

Studies on Land Allocation for Rural Urbanization in China

【作者】 陈美球

【导师】 吴次芳;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 土壤学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 进入21世纪后,中国将经历一个城镇化进程快速推进时期。“农民对城镇化进程成本支付能力低”和“城镇化人口转移压力大”这二个基本国情决定了我国城镇化进程不可能完全走高成本、高水平、高质量的发展模式,更应考虑低成本、循序渐进的发展方式。发展小城镇,促进农村城镇化进程是我国在“十五”规划中,实施缄镇化战略的重要途径之一。土地配置在小城镇发展中占据着非常重要的地位,特别是近几年来随着小城镇户籍改革的深入,制约小城镇发展的户籍障碍逐渐得以消除,而使土地问题日益凸显,成为了阻碍小城镇发展的主要瓶颈。深入研究探讨适应我国农村城镇化进程的土地配置机制,已是一个迫在眉睫的课题。 本研究以大量的实地调研为基础,在系统地分析浙江省的孝丰镇、白泉镇、陈屿镇和杨汛桥镇,吉林省的范家屯镇、合隆镇、兴隆山镇和合心镇,安徽省的荻港镇、水阳镇、双墩镇和光武镇,河北省的胜芳镇、左各庄镇、上庄镇和留史镇等16个小城镇1997年至2000年的经济社会发展与用地变化的同时,结合江苏、黑龙江、江西、湖北、北京等其它省(市)的小城镇调查,归纳了我国目前小城镇用地具有土地权属的交叉性、用地结构的相对单一性、经济利益的多元性、用地对象的相对固定性、土地资产价格相对较低等特点。包括土地产权制度、土地使用制度和土地管理制度在内的土地制度不完善,造成了小城镇土地配置机制的残缺,导致了小城镇诸多不合理用地现象,突出表现在以下五个方面:一是用地粗放,土地利用效率低。在调查的16个小城镇中,2000年城镇人均用地平均为154.79平方米,远远超过了城镇人均用地100平方米的国家标准。二是大量耕地被占。低成本的小城镇用地扩张,使大量耕地被占用,在新增镇区所占耕地比重,都在60%以上,个别小城镇甚至高达90%,其中60%以上为良田沃土。三是重平面扩张,轻内部挖潜。对16个小城镇1997至2000年的镇区规模扩大和镇区人口增长的对比分析,三年间小城镇建成区面积年平均增长率为21.78%,明显快于12.14%的镇区人口年平 均增长率。四是小城镇土地隐性市场大量存在。五是用地结构不合理,建筑布局凌乱。特 别是公共设施用地和绿地所占比例偏低,而居住用地偏高。 研究从土地资源配置理论和小城镇发展理论对我国集体建设用地流转的可行性和必 要进行了充分的论述,进而提出了通过建立小城镇多元化土地市场,来构建我国农村城 镇化土地配置的新机制。 多元化的小城镇土地市场,是指在土地使用权与所有权分离的基础上,既包括国有 土地使用权的有偿流转,也包括集体土地使用权的流转,在土地市场内容形式上,既有 土地使用权的出让、转让市场,也应有土地整理复垦市场。 为了保障多元化小城镇土地市场的运行,研究还提出了一系列严格的配套制度建 设:一是完善土地征用制度,营造集体土地与国有土地公平流转的环境。要明确公共目 的是行使土地征用权的唯一标准,严格土地征用程序,并逐渐实现由“征”向“购”过 渡。二是明确集体土地所有权主体。综合考虑土地配置的效益和小城镇发展要求,把农 村集体土地所有权主体定位于乡镇一级比较适宜。三是加强相关法制化建设,规范多元 化土地市场的运转。特别要在集体土地流转法人主体、对象、范围、形式、年限、价格 评估、收益分配等事项作明确规定。四是加强土地管理基础制度建设。包括土地产权登 记制度,土地评估制度,土地价格公告制度,土地信用制度,土地交易制度、土地合同 管理制度等。五是加大土地整理力度。不仅要包括镇区建设用地整理,也包括区域土地 整理和农村居民点用地整理。 最后以河北省大河镇为例,研究了小城镇土地的空间配置问题,建立了由空间扩展方 向决策、城镇用地总规模决策和城镇用地结构优化决策三部分组成的空间配置模型。 运用模糊集合变换原理,选择了地基承载力、土地农业生产力、地下水位、节约用地、 基础设施建设成本、对周边的辐射、现有基础设施、对外交通便利程度、城镇生活环境、 城镇形态等10个评价因子,建立了小城镇用地空间扩展决策模型,研究表明大河镇镇区 用地未来的空间扩展主方向应该是东面和东北面。 以经济水平、人口规模、资源条件为影响因素,国内生产总值、土地经济产出、人均 用地指标、土地可供应量、耕地保护率为影响因子,构建了大河镇城镇用地规模的“可 能一满意度”决策模型,通过模型运行,确定了大河镇2010年城镇用地总规模为338公 顷。 根据B-P神经网络结构的基本原理,建立了以第一、二、三产业产值,镇区常住人 口,镇域总人口为输入项,居住用地、工业用地、公共设施用地、对外交通用地、道路

