

A Study of the Rural Market in China

【作者】 何家成

【导师】 刘国光; 戴圆晨;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 政治经济学, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 经济理论研究的命题来自于经济生活中的实际需要。中国经济经过二十年的改革与发展, 市场经济体制框架基本确立,市场需求成为经济发展的主导力量。经济发展与改革进入了一个新阶段。 1996年亚洲金融危机发生之后,中国经济运行遇到了一些新的困难, 出现了一些新的问题。农村市场研究是在新形势下出现的新课题。 面对新的国际国内形势,中国宏观经济政策作出了重大调整,扩大国内需求不仅成为重要的短期政策目标,而且成为长期的战略选择。开拓农村市场,启动农民需求成为扩大内需的重要途径,如何开拓农村市场成为一个新的理论关注点。由于以往的有关农村经济的理论研究,很少将农村市场作为一个独立的研究对象,也缺乏系统的研究和理论积累。因此,为了制定开拓农村市场的有效经济政策,需要将农村市场作为一个独立、完整的范畴来进行深入地探讨。 进行理论研究的前提是对研究对象的界定,明确农村市场的内涵。由于经济学界很少将农村市场作为独立的研究对象,因此缺乏明确的定义。本文结合开拓农村市场的实践,探索性地界定了农村市场的概念与内涵。农村市场不是一个地理概念,也不是产品概念,农村市场是农村人口作为一个群体,其消费与投资构成的市场需求所带来的商品交换关系的总和。农村市场是相对城市市场而言,是由农村居民购买所形成的市场。本文所研究的农村市场主要是农村商品市场而不包括要素市场。 ——本文首先从理论的角度考察了中国农村市场的形成原因。关于二元经济的基本理论指出,现代意义的农村市场是二元经济结构并存的必然2 摘要产物。通过对中国二元经济发展过程中的经济体制、发展战略和对外政策等三个特殊问题的分析;从理论上指出了中国农村市场形成的特殊冶。@ —一为了明确农村市场的内涵和决定农村市场形成的制度和发展因素,本文从历史的角度进一步考察了农村市场在古代、近代、计划经济、改革开放以来等四个时期的变化。通过考察中国古代时期商品经济的发展、农村市场和城市市场的成长过程指出,中国古代商品经济虽有一定程度的发展;但一直是自然经济占统治地位的一元经济;农业是最基本的生产部门,农村市场是古代市场的基本形态。通过分析古代农村市场的基本特征,指出了古代农村市场难以成长和壮大的制度原因。通过考察鸦片战争之后的中国农材市场,特别是;外国资本的入侵;中国现代工业的出现和成长。农村自然经济的逐步解体的过程,指出中国经济结构开始向二元经济转化。到1卯9年新中国建立前;二元结构基本形成.农村市场和城市市场之间的关系发生了本质的变化,具有了特定的涵义,反映着工业与农业、城市与农村之间的交换关系。在计划经济体制下,中国不仅没有加快二元经济的转换步伐,缩小城乡差别,反而由于一系列体制和政策原因,二元经济结构得以固化,农业劳动生产率和农民收入水平增长缓慢,农村市场明显萎缩。1978年后,农村进行了以家庭联产承包责任制为主的土地制度改革、以取消统购统销制度为主的市场取向改革,农村劳动生产率和农民收入迅速提高,农村市场也进入高速成长的阶段。农村市场的发展过程是农村市场主体重新塑造的过程,是工农产品交换关系的商品化过程。 在分析过决定农村市场形成的历史过程后,本文转入对农村市场运行机制的分析。 一本文详细地分析了形成农村市场需求的购买力基础:农村居民H元人。 本文首先考察了农村居民4ha的总量增长和结构变动。近二十年来,在农民党收入增长的同时,实物性收入下降;货利丈入份额持续增长,这标志着农村经济进一步摆脱自然经济进入市场经济,标志着农村居民的生产 摘耍3 与消费更加市场化。本文着重论述了在现行体制下的农民收入决定。通过 考察自1978年以来农村人均收入增长率的变化,分析了决定和影响农业劳 动生产率水平的主要困素;通过对农村居民收入来源的变动分析,表明农 村居民收入的增长不再仅仅依赖于农业生产而更明显地取决于非农产业的 发展,尤其和农村剩余劳动力的转移速度相关。由于非农产业尤其乡镇企 业友展水平不同;城市化的速度不同;农业专业化的程度不同,农村居民 收入存在着明显的地区性差异。 —一本文着重分析了农村市场需求 农村市场需求可主要分为消费品需求和投资品需求,农村居民的消费 支出形成农村消费品市场需求。近二十年来,农村居民的消费水平和结构 都发生了深刻的变化。 按当年价格计算,农村居民人均消费水平提高10倍以上;货和吐消费 支出总量增加了约25倍。从结构上看,恩格尔系数下降12.6个百分点;实

【Abstract】 Topics for economic theoretical studies come from the actual needs of the economic life. China’ s economy has met some new difficulties and problems after 20 years of reform and development. The rural market has become a new subject of research under the new circumstances.After 20 years reform, the framework of the market economic system has been established fundamentally and market demands have become the dominating forces of economic development. Economic development and reform have entered a new stage.Faced with new international and domestic circumstances, China’ s macro economic policies have undergone important adjustments. Demands expansion has become not only an important and short-term policy target but also a long-term strategic choice. Starting from 1998, the Central Government has attempted to stimulate investment demands and the consumption demands of urban residents with as the major means expansion of financial spending, with as the focal point expansion of investment demands and by loosening properly monetary policies, but this has achieved little success. To expand the rural market and to stimulate the consumption demands of farmers have becomeimportant ways to expand domestic demands, and how to pioneer the rural market has become a new theoretical focus. Previous theoretical studies of the rural economy seldom made the rural market an independent object for research, let alone systematic studies and theoretical accumulation. Therefore, the rural market should be discussed as an independent and complete totality in order to formulate effective economic policies to open up the rural market.The prerequisite of deepening theoretical studies is the theoretical definition of the object for research and that of the intension of the rural market. A clear-cut definition is missing in the economist circles, because the rural market was seldom treated as an independent research object. The rural market is not a geographical concept, nor a product concept and it is different by far from the intention and extension of the market of agricultural products. It means the totality of the agricultural population as a whole, the market demands made up by their consumption and investment and the relations of commodity exchange therefrom. So, to study the rural market, we must study the consumption and investment demands of the rural residents, their income, the foundation of consumption and investment demands, the supply and prices on the rural market and the commodity circulation, a bridge binding demands and supply.The paper expounds in great detail the primitive role of the rural reform and development to the growth of the rural marketThe 20 years of rural reform in China have witnessed the gradual development of the rural market. It has evolved from a scattered and unimportant supplement to the planned economy without operational regularities to a fundamental regulatory mechanism of the rural economy and a market system that is being increasingly perfected. The process of the formation and development of the rural market is a process of the remolding of the main part of the rural market, a process of the merchandization of the exchange relations between industrial and agricultural products, a process of monetarization of exchange in kind and a process promoted by both the reform and development.China’ s rural reform, proceeding with household contract responsibility system, has changed the relations between farmers and the land and reformed the ways of land management. This system legally maintains collective ownership of land, but the property right relations have gone through great changes, and in essence, it is a special form of ownership realization. Because of this change, means of production and rural laborers have been directly linked together and the dominant role of household management has been established. Farming families have become the independent body of production. Change in the ownership relations of means of production has made farmers free to dispose their own labor and

【关键词】 农村市场研究
【Key words】 RuralMarketStudy
  • 【分类号】F723.82
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1391

