

【作者】 贺朝霞

【导师】 阎治才;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 全文以马克思主义的辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义作为理论分析工具,选取了从建国到现在这段时间作为论述的时空序列,把中国共产党自建国以来对资本主义问题的认识分为党对利用限制改造资本主义工商业问题的认识、党对利用资本主义建设社会主义问题的初步认识及严重失误、党对利用资本主义建设社会主义问题认识的科学化、党对资本主义和社会主义两制关系及世界资本主义的认识四大版块,在具体评述中,既有对每一认识的前提条件的抽象,有对理论内容的阐述,也有对每一认识的评价和历史反思。文章最后一部分论述了建国以来党对资本主义问题的正确认识是对马克思主义的发展,并总结了党在认识资本主义问题上的经验教训。 文章第一部分论述了中国共产党对中国资本主义的不同形态、中国民族资本主义的积极作用和消极方面以及中国社会发展的非资本主义前途的分析,指出这是党对资本主义工商业实行利用、限制、改造政策的认识前提。论述了党对如何利用资本主义工商业的积极作用、限制资本主义工商业的消极方面的认识及采取的措施,肯定了这些认识和措施的正确性。论述了党对改造资本主义工商业的必要性、可能性以及改造的道路和形式的认识及采取的实际步骤,肯定了党对资本主义工商业进行社会主义改造的伟大意义,同时指出了这个过程中党在认识上和工作上的偏差。 文章第二部分总结了从1956年到1978年十一届三中全会以前中国共产党在利用资本主义建设社会主义问题上的初步认识和严重失误。认为尽管在这一时期中国共产党提出了加强同资本主义国家经济交往并允许国内非公有制经济存在的思想,但这些宝贵思想在1957年后受到“左”倾错误冲击,并最终出现了严重失误。认识上的反复性、内容和形式的单一性,以及强烈的意识形态色彩说明党对利用资本主义建设社会主义的认识尚处于初步阶段。 文章第三部分论述了十一届三中全会以后中国共产党对利用资本主义建设社会主义问题认识的逐步科学化。解放思想、实事求是奠定了中国共产党思考一切问题的正确思想路线,社会主义初级阶段理论、市场经济理论和“三个有利于”标准的提出,标志着中国共产党对中国的国情,对社会主义与资本主义的认识出现了重大突破。在这个思Q想前提下,对外开放、鼓励非公有制经济的发展成为当代中国利用资本主义建设社会主义的现实途径。从思想前提、实践步骤再到利用资。r本主义过程中的原则界定,构成了利用资本主义建设社会主义的完整体系。 文章第四部分比较分析了从两大阵营对峙到多极化格局凸显过程中,中国共产党对社会主义与资本主义相互关系和对世界资本主义发展状况的认识。认为中国共产党的外交价值取向经历了从集团政治向国家利益的转变,对当代资本主义新变化的把握也在更高层次上对“两个必然”理论进行了深入认识,一方面正视了当代资本主义在新科技革命推动下还有很大的发展弹性,一方面又制定了通过发展生产力展现社会主义制度优越性、对抗资本主义和平演变的现实战略规划。 文章最后一部分论述了中国共产党对资本主义问题的认识对马克思主义的继承和发展,认为中国共产党对资本主义问题的正确认识发展了马克思主义关于和平赎买和国家资本主义的理论、关于利用资本主义建设社会主义的理论以及关于社会主义与资本主义“两制”关系的理论。并总结了建国以来党在认识资本主义问题上的经验教训。

【Abstract】 Taking dialectical and historical Materialism of Marxism as the basis of theoretical analysis, this dissertation chooses the period of time from the foundation of new China to now as its subject and in order of time, it divides the CPC’s understanding of how to benefit from limit and reform capitalist industries and commerce; the preliminary understanding of making use of capitalism to help build socialism and those serious mistakes; the scientific understanding about making use of capitalism to help build socialism ; the Party’s understanding about the relationship between capitalism and socialism and about world capitalism . In the process of analysis, there is abstraction of the premises for each phase of understanding, compounding the content of each phase of understanding, and also there is evaluation and rethinking of each phase .The last part expounds the Party’s correct understanding of capitalism after foundation of the state, which is the development of Marxism, and summarizes the lessons the Party has got on this problem.Part I elucidates the analysis of the Party about the ideological form of Chinese Capitalism , the native capitalism and Chinese development of society , which discloses making use of capitalist industries and commerce, illustrates the Party’s understanding about how to make full use of capitalist industries and commerce The part affirms the correct of understanding and measures. At the same time, it discloses the serious mistakes of the Party’s understanding and working.Part II summarizes the Party’s preliminary understanding about how to make use of capitalism to build socialism and the serious mistakes made from 1956 to 1978 , before the third plenary session of the 11th Party Congress .During that period of time, although the Party put forward the idea of intensifying the economic relations with capitalist countries and of allowing the existence of non-public economy domestically, these valuable ideas were lashed by the " left" radicals after 1957. The capriciousness in understanding, the monotony in form and content, and the strong color of ideology indicate that the Party’s understanding was very preliminary.Part III expounds that the understanding of the CPC about building socialism with the help of capitalism became more and more scientific dfiei the third session of the 11th Party Congress. To open the way the thinking and to seektruth from facts became the Party’s guideline in dealing with any problem. Later on the Party put forward preliminary socialism phase theory, socialism market economy theory and the standards for" three benefits", all these symbol the great breakthrough of the Party’s understanding about the conditions of the state and the relationship between capitalism and socialism. Under these conditions, it becomes a practical way to carry out the opening policy and encourage the development of non-public economy, in order to build socialism. From the ideological premises to the practice procedures, then to the clearing of principle boundaries during making use of capitalism, all these factors constitute a complete and open system.Part IV analyze the CPC’s understanding on the relationship between the socialism and the capitalism ,and the thought on the developing situation of the world capitalism during the transformation course of world pattern from the polarizing confrontation to multi-polarizing coexist The article thinks that the CPC change its diplomatic emphasis from the group politics to the country interests. The CPC’s understanding of the contemporary capitalism deepen its comprehension of the Two inexorable law". On the one hand, the CPC face up to the elasticity of the contemporary capitalism .On the second hand, the Party draw up the strategic plan , launching the socialism’s superiority and resisting peace evolution by developing productive forces.Part V expounds the Party’s understanding of capitalism .which is the development of Marxism on the theory about building socialism with the help of capitalism , the theory about peac

【关键词】 中国共产党资本主义认识
【Key words】 the CPCCapitalismUnderstanding
  • 【分类号】F129
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1306

