

Study of Chinese Forestry Industry Administrative System

【作者】 张美华

【导师】 叶谦吉;

【作者基本信息】 西南农业大学 , 农业经济管理学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 我国林业发展历史表现出的波浪式破坏现象,其实是原有林业管理体制的必然结果。历史教训集中表现为经营思想上的失误,也可以归结为林业管理的激励与约束机制的不健全。而我国一些林业突出问题的根源就在于林业管理体制的不完善。 生态文明时代的到来、中国加入世贸的背景之下,林业建设面临更重要的任务,也面临前所未有的发展机遇。林业正面临由计划经济体制向市场经济体制转变,社会对林业的需求发生了变化,发展林业的目的变了,目标变了,林业的观点必须改变。在这一转变过程中,要真正能从林业的实际出发,推进各项林业改革,以改革推动林业发展,必须敢于适时地提出符合自身规律的办法和措施,并且有一支强有力的队伍去实施。 一、本文提出我国可以而且应该采用政企分离的林业管理体制的理由 (一)我国林业现存问题的根源在于过去林业管理体制的弊端 政企合一的林业管理体制下,单一行政划拨方式,形成了森林产权运行上的模糊性、随意性和短时性。任何经营者无须关心资产运行的风险和责任。这种高度垄断和统一的运行机制必然在实际运行中发生变形和失真,造成资产产权界定上的模糊性、不规范性和随意性。与此同时,森林的非资产化经营,客观上使人们视森林为无价之物,又加剧了产权界定和划拨上的随意性,诱发了实际存在的产权利益矛盾。而森林产权界定上的模糊性和行政权力界入市场经济的客观存在,更使这种纠葛和矛盾火上加油,急剧转化为森林环境的剧烈动荡,转化为人类与森林和谐关系的全面破坏,加速森林资源系统的衰变,这一辩证法己为我国森林资源的几次大破坏得到证明。 我国林业管理体制问题的表现在:1,目标定位不明确也不准确:政府管理机构职能混乱,致使政府部门自身卷入一些具体的营造林工作当中,置身其中当然也就无法承担起宏观的职能,无法真正实现市场经济社会的市场配置资源的基础性作用,各种社会机构、企业和个人也无法得到政府应该提供的相应的服务;2,管理机制以权力机制为主,难以适应市场经济发展需要;3,国民经济核算体系存在缺陷,影响宏观管理效能的发挥;4,管理体制改革的配套与协调问题;5,建立与完善各项制度中的问题。 (二)本文提出采用政企分离的林业管理体制的理由 1,有利于调动林业建设主体的主动性、积极性和创造性 如果政府部门既要管理又要进行具体的营造林工作,结果就是失职。对林业建设中的具体营造林工作,应通过市场竞争机制交由中介机构和企业来做,在市场的利益机制的作用下,市场这只“看不见的手”会发挥其神奇的功能,从而真正从体制上理顺林业建设工作。所以本文提出,只有真正彻底地改变原来的林业管理体制,才能跳出林业资源破坏和林业管理体制落后之间的被动循环圈。 2,有利于林业管理机构的职能转变 由于实行政企合一的林业管理体制,本应该交给企业、市场和社会中介组织办的事情,政府亲自在操作,这方面政府的工作效率不如其他机构,因此造成林业建设效果不佳;同时由于精力分散,政府就不可能顺利完成只有政府才能承担的职能。而林业企业以及本来就不多的社会中介组织大部分成为政府机构的附属机构,并没有实现各类组织形式的分开,因而各种组织的功能也没法发挥出来。“政企分离”管理体制有利于解决林业管理政府机构职能的这些越位、错位、和缺位问题。 3,有利于林业管理机制的有效发挥 政企合一的林业管理体制下,所有者的权限与法人实体的权限没有明确地分开,因此造成国有所有权与集体所有权的实施代理机制的落空,政企合一的林业管理体制下,林业建设主要由行政计划展开进行,缺乏市场竞争机制的广泛运用,滋生腐败土壤的同时也失去了竞争机制下建设好林业的动力,“政企分离”的林业管理体制有利于管理利益机制的最终实现。二、林业管理机制是林业管理体制的核心 在市场经济条件下,利益机制无疑是管理机制的主体。利益机制有宏观、中观和微观三个层次。宏观利益机制主耍有税收、财政补助和必要的价格管制;中观利益机制要求理顺投资渠道、改善投资环境,以社会融资增加林业投入,以及合理收益分配以调动各方建设林业的积极性;微观层面的利益机制则要求激活林业建设的微观主体,调动最广大群众的积极性。利益机制运用的另一个重要方面是促进林业科技创新。 权力机制是非常强有力的机制,而且是最具有权威性的机制,所以我们也要大力运用这种机制。竟争机制是一种最常运用到的机制,竟争机制的运用;主要是权力机制在保障一个公平竞争的环境下,在市场竞争中实现。- 这三种机制在实际运用过程中有重叠,相互配合运用效果会更好。管理机制其实是务“虚”的,真正要使管理机制发挥作用,还得依靠各种林业管理的“实体”组织体系——主要是林业管理机构,通过制定可以操作的林业管理制度来达成。三、林业管理机构是林业管理体制的依靠 首先应明确林业管理机构的职责:1,林业管理机构在林业发展中具有管理、监督和服务的职能:管理与协调;监督与执行;提供服?

