

【作者】 王中汝

【导师】 江流;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 本文以马克思主义为指导,以农村政治发展为基本脉络,结合经验分析等研究方法,全面分析了20世纪90年代以来乡镇政权运转中存在的问题,并在乡镇政权改革实践经验的基础上,系统地提出了解决乡镇政权改革的一系列措施。全文由导言和五章正文组成。导言主要提出了本文要研究的问题——乡镇政权在运转中存在的问题,并提出了研究乡镇问题的基本视角——农村政治发展。以政治发展的视角研究乡镇政权运转中存在的问题,意味着基层政权的历史变迁将成为本文的逻辑起点,乡镇政权的行为、功能、结构将成为本文的基本研究框架,乡镇政权的权力和农村居民的权利将成为本文研究的主要内容。换言之,本文是从政治发展的视野中研究乡镇政权的。第一章简要回顾了中国农村基层政权的历史变迁,重点分析了基层政权的设置、运转和利弊得失。分析表明,无论是封建时代还是民国时代,以基层政权为核心的农村治理体制都存在着不可克服的弊端,主要是农村特权阶层借助专制的基层政治权力对农民进行压榨和盘剥,其直接后果是从社会底层动摇并埋葬了一个又一个中央政权——在封建时代表现为王朝治乱循环,在近代表现为民国政府在中国大陆的失败。与此形成鲜明对比的是,在革命根据地,中国共产党改造了基层政权运行的基本原则,初步建立了民主政治这一崭新的利益关联机制——主要是自下而上发动普通群众参与到基层政权的运行中去,从而争取到农民的衷心拥护,赢得了革命战争的伟大胜利。同样是中国共产党的领导,人民公社的设置和运行却是不成功的。正反两方面的历史经验和教训,都值得我们借鉴。第二章首先回顾了改革开放以来乡镇基层政权建设所取得的成就,主要是基层政权与社会之间的权力分离和基层政权自身的结构分化,这也是新时期农村政治发展的主要内容。由于中国农村正处在深刻的社会转型和快速的现代化进程之中,一系列转型时期特有的问题便暴露了出来,表现在乡镇政权的运转上,本文将其归纳为四个方面:乡镇政权的违法行政行为;乡镇干部的腐败行为;乡镇政权社会控制功能弱化;乡镇政权经济功能上的偏差。其中,有些问题明显带有历史的烙印,如乡镇干部(基层政治权力的拥有者、行使者)的腐败问题;有些问题是新时期政治发展中遇到的新问题,如乡镇政权违法干涉村民自治的问题。特别应该注意的是,这些问题所导致的政治后果,不仅是乡镇政权的“离土”、“离农”倾向和相应的合法性危机,而且在一定条件下,会演变为党在农村执政的危机和整个农村社会主义建设的危机。第三章重点分析了乡镇政权诸问题产生的原因。本文认为,乡镇政权(以及乡镇干部)之所以在治理行为、功能履行上产生严重问题,主要原因有以下方面:首先,中央偏向城市和工业的政策,是乡镇诸问题产生的宏观政策背景;其次,乡村之间、县乡之间以及乡镇政权内部权力关系失衡,权力结构分化不充分所导致的不稳定,是乡镇诸问题产生的体制根源;<WP=4>第三,现行乡镇干部政治激励机制缺乏科学性,是乡镇诸问题产生的机制根源;第四,以家族文化为核心的农村非正式制度的消极影响,是乡镇诸问题产生的文化根源。乡镇政权运转中存在的问题是多样性的,问题产生的原因是综合性的,需要进行配套性的综合改革加以解决。第四章探讨了乡镇政权的行政改革措施。乡镇行政改革的目的,是根据责权一致的原则解决乡镇政权的效率问题。第一,坚持完善和推进农村税费改革和乡镇政务公开制度,规范乡镇政权的权力行为和权力过程,为乡镇政权依法行政奠定微观制度基础。第二,改革县乡行政管理体制,在县乡之间实行法律化分权,彻底废止现行的“条”“块”管理体制,增强乡镇政权的行政协调能力。第三,最根本的是科学界定乡镇政权经济功能,以及根据功能合理设置乡镇机构。通过上述措施,巩固乡镇政权的基层政权地位,提高乡镇政权的行政效率。第五章探讨了乡镇政权的政治改革问题。乡镇政治改革的基本目标,是巩固乡镇政权的合法性,巩固中国共产党的领导地位。本文认为,由基层政权的特点所决定,乡镇政治改革的重点是乡镇选举制度的创新,特别是乡镇长选举制度的创新。通过乡镇选举制度改革,规范乡镇政权与农村居民之间的权力与权利关系,理顺乡镇党委、人大、政府之间的权力关系,建立既能够保障农民的民主权利、又能够规范乡镇政权的施政权力的民主政治新体制。

