

【作者】 王荣国

【导师】 杨国桢;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 中国古代史, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 本文以海神信仰为研究对象切入中国海洋人文社会科学与海洋社会经济史的研究视域。文化是自然的“人化”,所谓海洋文化,实际上就是海洋性文化;所谓海神信仰,从根本上说就是海洋性信仰。本文以此为逻辑起点,构筑一个我国的海洋神灵结构体系,它是山海洋水体本位神与水族神,海上航行的保护神与海洋渔业、商业的行业神,镇海神与引航神三个系统的神灵构成的。海神体系的确立成了本文赖以展开的基石。海洋蕴含丰饶的宝藏,但在古人眼中则充满了神怪、传奇与诱惑,诱惑着古代人们走向海洋。赋予海船以“神灵性”,是试图营造一个能够抗衡外部“精怪世界”的“小天地”。庞大的海上航行保护神、镇海神乃至渔业商业神神系的确立,是古代的海客舟子在心中构筑一个生命安全与获取海洋经济利益的保障系统。无论是海洋渔民、海洋商人还是海洋移民,当其出海起航前都要举行祭海,以祈求海上航行的平安与发财。一艘海船上的人群就构成一个“特殊的海上社会”,在海船中设置神龛以供奉神灵偶像,其目的不仅仅是为了方便在海上向神灵祈祷与祭祀,更重要的是能够获得神灵及时的保佑。在陆域与海岛各类海洋社会(如渔村、商帮、移民群体)中的神灵祭祀活动都极大地增强了海洋社会内部的凝聚力,强化海上活动的群体精神。海洋社会的神灵信仰中和海船神龛供奉的神灵中的诸神合祀现象有着区域与海洋社会类型的差异,既反映了海神信仰不同区域的特点,也反映了各信仰群体的不同祈盼。我囚的海洋神灵体系是伴随古代人们走向海洋,追求海洋经济利益而出现并不断充实、壮大的,而它的充实、壮大又增强了古代人们去追求海洋经济利益的信心与勇气,间接促进了海洋经济的发展。这种神灵信仰出发点与归缩点在功利方面的一致性,从“虚幻世界” 折射出中国海洋传统文化乃至中国传统文化的实用理性之光。

【Abstract】 With seagod worship as its object of study, this article attempts to research into Chinese humanities and social sciences of the ocean, and the history of the social economics of the ocean. Culture is the humanization of nature. What is called ocean culture is actually the culture of ocean gods and what is called seagod worship is basically the worship of ocean gods. Based on this logical starting point, the article constructs a system of Chinese ocean gods, which consists of three sub-systems of gods: gods of aquatic creatures, Genii for ocean navigation and trade god of ocean fishery and commerce, and pilotage god. The establishment of the seagod system is the foundation of this article. The ocean, rich in natural resources, was in the eyes of ancient people full of spirits, mysteries and temptations, which attracted them to the ocean. Endowing seagoing vessels with "characteristics of the spirits", the ancient people tried to create a "small world" to contend with the external "genie world". Establishing a vast god system of navigation genii, sea guard and commercial gods, the ancient seamen created a security system to protect themselves and to profit economically from the ocean. Everybody, whether he was a fisherman, a merchant or an immigrant, would hold rituals before sailing off to pray for safety and fortune .People on board the ship formed a "special society at sea", who set up a shrine on the ship for spirits and idols, the purpose of which is not only to facilitate worship and sacrifice when they were at sea, but also to get timely bless and protection from seagods. The worship and sacrifice ceremonies within various ocean societies (for example fishing villages, trade units, immigrants, etc.) on land and islands greatly strengthened the solidarity within the society and enhanced team spirits. The simultaneous sacrifice to different seagods in ocean societies and on the shrines of ocean going vessels varied with region and with the type of ocean society, whichreflected both regional difference in seagod worship and different wishes of various groups of believers. The seagod worship system of China appeared and developed as ancient people turned to the ocean and sought economic benefits from it. The development of the seagod worship system in turn increased ancient people’s confidence and courage in seeking more economic benefit from the ocean, which indirectly contributed to the development of the ocean economy. The conformity of the starting point and the end-result of the seagod worship in the "fantastic world" reflects the traditional Chinese ocean culture, even the pragmatism and rationalism of the traditional Chinese culture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】K248;K249
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】2297

