

【作者】 朴希璥

【导师】 高学敏;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中药学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 1.目的 人参在中韩两国临床应用有着悠久的历史,在漫长的历史过程中,两国医药工作者不断地探索,不断交流,促进了对人参系统研究的发展,时至今日人参在两国的医疗、康复、预防、保健事业中都占有重要的位置,并均已形成医药行业中支柱产业,但目前尚缺乏对两国人参研究与应用的系统比较,故为中韩两国有关人参研究工作者提供完整系统的人参研究对比资料,为深入开展研究工作提供一定的文献依据,同时为开展中韩之间进行人参研究的学术交流活动作出有意义的尝试,促进交流,通过中韩两国人参系统研究比较,力求两国在人参研究与应用过程中各自的优势和不足,如何取长补短,优势互补,互相学习,互相借鉴,必将对促进两国人参研究产生积极的影响。 2.方法 中韩两国历代史料、本草及医学文献中对人参的基源、栽培、炮制、性味、功效、应用、制剂都有相近的文字记载。近20年人参研究进入了空前的发展阶段,有关人参的物种基源、栽培研究、炮制方法、制剂工艺、化学成分、现代药理学研究、毒理研究、临床应用研究及有关人参行业管理研究等大量的文献资料。检索收集近十年的中韩两国有关人参研究的文献为主、期刊杂志及历代文献资料共六千余篇,进行多方面的对比分析。 3.结果 3.1.人参药用广泛,历史悠久,由于产地、形态、色泽、生长环境、炮制加工、产地及作为贡品和贸易品的不同,中韩两国形成人参众多名称。人参经长期临床应用探索,对其功效,主治逐渐深化拓宽,中国方面累积丰富的经验,影响了周边国家。16世纪韩国始有明确的记载,人参作为贡品及商品交流,中国人参药源供应除自产的辽参外,朝鲜人参贡品及贸易商品给予极大的补充。以上中韩两国史料及本草书的记载可见自公元二世纪以来,人参已成为中韩两国主要交易商品之一,以外交贡品,或以两国贸易商品的形式,在政治、经济、文化及外交交流方面均扮演重要的角色。在中韩两国关系中可谓源远流长,上党参、辽参、高丽参延传不已,为人参的临床应用提供了药源保证。 3.2.中韩两国人参栽培技术及管理研究的比较中,对中韩两国人参栽培进行了历史的回顾,从合理使用添加剂改善人参栽培环境,如何改善人参生长发育,两国人参生产管理方法、栽培技术、病虫害防法、品种改良等,进行了多方位的比较,可以充分看到各有所长,值得互相借鉴。然人参做为特殊商品,在实施法制管理,规范市场行为,改进栽培技术,改良人参品种方面韩国有较大的优势。中国必须从全面提高人参栽培技术,改良品种方面做出努力,加强市场管理,迅速从市场无竞争力,价值扭曲的困境中走出来,早日使中国人参市场经济,尽快迈上一个新的台阶。 中文摘要5 3.3.中国学者在化学成分研究方面比较深入全面。运用各种新技术进行人参的各个部位 如根、茎、叶、花、果、种子等多种成分进行了系统分析研究如皂昔类、挥发油类、多糖类、 氨基酸和多肽类及其他成分等,并发现了许多新成分。还进行了一些构效关系的探讨。此外, 还应用遗传工程技术化学合成人参多肽基因也进行了研究。同时也结合各成忖量分析对提 取工艺,不同加工产品进行了比较研究。而韩国学者对化学成分的基础研究较少,侧重于结 躺取工艺,生物活性等方面,对人参皂替类、挥发油类、多糖类进行了成分分析及含量测 定工作. 3.4.通过中韩两国学者对人参药理学研究的比较分析,不难看出两国学者都作了大量工 作,而中国更为广泛和深入,尤其对心血管系统、中枢神经系统、内分泌系统、物质代谢系 统等方面的作用的研究工作尤为细致和深入;而韩国在免疫系统和“适应原”作用研究比较 突出。究其原因,这是与人参在中国有着广泛的临床应用基础,在医疗、保健、康复等诸多 领域发挥着重要的作用有关,因而促进了药理学研究的深入开展,以为其提供了科学依据; 而韩国由于有关法律的限制,人参多局限于保健用药,因此对于提高免疫、增加机体适应原 作用较为深入。 3.5.从临床研究资料表明,由于近代中国重视传统中医学的继承与发扬工作,注重中西 医结合,推行中西医并重的方针,饿统名贵药物人参的临床研究取得长足进步,临床资 料规范可信,涉猎病种宽泛,包括抗休克、心血管系统、代谢系统、内分泌系统、血液系 统、呼吸系统、肿瘤、消化系统、神经系统等9个方面,尤其在抗休克和。〔血管系统方面 的研究比较深入,取得的经验十分可贵,为人类科学合理使用人参,做出了有益的贡献。 韩国是高丽人参的故乡,人参的临床应用也有着丰富的经验,然而由于体制及医政法 的限制,目前广大传统汉医有关人参的临床资料多个多属个案,用药经验报导、临床资料 欠规范,与以西医为主的临床研究工作比较,翔实可靠,但投入力量较少,使用范围较窄, 仅涉猎中枢神经系统、心血管系统、肿?

