

【作者】 田美莲

【导师】 杨匡汉;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 中国现当代文学, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪无疑是一个中西交汇碰撞的世纪,各种文化思潮交替出演,而多元价值观念的交锋诱发着分裂。中国女性作为一种存在,在两次“世界大战”、“西方妇女运动”、“中国改革开放”与“95世妇会”等重要的历史事件的导引下,从男权传统文化中叛离出来,并由封闭、被动的集体无意识,逐渐向开放的自主状态迈进,这其中,历史作为一种文化要素,对本来就在历史中缺席的女性有潜在的制约性、遮蔽性;而现代性作为一种终极自由的追求,存在有过渡、分裂的特性,又牵引女性走出束缚,向自我本体回归。这两种因素的存在增生了彼此的抗衡、冲突,正是在这种外在力量的推动下,女性接受了女权理论的引导,在杂糅中塑造与建构自我,同时也在消解、分裂自我。于是,在文化秩序建构过程中出现了一个悖论:即建构前提本身是处于压抑性的一个层面,而建构的过程中的标准及女性觉醒含有某种不合理的成分,由此产生的极端女性立场、策略,违反合理的人性。随之而来,女性的分裂成为女性存在的表征;相应地女性分裂意识出现在20世纪晚期中国女性文学的写作中。 女性的命运到底该如何去改写,女性作家在探索,并以积极的方式记录了20世纪晚期女性的生活,而女性文学也以多样的姿式,反映了女性自己的以及整个社会的发展历史。女性文学中的分裂意识,几乎贯穿在其中。本文所指“分裂意识”,有狭义与广义之分,狭义是指女性从传统规范中向现代女性的蜕变过程中,外部世界对个体女性的需求(规约)与女性自我内在需求(自由)的张力使女性本身产生割裂、分离的意识。广义是指女性主体从自身的生命体验出发,面对现有的生存的社会文化环境,意识到女性作为人与女人存在着人的角色(社会角色与内心需要)、身份(中心与边缘)、性别(女性与非女性)、地位 (主体与从属)、价值(社会价值与自我价值)和意识形态(主流与边缘)等范畴(问题)上的分裂,并有着自我与社会、自我与他人以及自我本身产生的割裂与疏离的意识。女性分裂意识具有模糊性、多义性、动态性和双向互逆性等特性,并具有还原女性本质与提升女性个性的功能,同时是对女性自我规避情结的叛离与叩问。 本文试图就女作家文本中的分裂意识做出比较全面、细致的考察,并对与此相关的女性生存的一些问题予以探究与梳理。指出20世纪晚期中国女性的分裂意识的外因产生于中西、传统与现代的撞击中,历史与现代性都参与了女性分裂意识的形成。内因则在于女性自审,在自审过程中,女性存在有“自我肯定”与“自我否定”,即在自我优势与自身文化痼疾的彼此消长中,完成对自己的提升,并契合于社会,因此,自审是分裂的前奏与弥合中介。笔者从考究女性分裂意识的产生原由,到梳理分裂意识的衍变及表现,即女性的雄化意识、性别意识、自审意识的彼此滋生、存在与内在转化。接着透析女性分裂的心理状态,阐明女性分裂意识伴随的是一个充满矛盾与充满张力的过程,存在理性与非理性的冲突,也有着困惑与茫然,因此必然有自恋、自怨、自虐到自省的心理形态。同时阐明女性在写作过程中,存在有女性分裂的现实状态,即母性与女儿性关系的紧张,身体经验与思想的偏离,身份认同对女性立场的隐匿。在此基础上,就女作家面对分裂而通往弥合之路的可能与陷阱,以及对其所做努力与尝试做出相应的判断与推论,主旨在于提出问题与探讨出路。最后,女性写作以自审作为中介,进行弥合,从走出符号到乳汁写作,再到审美意义上的飞翔和游荡。相应总结性地指出女性文学分裂意识的文化意义:作为一种女性生命轨迹的文化载体,真实记录了女性的心理分裂衍变及表现形态。女性在自我的觉醒与拯救中必然伴随的这些经历,在女性建立自我精神个性的生存上,是一个必不可少的经验与积累。作为一种文学现象与文化事实的存在,作为裂变、增生的过程,对女性文学及女性自身发展将提供重要的借鉴。

【Abstract】 The 20th century is undoubtedly a century with conflicts between the east and west when different cultural thoughts showed their appearance one by one. This battle between different ideas of values lead to division. Chinese women, as an entity directly guided by important historical events like the WWII, western feminism movement, China’s opening to the world and ’95 World Women’s conference, freed themselves from the collective unconsciousness dominated by man towards the autonomous, open state of mind, hi this process history and tradition, as cultural elements, have hidden constraints and invisibility to women who are, from the beginning, invisible and absent in the history. At the same time, modernity, as a quest for infinite freedom, has its overworking, divisive characteristics, which guide women to get out of constraint and gain a return of their ’ego’. But the existence of these two elements adds to the fighting and conflicting of these two. Compelled by these external power, women accepted the guidance of the feminism ideas. reconstructing and building their ego in a mess and at the same time, resolving and dividing their ego. In this way, we encounter a paradox in this construction of new cultural order where the construction host itself is in a state of being compressed, while the standard and the consciousness comprise of some unreasonability which produce extreme women’s standing point, strategies and counter-reasonable humanity. All these make women’s division to be the symbol of women’s existence. Consequently, the idea of women’s division flourish in the writing of women’s literature in the late 20th century.How should the destiny of the women be described and written? Women writers have been exploring and recording the lives of women since late 20th century in an active way. Women’s literature, with its colorful implication, recorded the history of women themselves as well as the development of the whole society. The division idea in women’s literature is always a topic in this history. The division idea in this dissertation can be understood both in narrow and broad way. The first refers to the fact that in the process of changing from traditional women to modern ones, the tension by the need from the outside world and the internal need of the women themselves(the freedom) causes the cutting-apart and division. Broadly understanding, women, from their life experience of their own and in the existing living culture and social environment, realize their own role of human beings(social role and internal needs), identification(central and byside), sex(female or non-female), position(primary and affiliated), value(social and individual) and ideology(mainstream and branches) and the division among them all and also, they have thoughts of division and separation between ego and society, ego and other people and also between egos. The idea of division of the women has ambiguity, multi-implicative and are dynamic and opposite. It has function to resuscitate the women’s nature and promote women’s individuality. It’s also a fighting and question of women’s complex of self-avoidance.This dissertation tries to give a comprehensive and detailed investigation of the division idea mentioned just before. The author will also discuss the related topic of survival of the women and tries to clarify this concept. The author pointed out the external reason of late 20th century women’s division and told us that this idea was the result of the conflicting between the east andthe west, tradition and modernity and both tradition and modernity are involved in the formation of women’s division idea. The internal reason lies in the self-investigation of women themselves in which women obtain ’self-assurance" as well "self-denial" thoughts. And in battling between individual advantage and the remaining cultural diseases, women fulfill the promotion of themselves and fit well into the society. In this sense, self-investigation is the media between the prologue of division and convergence. The author star

  • 【分类号】I206.7
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】812

