

【作者】 周培德

【导师】 徐(钅米); 张玉山;

【作者基本信息】 中国原子能科学研究院 , 核能科学与工程, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 核电站乏燃料中超铀核素,特别是其中的少数锕系核素(Minor Actinides,简称MA),对环境具有潜在长期放射性危害性。当前世界上已积累了几百吨MA,而且以后每年还将以吨量级的速率增加。虽然我国核电发展起步较晚,但将同样面临MA不断积累的问题。快中子反应堆(简称快堆)是目前比较有效的嬗变MA的现实装置。MA可以作为快堆的燃料用于产生能量。但在快堆中消耗MA涉及到乏燃料后处理(MA的分离)、含MA燃料的制造、MA对堆芯性能的影响、MA需在快堆中多次循环等方面的问题。 原型快堆是我国发展快堆的下一个工程目标,它也是模块快堆电站的第一个模块快堆。原型模块快堆的主要任务是作为大型商用快堆的原型,验证其作为电站运行的可行性。同时模块快堆在嬗变MA等方面还应发挥作用。本论文旨在研究模块快堆嬗变压水堆核电站乏燃料中MA的一些相关问题。主要论述随着我国压水堆核电站装机容量和运行堆年的增加,乏燃料中MA总量增长趋势;模块快堆的堆芯概念设计方案;在不改变模块快堆堆芯设计的前提下,MOX燃料中添加MA和稀土核素对堆芯中子学性能的影响以及模块快堆的嬗变效率;模块快堆对减少我国MA总量的作用;模块快堆产生的最终核废物的长期放射性毒性随时间的变化等。论文通过充分调研,考虑了各种因素和限制条件,给出了模块快堆可能达到的MA嬗变率和焚毁率,在此基础上假想了我国MA的消耗趋势。本论文的主要结论:不是专门为嬗变目的设计的模块快堆的嬗变支持比为2。随着分离技术的发展以及专门用于嬗变目的的模块快堆设计成功,采用模块快堆嬗变MA的效率会极大提高。本论文所给出的数据和得出的结论对规划我国乏燃料的管理有一定的参考意义。

【Abstract】 The transuranic elements especially the minor actinides (MA) in spent fuel represent potential environmental radiotoxicity hazard in the long term. Hundreds tones of MA are already produced worldwide, and annually about a few tones of MA is added. Though China develops nuclear power since near term, it will face the same situation that the amounts of MA accumulated in the spent fuel in China is growing quickly. Fast reactor has operated successfully in some countries, which is suitable to burn MA and is effective to some degree. MA can be used for nuclear energy production as fuel for fast reactor. But to burn MA in fast reactor concern of many issues in which the first one influencing MA burning is reprocessing (particularly MA partitioning). The second is its conditioning and fuel fabrication of MA. The third is the influence to fast reactor core performance by the MA added. The fourth is the multiple recycles of MA in fast reactor and so on.China plans to design and construct the prototype fast reactor in the future not very far which also is a first module of the Modular Fast reactor Power Plant. The transmutation of MA from thermal neutron reactors using modular fast reactor is discussed in this thesis. The amounts of MA accumulated in the spent fuel are predicted according to the Nuclear Power Plant development plan envisaged in China. The modular fast reactor core conceptual design is performed. The ratio of MA added to the MOX fuel is studied. The neutronics characteristics of MA transmutation, and the transmutation and burning efficiency of the modular fast reactor are calculated. The role of the modular fast reactor to buffer the growing of MA in China and the reduction of radiotoxicity of nuclear waster via multiple recycling of MA in the modular fast reactor are calculated. Many constrains and limits are considered when designing the modular fast reactor core. The MA transmutation rate and burning rate of the modular fast reactor are realizable. Basing this transmutation capability the reduction tendency of the amounts of MA accumulated in China is predicted. The main conclusion of this thesis is that the transmutation supporting ratio of the modular fast reactor is two, which core is not special designed for transmutation. The efficiency of modular fast reactor could be raised greatly as the partitioning technology developing and the successfully designing of modular fast reactor core favorite for MA transmutation. The results and conclusions given in this thesis could be as a reference to the strategy study of the nuclear fuel cycle in the country.

  • 【分类号】TL431
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】577

