

On The City Geography Of Loess PlateauIn Qing Dynasty

【作者】 刘景纯

【导师】 史念海; 吴宏岐;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 历史地理学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 本论文旨在用城市地理学的基本理论对清代黄土高原地区的城镇进行实证研究,以揭示清代黄土高原地区城镇存在和发展的地理特征和规律。该课题的研究具有填补本区域清代城镇地理研究学术空白的作用,对推动区域历史城镇地理研究的开展具有开创意义,同时本课题的研究对本区现代城镇的规划和布局、建设和发展的政策制定能够提供必要的历史地理学依据,因而具有重要的现实意义。 论文从城镇发展的地理基础着手,概述了城镇生存和成长的自然地理基础和人文地理环境。这种地理环境整体上有很多不利于城镇发展的因素。后文依次探讨了城镇及其体系的发展、城镇化问题、城镇的分布与时空变迁、城镇地域空间组织结构、城镇等级规模结构、城镇功能组合以及城镇形态和内部结构。同时借鉴城市史研究方法,对两种功能城镇的功能状况和发展作了历史探讨和概论说明,作为地理研究的补充。 文章通过对不同等级城镇数量变化的考察和对其变化原因的分析,认为清代黄土高原地区不同等级城镇比明代均有了明显地增长,州县级行政城镇增长在西北部尤为突出。各级城镇的增长和在地域上的拓展使城镇体系发展趋于平衡化。城镇发展的过程就是城镇化的过程,文章探讨了本区清代城镇化的条件、特征、机制和制约因素。认为城镇化具备基本的条件,城镇化的主要特征是遵循自上而下与自下而上相结合的模式,自上而下靠政府行为,自下而上靠地区商业和商人。城镇化的机制是商业和商人的带动。本域城镇化发展很不平衡,关中东部、晋南为发展较快区。城镇近代化自鸦片战争开始,动力有二:一是外力的作用;二是清政府改制的推动。近代化在空间发展上也不平衡,东部强,西部弱。 通过对城镇经纬度统计,揭示府州县城镇空间分布的特征是东多西少,南多北少,东西两端最少。东西差异巨大,东经108°以东府州县级城镇是以西城镇数量的3倍强。市镇按区域进行统计分析,总特征与府州县城一致,但各自有其集中分布区,分布多不平衡。市镇分布和数量有时空变化,但总的分布格局变化不大。地理分布特征是平原、河谷地带密集,高原、山地、丘陵区分布稀疏,河流谷地指向分布显明。 城镇均存在一定的空间组织中,通过对各区府州辖县(厅)城至其中心城镇距离的统计分析,系统揭示了城镇之间的空间距离关系和地区之间城镇空间联系的地区差异。府辖州县距府城距离以陕北区为最大,其后依次是甘肃区、晋北区、晋中南和豫西北,关中区最小。州辖县与州城距离陕北最大,其次为晋北区、甘肃区、关中区,最小为晋中南和豫西北。全域县至府城平均距离为137.1里,距州城距离为94.4里,其间差异显著。市镇距各自所在中心城镇的普遍距离通过抽样统计归纳得出各自区间。晋中南区最小,是20—40里,陕北区最大为70一100里。 城镇等级规模结构包括人口规模与占地规模结构。文中借鉴和吸收曹树基的研究成果并作了部分补克和修正,人口等级规模分为山西和陕甘两个等级结构模式,人数规模从大到。J、依次为 2 5 0 0 0、12 0 0 0、5 0 0 0、2 0 0 0。市镇规模差异较大,除少数在2000人以上外,大部分都在1000人和500人左右。 城镇等级占地规模是通过城墙规模统计归纳得出的,其等级规模是:府城:7一24里,以9里以上为多,占72%以上,火1城3一10里,以7里至10里偏多。二种规模城镇分布的地区差异不明显,黄河以东规模较大城镇略多于黄河以西。厅城2—8里,绝大多数在6里以下,甘肃地区规模相对较小。县城普遍规模在3一5里之间,4里城占数量较多,最小为 1里城,最大为 12里城。晋陕黄河以东规模较大的县城分布较多。市镇以《一统志》i己载城墙市镇为标准力。以考察。其占地规模以 2—3里城为普遍,地区差异不明显。 地区城镇体系都是由不同功能特征的城镇组合构成的,依据本域城镇的功能特征,将城镇归纳为10种类型,进而论述各地区城镇组合的结构特征和强弱状况。晋北、陕北及甘肃区西北军事功能特点突出,市镇发展较弱,市口特色显明。晋中金融城镇一枝独秀。矿冶城镇在晋南和甘肃区比较突出。各区城镇组合不尽相同,不同时期又有变化。下文就行政城镇和军事城镇的功能强弱和变化作进一步探讨。通过对城镇行政官员品级等相关因素的统计分析,认为清代晋陕黄河以西城镇行政功能的强度总体上大于黄河以东城镇。运用历史研究法和地区统计示例法对西北沿边军事城镇及其功能变化作了考察,指出军事城镇功能的减弱自清初已开始,雍正改制后基本上结束了旧的边防城镇格局,军事城镇被行政中心城镇取代,此后各级军事城镇日益衰落。略有不同的是清前期军事城镇在西宁府有加强的趋势。文中对一些主要叶1县城的经济功能按区作一概论,以期对城镇有一个较为全面的了解。 文章最后探讨了城镇的形态与城镇内部结构,通过对地方志“城池图”的分类考察,归纳出清代黄上高原地区城镇的方形、不规则形、类圆形和类三角形四种形态,并对其具体情形和变异作了进一步地研究。归纳概括出了本域城镇群组结构的13种类型。 从城门、主千街和中轴线的?

