

【作者】 董虹

【导师】 王绍熙;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 国际贸易, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 在经济全球化日趋明显的今天,国际贸易作为一个国家对外经济交往中的重要组成部分,在促进该国经济发展中发挥着越来越明显的作用。然而经济全球化的影响,也带来了对于全球生态环境系统的极大的挑战,区域性、国际性以至全球性环境问题层出不穷,已经对于世界和全球各个国家的经济发展产生越来越大的影响。本文试图通过对于环境对于贸易的影响和贸易对于环境的影响的分析,得到在现今世界中每一个国家如何处理其自身的贸易政策和环境政策协调发展问题以及如何处理国际贸易协议和国际环境协议关系的一些基本原则。本文在前人的研究成果的基础上,使用理论和政策相结合研究方法,分析了环境政策和贸易政策之间的关系,给出了在现实生活中贸易政策和环境政策之间存在着密切联系的结论。各国政府不能不面临着这样的现实,尤其在多边贸易谈判和多边环境谈判的过程中。各国政府必须在可持续发展的基础上考虑贸易政策和环境政策的协调问题,加强各国关于贸易和环境方面的国际合作,为各国经济的增长提供合理的发展路径。当然,对于国家自身来讲,可以根据自身利益的情况选择国际合作的时机和深度。这对于中国这个世界贸易组织的新成员,如何决定自己在新一轮贸易谈判和以后的环境谈判中所持的态度和所采取的措施具有重要的现实意义。本文分为三个部分,解释三个议题,一是环境从理论上和现实上对于贸易的影响,二是贸易从理论上和实际上对于环境的影响,三是贸易政策与环境政策之间的关系。在第一部分的分析中,环境作为一种特殊要素,会导致一国所拥有的资源情况发生变化。尤其是当政府采取政策手段改善由于环境引起的外部性的时候,一国所拥有的要素禀赋的变化会引起贸易方式的变化和贸易结构的调整。同时,随着人们收入的提高,对于环境质量的要求也会越高,这会导致贸易品发生更快的质和量的变化。在本部分的第一章介绍了贸易和贸易政策对于经济的巨大推动作用,明确了贸易作为内生变量影响一国的对外经济行为和国内的经济增长;同时介绍了的环境问题出现的历程,讲述了人们对于环境问题的一般态度。第二章从环境现象产生原因说明了解决环境问题的措施,并分析了环境和环境政策对于贸易的直接和间接的影响。第三章分析多边贸易体系受到环境问题的冲击所产生的一些变化。在第二部分的分析中贸易是一国发挥自身的优势,出口自己的比较优势产品,进口自己的比较劣势产品的行为。贸易行为的发生是国际分工的结果,为参与国际分工,国内会调整自己的生产结构,而生产结构的调整构成对于作为资源用途的环境的调整和作为废弃物的环境的扩大。资源的调整会加大自然生态系统的结构的调整,废弃物的增加会导致生态系统的品质下降。贸易可能导致资源的更为有效的配置,但同时又会引起能够利用的资源总量的下降。在本部分中首先分析了贸易对经济环境的影响,并给出了具体评估贸易政策对环境影响的一般原则,最后阐述了一些多边环境协议考虑了国际贸易原则后所做出的一些变动措施。在第三部分给出了贸易政策和环境政策之间的关系,提出了对于国内贸易和<WP=4>环境问题,出于利己的目的可以不必顾及两者之间的联系,而处于利他的目的就需要考虑协调处理贸易政策的收益和环境政策的收益,将两者联系在一起进行考察;而对于跨国的环境问题的处理上要慎重,环境问题纳入多边贸易体系进行探讨已成为定局,关键是环境问题的讨论的深度和解决的方式,发展中国家应该强调必须得到发达国家技术、资金和人力的资助。在本文的最后一章就中国目前的贸易和环境问题作了详细的分析,尤其是中国于2001年12月11日成为世界贸易组织的成员国以后,贸易自由化对中国的影响和环境政策对中国贸易的影响变得更为重要,由此提出了中国进行贸易政策和环境政策协调的一些基本看法。在本论文的写作过程中,得到了很多帮助。需要特别指出的是我的博士导师王绍熙教授在文章的分析角度、结构框架等方面给了我宝贵的指导,使得文章得以顺利的完成。在文章准备过程中,我还得到澳大利亚科庭大学的Michael Thorpe, Ian Kerr, Janice How和Tsenrenhand Byambadash等学者和我在中国环境与发展国际合作委员会贸易与环境工作组一起合作的各位专家的协助,在此一并表达我的衷心感谢。

【Abstract】 With the development of economic globalization, international trade, a necessary sector of one economy, has more and more important effect on its economic development. However, globalization leads to the huge changes of the world ecosystem. Domestic, regional and international environmental problems are coming up, which are having huge impact on the economic development of the countries and the world. In this paper, it will make a conclusion about the principles to harmonize the relationship between trade policies and environmental polices, between multilateral trade agreements and multilateral environmental agreements, through the analysis of the interconnection between trade and environment.On the basis of former research, applying the methods of theoretical and empriral analysis, the author makes a conclusion that there is a close correlation between trade and environment. Thus governments must consider the fact, especially during the negotiation of multilateral trade agreements and multilateral environment agreements. The government should harmonize the relationship between trade polices and environmental policies with the view of sustainable development, and strengthen the international cooperation in the aspect of trade and environment, and provide the optimal path of economic development. Moreover, the economy may choose the proper process of international cooperation according to its revenues. Peoples’ Republic of China became the member of World Trade Organization in 2001. It is important to decide the strategy and measures in the new round of WTO.There is three parts in the paper, to deal with three problems. The first is the effects of environment on trade; the second is the effects of trade on environment; the third is the relationship between trade polices and environmental policies.In the first part, environment, as a special factor, will change the endowment of one economy’s resource. When the government use the polices to improve the externalities resulted from environment, the changes of the factor endowment of one country will adjust the patterns and structures of foreign trade. As the requirement of high-quality environment will increase with the higher income, the tradable commodities will change in the aspect of the quantity and quality. In the first chapter, it is introduced that free trade and trade polices give impetus to economic development. Moreover, there is introduction of the history of environmental problems and the common sense of environment. In the second chapter, it is suggested how to deal with environmental problems through the analysis of the their causes and to analyze the direct and indirect effect of environment and environmental policies on trade. In the third chapter, it illustrates the changes of multilateral trade system due to the environmental problems. For the second part, trade is considered as the action to export the goods with comparative advantage and import the goods with comparative disadvantage. Trade is the result of international specialization. Domestic production will change due to international specialization. The adjustment of domestic production will change the use of environment as a kind of resources and enlarge the quantity of environment as <WP=6>wastes, which will lead to the adjustment of the ecosystem and degraded ecological system. Trade will result in the efficient allocation of the resources and decrease the quantity of available resources. It is suggested to analyze the impact of trade on environment, provide the basic principles of the environmental assessment of trade policies, and introduce the improvement of multilateral environmental agreements according to the rules of international trade.In the third part, it is implied that there is a close correlation between trade polices and environmental policies. Government, as an egoist, will deal with trade and domestic environmental problems separately. In order to reach altruism objectives, government must harmonize the trade polices and environmental polices. At present, environm

  • 【分类号】F741
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1146

