Molecular systematics of some species of Cerambycidae and the insect enemy and sterile technique of Anoplophora glabripennis
【作者】 唐桦;
【导师】 郑哲民;
【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 动物学, 2002, 博士
【摘要】 光肩星天牛Anoplophora glabripennis(Motschulsky,1853)和黄斑星天牛A.nobilis(Ganglbauef,1889)的生活习性、形态特征极为相似,总是混生在一起,有人认为是一个种,有人认为是两个种,一直存在争议。据了解,宁夏许多研究者未将这两种天牛区分研究,论文中的“光肩星天牛”实际上都包含着“黄斑星天牛”的个体,实际研究中也的确很难准确区分这两种天牛,因为时常发现既不属于光肩星天牛,也不属于黄斑星天牛的中间类型。本项研究首次利用RAPD技术和同工酶电泳技术对这一问题进行了研究。为更好地进行区分,同时对天牛科2亚科7属11种昆虫进行了RAPD研究。通过多次引物筛选试验,从33种引物中筛选出6种对多数天牛都能出带的引物(S4,S8,S22,S24,S105和S823)进行了分子系统学研究。 通过RAPD技术和酯酶同工酶电泳技术的研究,进一步证明了这两种天牛应归属为同一种的结论是正确的,并正式对光肩星天牛这个种下是否存在三个型的问题给出了肯定的答复。认为光肩星天牛和黄斑星天牛同属一种,这两种天牛应统一称为得名在先的光肩星天牛,得名在后的黄斑星天牛为其同物异名。而在光肩星天牛这一种下,可分为三个型:白斑型、黄斑型和黄白杂合型。并拍出实体照片,对这三个型进行了详细说明。 宁夏、甘肃、内蒙、河北、山西、陕西等北方地区以杨树为主的农田林网已遭到光肩星天牛的毁灭性危害,最近已波及到青海省。因而寻求彻底控制此天牛危害的办法是急待解决的问题。山楂叶螨Tetranychus viennensis(Zacher)一直严重危害着桑、果等经济林和多种蔷薇科观赏植物及花卉,常造成叶片卷曲、发黄、脱落,甚至整株死亡,致使经济林大量减产,园林花卉严重受害,损失极大;因其极易产生抗药性而使许多国内外农药研究者和厂家不断更新药剂,耗资巨大却防效不佳;因而探索无抗药性的方法也是当务之急。 本次研究,首次对光肩星天牛和山楂叶螨进行了不育剂防治法的探索,提出了一整套可行的研究方法;筛选出CSII不育剂效果最好并得出其最佳浓度,同时 基本搞清了该不育剂的毒理学,并在小面积林间应用中取得良好效果。在该天牛 和叶螨不育技术研究方面处于领先地位。 探索出了较为简便的调查天牛天敌昆虫和研究天牛生命表的可行方法,为今 后对蛀千害虫进行同类研究提供了科学依据.对宁夏地区光肩星天牛的天敌昆虫 进行了调查,然后对其中最有利用价值的一种天敌—一花绒穴甲 Pastarcus可hcf帅orojd“Oa irmaire)作了较系统的研究。这为今后作好该天牛的生物防 治打下了基础。 光肩星天牛受辐雄成虫精子活力研究表明,在适宜辐照剂量下,受辐雄成虫 具有正常的精子竞争力,这为实际应用雄性不育技术防治此天牛打下了理论基 础,一旦解决了人工大量饲养出活力正常天牛的问题,即可进行雄性不育枝术林 间应用试验。 得出了“以 CS 11不育剂 2 0倍液喷雾使用效果显著”的结论,这为防治光肩 星天牛探索出了一条有效途径。由于在不育技术应用之后,第二年即使不喷药也 会产生一定的不育天牛成虫与已经数量大减的正常天牛成虫竞争交配而产生不 育效果,困而防治效果将会维持较长时间。此方法简便易行,避免了其它防治法 费工耗时、不易大面积推广的致命弱点,将在突破天牛防治难关中起到关键作用。 得出了“以 CS 11不育剂 10 0倍液喷雾防治山检叶螨不育效果显著”的结论, 止匕法简便易行、不易产生抗药性,可避免化学防治极易产生杭药性的问题,困而 将在大面积防治此叶螨中起到重要作用。 CS 11不育剂的毒理学研究表明,该不育剂为中等毒性,对人、畜较安全。可 在防护林、非食用经济林中采用该不育剂喷雾使用。这对在防护林、非食用经济 林中大面积应用此不育剂,以克服其它防治法难以大面积推广的问题,有着重要 意义。 CS 11对家蚕的安全性测定表明,对大量养蚕不制蚕种的桑园来说,可以使用 该不育剂1%以下浓度的溶液在桑园喷雾防治该叶螨。这对在非制种桑园内大面积 应用此不育剂,以克服螨类抗药性问题,有着重要意义。
【Abstract】 The morpha and biological characteristics of Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky, 1853) and A. nobilis (Ganglbauer, 1889) are very similar, and always occurring together in mixing population. Someone thought they are belong to a same species, and someone thought to be two species, and still existed dispute in this problem. According to some reports, many research persons of Ningxia did not distinguish this two kinds of longicorns, in thesis "Anoplophora glabripennis" containing the individual of "A. nobilis" in fact, and it is very hard in surely to distinguish them accurately. Because the transition model of them often discovered, which does not belong to Anoplophora glabripennis and not belonged to A. nobilis. The utilizations of RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) and esterase isozyme electrophoresis technique on this problem have been recorded and narrated in this paper for the first time. In order to distinguish them better, the method of RAPD was used at the same time to study 11 species of Cerambycidae, which belong to 7 genera, 2 subfamilies. By the experiment of