化的先进项目管理的理论体系框架。这是对传统项目管理理论方法适应新时代、新技术的有意义的补充。 同时在集成化的先进项目管理理论体系框架中,首次提出承包商关系管理模式,是对传统项目管理理论模式的发展。指出承包商关系管理是伙伴关系管理的重要组成部分,业务外包是21世纪灵捷制造模式企业间业务关系的主要运作形式之一。在详细分析承包商关系管理的功能、特点、重要性和关键技术之后,结合信息项目外包例子,详细的论述了承包商关系管理中的业务外包管理关键技术,并对其在船舶行业的应用改造方法予以讨论。 在行业应用方面,本文首次把项目管理理论系统引入船舶工程项目中来,拓展了项目管理理论的应用领域。针对船舶项目的特点,首次提出先进船舶项目管理系统模型,成为实施先进船舶管理的理论基础。并详细论述了实施本系统的总体设计框架,包括系统的实施方针、体系结构、功能设计及其关键技术。指出并详细论述了实施本系统部分功能的主要关键技术,即:灵捷船舶项目组的构建模式研究,船舶项目管理和企业资源计划集成模式研究、船舶项目一体化计划管理技术研究及其信息系统开发,以及灵捷船舶项目供应链管理技术研究。最后针对船舶项目的实际情况,建立船舶供应链承包商选择、评价体系,改进了船舶产品承包商选择方法和流程。

【Abstract】 The overall aim of this study is to investigate the theories, methodologies, related important technologies and their applications in advanced project management.In the introducing part, Firstly, it states the limitations of the traditional theories, methods and related technologies in project management, and then it describes the background of advanced project management and the significance of doing research on the theories and methodologies of advanced project management. Finally, it illustrates the present situation of the management of shipbuilding engineering projects and the applicability of advanced project management to the shipbuilding projects.The study is an in-depth discussion to the crucial technology - Planning Evaluation and Review Technology (PERT) in project management. It is the first presentation of new calculation method - Grey-PERT by applying Grey Forecasting, Grey Evaluation, and Grey Nesting from the theory of Grey System into PERT. The method not only solves the problem of how to calculate the re-do duration in project processing or scheduling, but also increases the accuracy and applicability of scheduling and planning in a project. The calculating procedure, efficiency and advantages of this Grey-PERT are examined in details by giving an example in shipbuilding project planning.Based on the traditional theory and methods in project management, the study is the first one to bring forward a new theoretical framework in project management (PM)-- Advanced Project Management Body of Knowledge (APMBOK). It has integrated the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Business Process Reengineering (BPR), Electronic Commerce (EC), Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the APMBOK. The new method may strengthen significantly the traditional project management in the process of modernization in the era of new information and technologies.In the theoretical framework of APMBOK, for the first one, the study pointed out that Contractor Relationship Management is a complement to the traditional model of project management. Also, Contractor Relationship Management is the important component of Associate Relationship Management, and Project Outsourcing is the most important business operational form among those enterprises that are making flexible engineering models in the 21st century. After the in-depth discussion on the function, characteristics, and key technologies of Contractor Relationship Management, the study presents a practical example on how to manage an outsourcing software project.In the application of APMBOK to shipbuilding engineering, still it is the first one of the kind of study in China to bring forward systematically the APMBOK theory to the field of the shipbuilding engineering projects. System Model of Advanced Shipbuilding Project Management is firstly presented, which includes practical principle, system structure frame, function model and some key technologies - Agile Ship Project Group, Integration between PM and ERP, the Whole Ship Planning Management and its Information System, and Agile Ship Supply Chain Management. At Last, the study sets up a system of the evaluation and selections contractor for ship projects Supply Chain, which improves the scientific method and process of ship product contractor selection.