【Abstract】 Under the direction of the political standpoints of Marxism, this dissertation, mainly basedon the qualitative and quantitative analysis, makes a comprehensive study on the problemsoriginated from the operation of Chinese township regime, and tries to systematically provideseries of measures to resolve the problems on the basis of summation of former successfulpractices.The entire dissertation is made up of one Introduction and five Chapters.The dissertation concentrates on the operation of the township regime and it tries to findsome resolutions to the problems from them at the angle of view of rural political development.To study the operation of the township regime at this angle means that the historical varianceof the grass-roots regime will be the dissertation’s logical starting point, the township regime’sbehavior, function and structure will be the dissertation’s framework, and the power of thetownship regime and the political rights of rural residents will be the dissertation’s principalcontents. In other words, the study of the dissertation belongs to the fields of politicaldevelopment. The Introduction puts forward the above points in the beginning.In Chapter One, the dissertation looks back the historical variance of the grass-rootsregime in rural China, whose emphasis lies in the analysis of the basic regime’s foundation,operation, merits and demerits. In feudal society or the era of the Republic of China, ruralgovernmental systems whose core was grass-roots regime had a common insurmountablemalady, when rural privileged stratum took advantage of grass-roots political power to oppressand exploit peasants, and the perturbation from the malady directly caused the circle of risingand falling of feudal dynasties and the failure of the Republic of China in the mainland ofChina. Sharply contrasted with the above-mentioned, the Communist Party of China (CPC)rebuilt the democratic principles of the grass-roots regime in the base area, and won the greatvictory of the revolutionary war with the support of peasants. However, as a groping form ofpolitical power at the grass-roots level in rural area of socialist China, the People’s Communepracticed to be a failure. Lessons should be drawn from the historical variance.In the second chapter, the dissertation summarizes the remarkable achievements about theconstruction of the Township power since 1978, which are mainly the power separationbetween the basic regime and the rural society and the differentiation within the structure ofthe basic regime and the two aspects’ achievements are also the main contents of Chinese ruralpolitical development in the new period. Since Chinese rural area is in the course of profoundsocial transformation and modernization, series of proper problems have come into being inthe operation of the township power, including the following four aspects of the basic regime’sillegal administrative activities, its cadres’ grave corruption, the weakening of its social controlability and the deviation of its economic function. Some of these problems have obvioushistorical marks such as the cadres’ corruption (The cadres are the owners and theadministrators of the township political power.), and others, such as illegal administrativeactivities, are new problems met in the current course of rural political development. Whatspecial attention should be paid to is thai the political consequences caused by these problems<WP=6>are not only the basic regime’s tendencies of the Deviation From the Land and the DeviationFrom the Peasants and their proper legal crisis, but also the crisis of the CPC’s government inrural areas and the crisis of the whole socialist construction after a period of evolvement incertain conditions.The main task of Chapter Three is to illustrate the causes to the above-mentionedproblems. The dissertation has enumerated four main factors that have influenced the basicregime’s administrati

  • 【分类号】D422.6
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1304

