

【作者】 赵明

【导师】 韩延龙; 李步云;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 法学理论, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 本文是一篇专门探究近代中国自然权利观的理论文章。它“史”“论”结合,但不以描述近代中国自然权利观演生、发展的历史行程为重,而是以“论”为主。作者力图通过两方面的努力而体现出论文的新意:一是通过对史料的梳理,构建起近代中国自然权利观的逻辑系统; 二是开掘近代中国自然权利观的传统文化资源。 就前者而言,论文以西方近代自然权利的价值观念和理论学说为参照,确立了关于近代中国自然权利观的论述框架。文章以讨论近世“人”的观念为逻辑起点(第一章),接着探讨作为“新人”之内在规定性的“权利”意识(第二章),最后落实到国家正当性理念之重构这一近代以来中国社会面临的重大政治主题之上(第三章),国家政治始终构成为人们生活的现实处境,这是自然权利说何以在根本上是一种国家学说的原由所在。 就后者而论,本文采取的是“内在视角”,主张从中国思想传统内在演进趋向的角度去理解近代中国自然权利观,视自然权利观念和学说所针对的“问题”为中国社会自行产生,是中国“固有”的,不是什么外来因素逼迫出来的。西方自然权利观念传输到中国,引起了近代中国思想家们的浓烈兴趣,这与中国思想文化发展的内在逻辑和思想基调的转换有着直接关联,是中国思想文化发展和社会变迁本身所提出的问题和要求为西方自然权利观念在中国近代产生影响提供了条件和士壤。因此,本文对中国传统文化尤其是传统儒学在近代中国自然权利观念的生成和演化历程中所起到的积极作用,也即其所提供的内在思想资源予以特别的重视。 由此,本文作者对影响深广的研究中国近代思想文化的两种理论模式,即“冲击——回应”模式和“传统——近代”(断裂)模式,均持批判立场,这两种模式都过分强调外来思想文化观念的影响,而对中国传统思想文化的复杂性和内在发展动力估计不足。受这两种模式的影响,长久以来,学界把近代中国自然权利观念和思想视为仅仅是对西方近代自然权利观念和学说的不成功的引介和模仿。本文采取“内在视角”,注意梳理中国传统政治法律文化的演进脉络,在不忽略“西学”影响的同时,也高度肯定了近代中国思想家们的创造性精神。 至于近代中国自然权利观的际遇问题,作者在论文的结尾部分作了简略的讨论,提请人们注意两点:一是近代中国社会所面临之问题的特殊性;二是与西方近代自然权利学说兴盛时期的错位。正是这两点给近代中国思想家们带来了难以化解的心灵困惑。

【Abstract】 This dissertation aims at studying ideas of natural rights of modem China. The author tries to probe into the ideas of natural rights and its development in China on the basis of explaining its history systematically . And he attempts to do it through following aspects: to explain its history in the hope of constituting the logic system of the idea of natural rights in modern China while exploring the tradional thoughts of natural rights.As far as the first aspect is concerned , the author sets up the interpretative contexture about the ideas of natural rights of modern China in reference to the western ideas. The paper begins "with the idea about "humans", and then deals with the decisive sense of rights of "new humans". On the basis , the paper concentrates on the reconstraction of the idea about the legitimacy of State, which is China’s long-tern political issue since the end of the nineteenth century.As for the other aspect, the author insists that we analyse the idea of natural rights of modern China from the developing tendency of China’s tradion of thougts . The problems that the theory of natural rights has been concentrating on are rooted intrinsically in China. Originally , the idea and theory of natural rights took place in western countries, but China’s innate tradional culture and the changes of society created space for its existence in China . Hence , he pays special attention to the inherent theoretical resources of China , which has nurtured the transplantation of western ideas of natural rights.Regrettably , up to now, China’s scholars think that the ideas and thoughts of natural rights are the mere mimicry of the western tradion . Nevertheless , the author attempts to explore the development of tradional China’s political factors and legal culture . Thus , he comes to the conclusion that the ideas of natural rights of modern China are originally western whereas China’s scholars and thinkers have also done lots of creative work during its trasplantation and development in China.Finally , the author seriously thinks of the fortune of the idea and theory of natural rights. Therefore, he would like to emphasize two points : First, China’s problems are intrinsic and very special . Second , China’s theory of natural rights has been confronted with different situations from its western counterpart.

【关键词】 自然权利正当性文化资源理念
【Key words】 natural rightslegtimacycultural resourcesidea
  • 【分类号】D909.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1010

