

【作者】 滑明暘

【导师】 吴旭;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 针灸学, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 面瘫在咱们中国是最常见的疾病之一,在欧美各国却是非常少见。冬季发病率最高,春秋季次之,夏季最少。统计153篇中西医面瘫文献,共计19900例,其中男性11741例,女性8161例。男女之比为1.44:1。左右侧面瘫发病之比为1.045:1,显示左侧面瘫稍多於右侧。有少数病人会多次发病,在4056例中2次发病者81例,占1.99%;3次发病者3例;5次发病者仅1例。 中国人早在纪元前的西汉时期,对面瘫即已有了相当的认识。不过,《黄帝内经》中只有简略的介绍,可见当时医界对面瘫仅有粗浅的概念。历代医家不断累积经验,有关面瘫诊断与治疗的资料,在质量上随时代的演进而逐渐增加。但是,却欠缺全面有系统的整理。直到现代,由於医学研究与学术交流的发达,及中国大力提倡中医,使得中医界对面瘫治疗的经验与技术有了长足进展,在疗效上也取得了一定的成就。西医针对面瘫多方面的问题,进行普遍研究。甚至对那些因颅骨外伤或耳鼻喉科手术损伤面神经所引起的医源性面瘫,或因失治误治过久而难以恢复的顽固性面瘫,作各种手术治疗,如减压、悬吊、神经吻合、肌肉移植、筋膜悬吊、眼睑金片植入等都取得很好的成效。 本文的的研究内容可分两部份,一部份是文献研究,一部份是临床研究。而文献研究部份,又分中医文献综述与西医文献综述两部份。 笔者研究组的病案89例,皆为1999年5-7月及2000年4-6月在南京中医药大学附设教学医院实习时的病人,治愈率是97.75%,这是因为给这些病人治疗的医生,全是累积数十年教学及临床经验的博士指导教授、或主任级医师,才会使面瘫的疗效达到这样好的效果。即使是来诊的面瘫后遗症病人,经过治疗之后也都能令人满意,至少笔者所观察到的这89例的确如此。

【Abstract】 Facial paralysis is very rare in most of the Europe and America, but it is one of a common disorder in Chinese culture. This kind of disorder usually breeds most in the season of winter, common in fall, and seldom happens in summer. In 153 articles of bibliography of both Western and Eastern field of Facial Paralysis, there are total of 19,900 cases, men has 11,741 cases and women have 8161 cases. In comparison with both men and women, their rate of having this disorder is 1.44 to 1. Comparison with left and right faces, left face has more incidence then right face with their ratio of 1.045 to 1. Seldom, people are suffering this kind of disorder with more then one times. In the 4,056 articles, there are 81 cases (1.99 percent) with people who have the disorder recurrent for two times. In 0.074 percent of the people who has the disorder recurrent for three times. And there is only one case (0.025 percent) with the patient who has the disorder recurrent five times. Chinese Medicine has recognized Facial Paralysis Disorder as early as 100 years BC. There arc only briefs of records can be found in the Emperor Medicine. Throughout the history, Doctors accumulate the experiences and the records of Facial Paralysis Disorder, but disregard the overall analysis. Until the booming of the medical era,, newer technology based experiments have made, and the joint venture between the eastern and western medicine cause the Chinese Medicine with great improvement in treating the Facial Paralysis. Especially, western medicine introduced a variety of ways to analyze and treat the disorder. Such as Depressurization, Suspension, Anastiomosis of Nerve, Muscle Transplantation, Fascia Suspension, and Eyelid Metal Insertion are all capable of providing fine results. Western Medicine even has treated with those patient whose facial paralysis disorder caused by other trauma. The author has 89 cases of facial paralysis during the practice in the University of Nanjing, China. All records were selected from May to January in the year of 1999 and April to June in the year of 2000. The author has accumulated many years of clinical experiences due to most of patients who suffer the disorder are also the experts, teachers, and head doctors in facial paralysis. In result, most of the cases in facial paralysis are capable to achieve 100% recovery. Including in treatments with side effect. At lease all 89 cases were ftdly successful.


