

Design Theory Research and Practices on Adjustable Linear Oil Damper for High Speed Railway Vehicles

【作者】 王文林

【导师】 冯培恩; 潘双夏;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械设计与理论, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 本文以可调式线性油压减振器为研究对象,在跟踪油压减振器国际研究前沿的基础之上,对其基础模型、优化设计理论、敏度性与参数设计等进行了一系列从元件到系统、从理论到实践的深入研究。主要涉及以下四个方面的内容: 1、可调式线性油压减振器阻尼系统的设计理论 采用动态数学模型和动态参数补偿的方法对可调式线性油压减振器的阻尼系统进行了广义优化设计建模;运用机械广义优化设计理论和平台对可调式线性油压减振器的阻尼系统进行了多目标、全性能的优化,实现了其技术性能和经济性能的综合优化设计;通过对整个油压减振器进行建模与数值分析,解决了工程上对多级拟合线性油压减振器的阻尼性能进行求解、对其动态特性进行分析的难点。 2、基于敏度分析的可调式线性油压减振器参数设计理论 研究了采用建模与敏度分析的方法,对可调式线性油压减振器有关参数进行计算和设计的理论、途径。涉及两个方面的内容:可调式线性减振器的许用磨损量研究、油温敏度与散热参数设计研究。 3、线性油压减振器与车辆垂向动力学研究 为了向高速列车线性油压减振器的参数优选提供方法,为其安装与维护等问题提供了要求与准则,本文通过建立高速列车垂向动力学仿真与轴箱油压减振器参数优选、运行分析软件系统,从系统的角度对线性油压减振器的运行与车辆垂向动力学品质的关系进行了研究。 4、软件开发与样机研制 以本文的研究成果为基础,运用机械广义优化设计平台和Matlab平台,开发了可调式线性油压减振器的CAD应用软件。使用该软件设计、开发了两种样机油压减振器,并成功完成了样机油压减振器的台架试验和装车耐久试验。

【Abstract】 From component to system and from theory to practices, This diesis has done extensive research on the fundamental models, optimal design theory -. sensitivity analysis and parameter design etc. of a kind of adjustable linear oil damper on the basis of following the international research steps of oil dampers. The research work focuses on the following four main investigations :1. Theory of Fluid System Design for Adjustable Linear Oil DamperBy use of dynamic mathematical models and dynamic-parameter-compensat ing method, the first research of this item has established the generalized optimiz--ation mathematical model of the fluid system of an adjustable linear oil damper; By use of the mechanical generalized optimization theory and platform, the first research has also made a multi-objective and overall-performance optimal design to the fluid system which gives the damper both the best damping performances and the best economic capacities;By modeling the whole damper and analyzing it by numerical method, the second research of this item has solved the problem of the damper’s dynamical damping characteristics calculation, simulation and analysis.2. Theory of Parameter Design by Means of Sensitivity Analysis for Adjustable Linear Oil DamperThis item has done research on the theory and methods to design parameters of linear oil damper by modeling and sensitivity analyzing. This item focuses on two aspects: Research on the wear allowance. Research on the temperature sensiti--vity and thermal dispersion parameters design.3. Research on the Parameter Influence Between Linear Oil Damper and Vertical Dynamics of Railway VehiclesBy developing software for simulation and analysis, this item has done research work on the parameter influence between linear oil damper and the vertical dynamics of railway vehicles. This research work has achieved some fruitson the engineering optimal damping rate choice method on the installation and maintenance guide lines etc. for the axis-box dampers.4. Software and Damper Prototypes DevelopmentBased on the research fruits of this thesis, Based on the mechanical generalized optimization platform and Matlab, a CAD software for adjustable linear oil damper has been developed. Two kind of prototype dampers have been designed and developed by use of this software , frame and endurance test results show that the dampers have gained fine damping characteristics as expected.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期