【Abstract】 As China into 21 century, the urbanization has been developing rapidly. It is impossible that rapid urbanization depends on entirely the pattern of high-cost, high-level, high-quality, because of the basic situation of "low cost capacity" and "large farmer population". The rural urbanization with town development is one of the most urbanization ways in China and the land allocation plays very important roles in process of rural urbanization. However, the imperfection of land allocation mechanism has been the main obstacle for rural urbanization. Therefore, perfecting the land allocation mechanism for rural L.rb&n:zation is very important and exigent.On the basic of survey the land allocation and land use change during 1997-2000 in xiaofeng, baiqian, chenyu, yangqiao, Zhejiang province; fanjiadun, belong, xinrongshan, hexin, Jilin province; digang, shuiyang, shangdeng, gangwu, Anfei province; shengfang, zhuoguozhang, shangzhang, liusi, Hebei province, the peculiarity and problems of land use in town were analyzed. The peculiarity includes coexistence of collective land and state-owned land , comparative singleness of land use structure , multivariate of land allocation profit , comparative fixed of land user , comparative low of land price. The problems includes:1) Land extensive use and the low land use benefit. 2) Mass farmland were loss during town land expansion. 3) Looking up on expanding town land size, looking down on making full use of internal potential. 4) There are lots of "black-market" of collective land. 5) The irrationality of town construction land structure.118The feasibility and necessary of collective land transmission were demonstrated from the view of basic principle of land allocation and town development theory, and the new land allocation mechanism for rural urbanization was put up : setting up town multivariate land market with both collective land and state-owned land as the supplying resource.The multivariate land market of town includes transmission of state-owned land, and collective land as well, including land-use right transmission market and land resource readjustment market.In order to ensure the multivariate land market of town running, a series of land management systems were set up: l)Perfecting land administrative expropriation, confirming the public aim as the exclusive reason for land administrative expropriation and the process, transferring the land administrative expropriation to land purchase. 2) Affirming the proprietor of collective land. 3) Enhancing correlative law institute. 4) Enhancing basic land management system, such as land right register system, land evaluation system, land price issue system, land credit system, land trade system. 5)Increasing the land readjustment, including town construction land readjustment and rural habitation land readjustment.Lastly, the land disposition model was set up at dahe town, Hebei province, including town development direction decision, town land scale decision, town land structure optimum.Taking use of fuzzy aggregate principle, choosing ground load-bearing capacity, quality of taken up land, groundwater level, economic land use, infrastructure building cost, radiation capability, transport, life environment, town form as evaluation element, the town development direction decision model at Dahe town were set up. The appropriate town development direction of Dahe were the east, the northeast.Choosing economic development, population and resource limit as factors, the Possibility-Satisfaction model for town land scale decision was established. The Dahe town land scale in 2010 would be 338 ha. by running this model.According to the Back-Propogqtion neural net principle, the town land optimized structure model was set up. This model planned the Residential land ,Industrial land , Commercial and Public Building land, Transportation land , Street and Square land , Green Space , Public Utilities land, Warehouse land were 155. lha. , 58. 5ha., 39. 2ha. , 7.4ha. , 37. 2ha. , 27. Oha. ,

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【被引频次】54
  • 【下载频次】4612