【Abstract】 The main goal of the paper is to present the regularity of the existence and the development of the towns on loess plateau in .the Qing Dynasty by studying the towns and cities with the basic theory of city geography. The regions project will surely fill an academic blank in the field, promote the further study of history and city geography and provide the historic geography foundation for the further city planning and construction as well.To start with ,the paper briefly accounts the natural environment basis and the natural environment basis and the culture geography of the city’ s existence and development. There are many geography’ s factors which will be the drawbacks of the city development. The following parts of the paper discusses the development and the system of the city, the issue of urbanization .The city’ s distribution the city’ s districts and space, the city’ s structure of the different levels , the combination of the city’ s functions as well as its inner structure. By using the methodology of city history for reference, the paper also conducts a historical discussion and generalizes situation and development of the city.By looking into the change of city’ s numbers and analysis the reason of it, the paper argues that the city of different levels of Qing Dynasty increased dramatically compared with the Ming Dynasty especially the administrative cities of prefecture’ s level. The increase and the spread provide a good balance for the city system. The development of the city is a process of urbanization. The paper accounts the conditions for urbanizing of the region in Qing, features and some restricted factories. The main features of urbanization is to follow the patter which combined the way from up to down and from down to up together. The first way is the action of government and the later is mainly done by the businessman and trade development. The region’ s urbanization is not balanced. The fast development of eastern-part of central shaanxi plain and the south shanxi is the feature. The city’ s modernization started from the Opium War had two motive forces. One is outer force. The other one is the power caused by the Qing government reforming. The modernization is also not balance with the east stronger and faster than the west.By analyzing the longitude and latitude of the cities, the paper presents that the feature of the city distribution appears on a diminishing scale from east to the west and from south to the north. The numbers of the cities of prefecture and state level in east isover three times as many as those in the west with the longitude 108 Has the dividing line. The general distribution feature is almost the same. The distribution of towns and cities have the time and space change. However the general pattern will not go too far different. The geographies feature is that the cities is densely scattered in the plain, valley area and few of them can’ t be found in those high land, mountain and hilly areas.The cities and towns all lie in a certain kind of special organization. By analyzing the distance between the towns and cities with the central town. The paper systematically discovers the region difference between the special relationship of the city and towns. The distance between counties and states in the NorthernShaanxi is the longest, the following is the Gansu region Northern Shanxi region, the central and southern Shanxi and North-western Heman with the central Shanxi plain the shortest. The average distance to the state city is 137.1 li to the prefecture 94.4 li. By testing the samples, the general distance of the towns to their central town is all within their rage. The middle and south Shanxi is the most shortest which is 20-40 li. The Northern Shaanxi is longest which is 70-100 li.The scale at a city or town includes the population and density that it has occupied. By using and absorbing Zao shuji ’ s academic achievement. The paper also supplements and makes some revision. The population scale can be divided in shanxi and Sha

【关键词】 清代黄土高原地区城镇地理
【Key words】 Qing Dynastyloess plateauCitygeography
  • 【分类号】K928.6;K249
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】1373
  • 攻读期成果

