

Study on Data Management Methods of Distribution Network Geographic Information System and Its Application in Running and Planning

【作者】 刘理峰

【导师】 孙才新;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 高电压与绝缘技术, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 随着电力系统的发展,面对密织的电网、时刻变化的负荷信息、不断变迁的道路及建筑和人们对供电质量、环保、电力市场化体制改革等问题的日益关注,以及在地理信息系统(Geographic Information System,GIS)技术迅速发展的条件下,研究和建立适合于配电网实际应用的数据组织方法及在配网运行与规划中的应用,对于提高配网供电的可靠性具有重要的学术和实用意义。作者系统地研究了适合于配网实际应用的GIS数据组织方法及其在配网运行(配网GIS网络拓扑分析、配网最佳抢修路径)、规划(配网空间负荷预测)中的具体应用:(1)在系统地分析了空间数据模型与空间数据结构之间关系的基础上,通过对两种常用的GIS矢量数据模型、栅格数据模型和对配电网络特征的分析,设计了配网GIS的概念数据模型和逻辑数据模型,给出了基于矢量方法的空间数据存储结构,提出了配网GIS数据的具体组织方法;通过将处理对象分层次、分步骤来划分信息图层空间,给出了设计配网GIS属性数据编码、数据库的一般流程,为研究其在配网运行、规划中的应用打下了良好基础;(2)通过对配网电源及联络开关的定义,简化了在GIS背景图上进行配网GIS网络拓扑分析,并在分析电压等级等对配网GIS网络拓扑分析影响的基础上,得出了一种配网GIS网络拓扑算法;通过定义配网GIS网络拓扑着色含义和实际配网GIS网络拓扑着色的研究及实践,总结出了一种实现配网GIS网络拓扑着色算法各功能的具体方法,并提出了一种削减节点—支路关联矩阵阶数来区分辐射支路、环路的方法,从而加快了环路拓扑着色速度;(3)将GIS的网络分析功能应用于DMS管理的最佳抢修路径算法的研究:在对不同类型出行者对路径运行时间的预测及交通信息对出行者出行路径选择行为影响分析的基础上,采用统计分析方法建立了不同时间段交通流量模型;通过对配网故障实际特点的分析,得到了将配网最佳抢修路径问题转化为城市交通最短路径问题的方法及其数学模型;通过对基于贪心策略的Dijkstra最短路径算法的分析,得出了基于节点一弧段结构表示的Dijkstra算法,大幅度提高了存储效率;从计算机数据结构和算法角度对传统二叉堆优先级队列的常规操作进行了改进,得出了具有高效率的基于二叉堆优先级队列的改进<WP=5>型Dijkstra最短路径算法;从城市交通网络特征的空间方位关系出发,以当前节点的邻接点与当前点和当前节点的邻接点与终点连线夹角最大作为贪婪搜索策略,得出了基于空间方向关系的实用最短路径算法;在前述基础上,提出了计算配网最佳抢修路径的基于二叉堆优先级队列的改进型Dijkstra最短路径算法和基于空间方向关系的实用最短路径算法,实验表明该方法兼具灵活性和实用性,能够满足求解配网最佳抢修路径的要求。(4)将GIS的空间信息分析功能应用于配网空间负荷预测(Saptial Load Forecasting,SLF)的研究:综合利用灰色理论及遗传规划的优点,提出了一种根据馈线的历史峰值负荷进行外推的组合SLF法:首先采用负荷转移耦合法来修正负荷历史,消除由于负荷转移引起的误差;然后根据实际馈线路径和配网GIS图形分层,运用图层叠加分析得到馈线的实际供电范围;接着采用灰色关联度聚类方法对馈线负荷增长曲线进行聚类分析;最后采用遗传规划来对灰色聚类结果进行符号回归,分别得到每一类曲线的最佳拟合曲线形式。实例表明该种方法优于其它趋势法,特别适用于计算资源有限的情况。

【Abstract】 With the development of electric power industry, the electric power network becomes denser, the load information varies rapidly, so do the road and constructions. There are many problems that attract people’s attention, e.g. power-supply quality, environment protection, and electric de-regulation. Meantime, Geographic Information System ( GIS ) technology is developing rapidly. The GIS data management method and its application in distribution network running and planning to meet the requirements of practical distribution should be studied and established, which have important academic and practical values to improve the reliability of distribution power-supply. The distribution GIS data management methods and its application in distribution running are systematically researched, which compose distribution GIS Network Topology Analysis ( NTA ) and Optimal Rush-maintain Path ( ORP ), and distribution planning, which composes distribution Spatial Load Forecasting ( SLF ) :(1) With systematic analysis on the relationship between spatial data model and spatial data structure, the distribution feature and the two common GIS data models are analyzed, which are vector and raster data models. Then the conceptual and logic data models of distribution GIS are designed. The spatial data storage structure is given by using vector method, and their detailed data management methods are proposed. At last, the procedure of designing the property data coding and database by partitioning the dealing objects off information layer space step by step is given. Within these results, the foundation for research on its application in distribution running and planning is established.(2) The distribution electrical source and connected switch are defined to simplify the distribution GIS NTA, whose background is GIS map. Then the distribution GIS NTA is gotten, after the affected factors are analyzed, such as voltage grade. After the distribution GIS NTA coloring is defined and tested, the detailed method of realizing distribution GIS NTA coloring algorithm’s function is concluded. Meanwhile, a new method that cut the rank degree of node-branch incidence matrix to distinguish radial branch from loop is proposed, which could speed up the loop topology coloring.(3) Based on the GIS network analysis function, the distribution ORP <WP=7>algorithm is studied. At first, the different travelers’ travel time and transportation information effect on travelers’ path selecting mode are analyzed, then different time segment traffic models are established by using statistical analysis method. Secondly, the practical feature of distribution faults is analyzed, then the method and its mathematical model that how to transfer the distribution ORP problem into the urban transportation shortest path problem is gotten. Thirdly, after the Dijkstra shortest path algorithm with greedy strategy is analyzed, the Dijkstra algorithm with node-arc structure is gotten, which save storage space effectively. Fourthly, from the aspect of data structure and algorithm, the improved Dijkstra shortest algorithm is proposed, which improve the traditional operations of binheap optimal array. Fifthly, from the aspect of spatial location relationship with urban transportation network feature, the practical shortest path algorithm by studying a new greedy search strategy is gotten, which is determined by the maximum degree that combined by the current node, its nearest node and destination node. At last, based on above algorithms, the distribution ORP algorithm is proposed. Test show that the proposed algorithm has the practicability and flexibility, could meet the requirements.(4) Based on the GIS spatial information analysis function, the SLF is studied. A combined SLF method to extrapolate feeder load growth is proposed by using feeder’s history peak value and the merits of gray theory and Genetic Programming ( GP ). At first, load transfer coupling method to correct load history and its error for load transfer is adopted. Secondly, the real power-supply are

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期