filtration on 33 kinds of arbitrary primers, 6 arbitrary primers ( S4, S8, S22, S24, SI05 and S823 ) have been filtrated out, which can make the belts of electrophoresis to be revealed on DNA sample of majority longicorns in PCR (polymerase chain reaction) reactions.By using the techniques of RAPD and esterase isozyme electrophoresis, the conclusion have been further proved that the two sibling species should all belong to the same species, A. glabripennis, and the undoubted answer has been given about the problem of whether or not existing 3 models under the species of A. glabripennis. The 3 models can be divided into: white spot model, yellow spot model and mixing model of yellow and white. The detailed explanation to this 3 models have been given by the photographs of them.The trees in farmland and forest mainly consist of poplar in Ningxia, Hebei, Shanxi and Shaanxi Province etc., northwest China, have been injuredto death or been forced to cut down by the injuring of A. glabripennis. The injuring of it has been discovered in Qinghai Province recently. Thus, it is necessary for further research on the longicorn in order to explore effective control method.Economic forests and many kinds of the ornamental plants and flowers of rosaceae, such as white mulberry and fruit and so on, have been injured seriously by Tetranychus viennensis (Zacher), and often causes the leaves to curl, to turn yellow and to drop, and even whole plant to death. It causes a large number of drop in productions of economic forest and gardens flowers. Because it producing the resistance to pesticide very easily, many home and abroad agricultural chemical research persons and companies have to constantly renew the pesticide, and costs hugely but the control effect was not good; Thus, it is also necessary for exploring the no resistance method to control the leaf mite.Using chemosterilants to control A. glabripennis and T. viennensis have been explored in this research for the first time, and a complete set of workable research methods has been put forward. Applying chemosterilant CS II to control the longicorn and the leaf mite has gained efficient results. It has been obtained that the best using concentration of CS II and the good efficiency of applying it in small forest area. The toxicology of CSII was basically made clearly. The researches above have been kept ahead at the aspect of the sterile technique for controlling the longicorn and the leaf mite.The methods for the same researches of wood borers, such as the simple and convenient workable methods of investigation insect enemy and studying life table of the longicorn, have been provided in this paper. It have been carried out that the investigation of the natural insect enemy in Ningxia and the research of a most effictive enemy, Dastarcus helophoroides (Fairmaire). The basic biological control method of the longicorn has been obtained.The studies on the sperm vigor of irradiated ma
【Key words】 Anoplophora glabripennis; Esterase isozyme; RAPD; Chemosterilant; Insect enemy;