【Abstract】 l.Background and PurposeGinseng has a long history of clinical use in both China and Korea. In this long historical process, medical and pharmaceutical workforce continuously give in great efforts towards researching and exchanging of ideas, therefore, increased the development of a systematic research of Ginseng. As of now, Ginseng plays an important role in both countries’ medical, rehabilitation, prevention, health protection. Ginseng has become the backbone of medical and pharmaceutical industry. However, there still lack a systematic comparison of China and Korea’s Ginseng in research and in practical use. The goal is to discover the use of Ginseng and its advantages and disadvantages through the comparison of Ginseng in China and Korea, and to provide a full, systematic comparison of Ginseng for researcher researching in the field in China and Korea, as well as to provide an amount of bibliographical background for further researches, moreover, to try to do something useful for opening up the academic exchange between China and Korea and increase communication. Also, through systematic comparison of Ginseng, try to make up for both country’s weakness, exchange useful information, learn from each other. This surely will increase the research of Ginseng in bom country in a optimistic way.2.MethodChina and Korea’s generations of historical documents on "The Book of Ben Chao" and medical documents about Ginseng’s roots, cultivation, processing, nature, effects, practical use, preparation all have related documentary. In the last 20 years, research about Ginseng lias reached a golden era. Ginseng’s breed origin, cultivation studies, manufacturing method, preparation skills, chemical compound, modern pharmacology studies, toxicology research, clinical use and Ginseng related industry management research. Look up and collected the past 10 years documents, magazines about the research of Ginseng in China and Korea around six thousand documents and compare them roundly.3.Resuh3.1. Ginseng as a medicine has been used widely and with a long history. Because of its origin, texture, color, cultivation environment, manufacture processing, origin and used as a tribute or commercial goods, Ginseng has taken many other names in China and Korea. The effect and main treatment of Ginseng through long terms of clinical use and discoveries has been slowly revealed and derived. China’s rich experiences greatly affected neighboring countries. Starting fromSixteenth Century, Koreas has clear records of Ginseng used as gift or commercial goods. Chinese Ginseng other than its own Liao Shen, has been provided mostly from Korea’s gifts and trade goods. From China and Korea’s history records and "The Book of Beng Chao", one can see that Ginseng has become the main trade goods between China and Korea starting from 200 A.D. Ginseng played a major part in the area of politics, economics, or cultural for it is used as foreign gifts or as trades goods between the two countries. Therefore, Shang Dang Shen, Liao Shen, and Korean Ginseng can say to have a long history between China and Korea, as well as providing practical use and a source of medicine for the two countries.3.2.The comparison of Ginseng’s cultivation technology and management research between China and Korea made a historical look back for the two countries’ way of planting Ginseng. Comparisons was made starting from legally adding preservative in order to improve the plantation environment of Ginseng, how to improve Ginseng’s growth, two countries’ way of producing and managing, plantation skills, pests prevention, and improving Ginseng species. The result was that both countries has its advantages and weaknesses. Yet Ginseng is a special merchandise, so Korea has the bigger advantage when it comes to laws enforcing Ginseng management, an organized market, and an improved plantation skill and species of Ginseng. China needs to roundly improve Ginseng’s cultivation skills and improving Ginseng’s breed. As well as to improve market management, so as to quick

【关键词】 人参栽培炮制化学药理临床毒理商品学
【Key words】 GinsengCultureProcessChemistryPharmacologyClinicToxicitionThe study of Ginseng merchandise

