

【作者】 周洁

【导师】 岑可法; 袁镇福;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 工程热物理, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 在本论文的第一部分中,介绍了有关采用多波长分析方法测量碳氢燃料火焰温度的研究。在该方法中,采用SD2000型光纤光谱仪测量火焰在可见光(480-1100nm)波长范围内的火焰的辐射光谱,结合Newton-Raphson非线性迭代算法和Levenberg-Marquardt最优化算法,得到火焰温度和单色辐射率变化规律。在研究中分别采用了基于F(λ)和α(λ)的单色辐射率的表达方式并进行了对比计算。 对丁烷气体火焰及丁烷-植物油混合燃料火焰的测量结果表明,多波长分析方法优于传统的双色法,表现在两个方面:一、由于综合考虑多个波长单元上的火焰辐射信息,多波长方法的测量精度比双色法有较大的提高;二、在多波长分析方法中,采用标准卤素灯进行相对辐射强度标定,简化了双色法中的火焰绝对辐射强度的标定。 在本论文的第二部分中,介绍了采用光学波动法测量气固两相流中颗粒浓度和粒径,以及采用光学信号相关计算方法测量颗粒空间流速的研究。光学波动法结合颗粒经过光束时所产生的光透射信号强度的均值和波动值,来得到颗粒在探测区域内的平均浓度和平均粒径,同时对光波动信号进行相关计算,可以得到颗粒的空间流速,在研究中还引入了数字滤波技术对信号进行预处理,并对测量范围进行了讨论。 多处工业现场和自制两相流试验系统的测量结果表明,测量颗粒浓度和粒径的精度在10%以内,速度测量精度在8%以内,证明这种技术可以用于非球形、不透明颗粒的测量。

【Abstract】 In section 1 of this paper, a multi-wavelength analysis method is introduced to measure temperature of carbon hydrogen flame. In the study, SD2000 spectrometer is applied to obtain radiation spectrum of flame within wavelength 480-llOOnm, from which flame temperature and monochromatic emissivity are derived by Newton Raphson non-linear method and Levenberg-Marquart modeling method. The flame monochromatic emissivity is translated in form of F(/l)and a(A) respectively.Experimental results on butane and butane-plant oil flames indicated that, measurement precision by the multi-wavelength method is strengthened by taking radiation information on multiple wavelength units into consideration, and moreover, the radiation calibration procedure is simplified, in that a halogen light source is used instead of in situ flame radiation.In section 2, fluctuation and averaging analyses are carried out on optical transmission signals by particles passed through laser beams to derive particle size and concentration in measuring area, furthermore, correlation calculations are conducted on two adjacent laser beam signals to obtain flowing velocity of particle. In the study, FFT and digital filtering calculations are employed to assure measurement precision.Experimental studies from industrial systems demonstrated that, fluctuation and correlation methods can be applied on non-spherical opaque particles, the precision are are within 10% and 8% respectively.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期

