

Research and Implentment of Identifier-based Feature Modeling System

【作者】 董洪伟

【导师】 周儒荣;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 航空宇航制造工程, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 参数化特征造型技术是现代CAD的关键技术。本文从参数化特征造型软件开发的角度对参数化特征造型的一些关键技术进行了研究,主要内容和成果如下: 对特征造型原型系统进行了系统分析和设计。设计了系统的核心数据结构、对象动态模型,确定了模块划分,进行了功能分析,并开发了一个原型系统。 针对现有参数化特征造型软件在特征编辑等方面存在的问题,提出并设计了一个标识子系统。该标识子系统为零件模型中的每个几何元素提供一个确定的、唯一的标识,在模型变化(特征编辑)时,通过标识可找到对应的几何元素,设计了面标识、边标识、点标识的数据结构,设计了相应的标识生成算法,设计了新旧模型的标识匹配算法。这就为进一步的应用(特征表示模型、特征编辑、语义操作等)提供了一个坚实的基础。 提出了一个产品的特征表示模型。不同于通常的对边界表示法或CSG法进行改造的模型表示方法,提出了一种基于标识子系统的特征表示模型,一个零件的特征表示模型和其低层的几何实体模型通过标识子系统进行映射,从而不必修改现有的边界表示模型而能满足特征造型的需要并能充分利用已有的实体造型功能。基于标识的约束模型可统一表示二、三维约束并为二、三维约束的统一求解提供了基础。设计并实现了该特征表示模型的数据结构。该特征表示模型是系统各种算法的基础。 不同于常见的用底层图元(点、线、弧)进行设计的二维全约束求解方法,提出并实现了一种基于子图的序列化草图设计方法。使设计者既可用通常的点、线、圆弧等的基本图元,又可用高层的子图设计,可加快设计过程;序列化设计求解方法可实现变量化设计;基于标识的约束模型,使该方法可统一二、三维约束求解。 针对特征编辑参中常会出现的不合理结果,借助于标识匹配算法,设计并实现了特征编辑算法,可较为合理地实现特征编辑。

【Abstract】 The technique for parametric feature-based modeling is the key technique of modern CAD system .In this dissertation, some key techniques are researched and applied to the program written by the author, The main subjects and achievements are included as follows:With OOA and OOD, The feature-based modeling system GDS is designed .Data structure and system structure for the system is given ,the functions for the feature-based program is discussed.An identifying system is designed and implemented which can give every geometric element an exclusive identifier. From the identifier, corresponding geometric elements can be gotten. This provide a basis for further application such as feature editing and so on.Unlike traditional method which modifies B-rep or CSG to adapt feature-based modeling, the feature-based represent model for the product which Based on identifying system is presented .The represent method need not change the B-rep of solid model and can map feature-based model to B-rep-based model.A new approach to parametric design is presented ,which is Child-Graph based , and which design a 2D sketch in sequence .In this approach ,the sketch is designed with simple elements such as points , segments, circles or Child-Graphs which is combination of above simple elements ;geometric elements is designed in sequence can implement the function of unwell defined(less-constrain) parametric design.2Dand 3D constrains is treated consistently.Aimed at that error may occur in Feature-editing, Feature-editing is researched, Based on the topological mapping algorithms ,the function of feature editing is implemented.