【Abstract】 The old administration system in forestry results in the zigzag damage in the history of forestry development in China. Lessons from history embody errors of management ideas and the deformity of encouragement and restrict of administration of forestry. The deformity of the forestry administration system is the main source of some important problems in Chinese forestry.In the background of the coming times of ecological civilization, and succeeding in joining in WTO, forestry construction shoulders more important duty, and faces unprecedented opportunity to develop itself. The background of the forestry development is transiting from planned economy to market economy. The requirements of the society towards forestry are changed; the target and purpose of forestry development are changed, so the viewpoint of forestry must be changed too. During the process of transformation, all the work should base on the fact of forestry in deed, and advance each reformation to impulse the development in forestry. Therefore, the reformation of forestry must bring forward some self-reliance independent ways and methods in time, and organize a strong team to execute them.I The dissertation puts forward the reason that China can and should adopt the administration system of separating enterprises from the government (I) The existing problems ha Chinese forestry come from the defects of former forestry administration systemUnder the forestry administration system of cooperating enterprises from the government, the solid way of the fund allotment of government makes the running of the forestry property right undefined, unconfirmed, and temporary. Administers have no need to pay attention to the danger and duty of the assets operating. The high monopolizing and unified running system will change and lost its original characters in the reality. In this situation, demarcation of the assets property right will be unclear, uninformative and indefinite. At the same time, because of the non-assetizing operation, people think the forest is junk. Therefore, it make the demarcation of assets property right and the allotment of the assets are more indefinite, and it also give rise to the self-contradictory of the property right benefits which is already existed. However, the unclear demarcation of the forestry property right and objective existence that the power rules the market economy make the self-contradictory more serious. All of these result the fierce change in forest, the damage relationship between human beings and the forest, and the decline of the forest source. The dialectics is proved by many damages of our forest source.The problems, which already existed in Chinese forestry administrative system, are as the following points: 1, the aim is neither clear nor definite. The responsibility of the government institution is disorderly. Government institution joins in works of planting and constructing forests. Therefore it can’t really take its macrocosmic responsibility. All kinds of organizations, enterprises and individuals can’t get the service which government should provide. 2, the power mechanism is the main body in administrative mechanism. Itis difficult to face the need of the market economy development. 3, There are some defects in the accounting regulation of national economy, so it influences the defects of the macrocosmic administration. 4, the reform of the administrative mechanism has some problems in cooperation and coordination. 5, Rectify and perfect the problems which existed in each kind of regulation.(II) The dissertation puts forward the reason that government should adopt the forestry administration system of cooperating enterprises from the government.1, it’s good for government to exert the forestry constriction and make it more creative, more initiative and more active.If the government wants to manage and construct forestry all by itself, the result is a non-feasence. At the same time, the work of managing and constructing forestry should give to the media-organization or ent


