

The Study on Virtual Instrument Design Method Based on Digital Signal Parallel Processing System

【作者】 高昆

【导师】 汪乐宇; 余锋;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 本文以国家“九五”重点科技攻关项目97-772“自动测试系统与设备技术的研究”为主要研究背景开展的。首先,在深入研究了当前国内外实时数字信号处理技术和VXI虚拟仪器发展技术现状的基础上,提出并实现了一种新的模块化、支持多DSP并行处理的多功能VXI(VMEbus Extensions for Instmmentation)仪器平台VVP(VXI Versatile Plug-in Platform);其次,提出了在考虑到操作流水线和宏流水线影响下,数据块并行处理策略在基于环网的分布式多DSP系统中的新应用;第三,提出了向共享总线形式的多SHARC(ADSP2106x系列DSP)系统执行“直接宿主机导入”监控程序的新方法;最后提出了利用Petri网和布尔矩阵为主要建模和分析的工具,实现基于消息的多DSP程控仪器主监控程序设计的新方法。 第一章综述部分提出了选题的意义,介绍了实时数字信号处理技术、并行处理技术和VXI虚拟仪器的概念与发展现状,课题提出的背景与主要的研究方向。 第二章在分析了现有VXI多功能仪器和支持多DSP并行处理模块的设计方法的基础上,介绍了VVP平台的基本设计思想,结构特点,具体功能等。VVP仪器采用了加强的基板加若干功能插板的实现形式,可以构建无处理器的基本应用系统,单处理器的典型应用系统直到多处理器的高端应用系统,文中对VXI-VVP接口部分这一共性关键技术的实现方法进行了详细阐述。 第三章首先分析了目前“一模多用”的VXI仪器插板功能子系统实现的一般思路,提出了实现VVP功能子系统多向访问功能的“存储器区地址全透明映射”策略,并结合数字I/O模块的实现过程,描述了基本的和标准的VVP插板应用子系统的基本设计方法。最后分析了基于多SHARC的VVP可扩展并行处理系统的组成方式和结构特点。 第四章先深入分析了多SHARC应用系统中,由多层次流水线控制的并行机制和并行处理性能。提出了在考虑到操作流水线和宏流水线的影响下,数据块并行处理策略在基于环网结构的分布式多SHARC系统中的新应用。文中以FIR和IIR滤波算法为例,对并行块处理策略在多DSP实时数字信号处理应用中的实现方法进行了深入探讨,并对FIR滤波算法进行了验证。 第五章提出了向共享总线的多SHARC系统执行“直接宿主机导入”DSP监控程序的新方法,随后又提出了基于消息的程控仪器主监控程序控制的概念,并以VVP数字I/O模块为例,描述了利用Petri网和布尔矩阵为主要建模和分析的 浙江大学博士学位论文工具,实现了多DSP程控仪器主监控程序设计的新方法。 第六章提出了符合VXI即插即用规范的VVP虚拟仪器软件系统结构模型,着重论述了基于WINgx/WINNT软件框架下,己定制功能的VVP典型系统中虚拟仪器驱动程序、驱动程序功能面板、软面板、知识库文件等软件模块的实现方法,以及在图形化软件开发平台下设计VVI,应用程序的一般方法。 最后的第七章中总结了本文研究所取得的主要结论,并对进一步的研究工作进行了展望。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is resulted from the national key project "Research on Automatic Measurement System & Equipment Technology". Firstly, a novel VXI platform called VVP (VXI Versatile Plug-in Platform), which supports parallel processing with multiple DSPs, is proposed with exploring the actual technology of real-time DSP (Digital Signal Processing) and VXI virtual instrument in depth. Secondly, the parallel data block-processing scheme for the distributed multi-DSP ring network system is put forward, considering the influences of DSPs’ macro pipelines and operating pipelines. Thirdly, a new convenient program booting method for tightly coupled multi-SHARC systems, named Direct Host Booting, is provided. In the end, one original design method of monitoring program for multi-DSP program-controlled instrument is presented in virtue of Petri net and Boolean matrix.Chapter 1 gives a comprehensive description about the significance of research and the current research status of real-time DSP, parallel processing and VXI virtual instrument technology. The research orientation and architecture of the dissertation are also given.Chapter 2 elaborates the basic design ideas, architecture and functions of WP platform after analyzing the current implementing formats of VXI multifunctional instrument modules and multi-DSP parallel processing modules. A complete WP instrument consists of one enhanced main board and several plug-in boards, which is suitable for constructing basic instruments (No CPU), typical instruments (A single CPU) and advanced instruments (Multiple DSPs). The main concerns in all WP instruments design, namely the VXI-VVP interface circuit design project, are discussed in details.Chapter 3 first analyzes the actual implementing formats of multifunctional mono-instruments. Subsequently, the transparent address-mapping scheme for the whole VVP subsystems is illustrated. With the example for WP digital I/O module, this chapter also gives the regular implement means of basic and typical WP instruments. At last, it describes the scalable parallel architecture of advanced WP system based on multiple SHARCs.Chapter 4 explores the multi-level pipeline-controlled parallel mechanism and parallel performance of multi-SHARC system. Then the parallel data block-processing scheme for distributed multi-DSP ring network system is introduced in view of DSPs’ macro pipelines and operating pipelines. Based on this scheme, the implementation of FIR and IIR digital filter algorithms are dissertated and the FIR algorithm is examined through WP platform.Chapter 5 provides the Direct Host Booting method for bus-shared multi-SHARC systems in order to ease the booting procedure and improve its efficiency. Then the message-based flow control of main monitoring program in program-controlled instrument is brought forward. With the modeling and analyzing tools of the Petri net and Boolean matrix, the main monitoring program design method of a multi-DSP system is presented with the example of digital I/O WP module.Chapter 6 illustrates the basic structure and design approaches to WP virtual instrument’s software according to the VXI Plug & Play (VPP) specifications. Afterwards, it discusses the design methods for necessary VPP software sections in a function-fixed typical WP instrument under the WIN9x/WINNT VPP framework, such as the instrument driver and its function panel, the soft panel and the knowledge library files, etc. In the end, the application software of a WP virtual instrument implemented on the graphic developing platform is discussed briefly.The last chapter summarizes the main research conclusions of this dissertation. The prospect of further research work is also projected.

【关键词】 VXIDSP并行处理Petri网虚拟仪器
【Key words】 VXIDSPParallel ProcessingPetri netVirtual Instrument
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期

