

Development of Oasis Agriculture and Ecology Environmental Changes of River Talimu Valley

【作者】 谢丽

【导师】 叶依能;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 科学技术史, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 在人类历史时期,尽管塔里木河流域生态环境的变迁受多因子的综合影响,但起主导和决定作用的因子是人类的绿洲农业生产开发,这是塔里木河流域生态环境的主导影响因子。本文以处于塔里木河水系的集水中心罗布泊西北部的楼兰古国及其中、上游西汉至唐朝时期的绿洲农业生产开发为主线,以第三、第四纪地质时期继承下来的地理环境、地层物质组成、干旱气候和大气环流(生态基础影响因子)为背景,对战争胁迫和“丝路”贸易(生态干扰影响因子)作用下进行的绿洲农业开发,以及其对生态环境的影响进行分析研究,提出了塔里木河流域“绿洲废弃周期”假设:塔里木河流域绿洲的废弃周期与当地农业生产开发的强度、风蚀的速度(或风成沙的速度)成正相关。理论模型表述为: a=s/pv a=绿洲废弃周期(单位:年) p=农业生产开发强度(用指数表示,以遍垦为1) s=绿洲面积(单位:平方公里) v=风蚀速度(单位:平方公里/年)。 对以上理论模型,本文选取处于塔里木河支流(包括皮山河、桑株河、和田河、克里雅河、尼雅河等)流域的和田地区的古遗址进行了验证。和田地区处于塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘,绿洲处于沙漠的包围之中,历史上废弃的古遗址最多。和田地区共有50多个古遗址,本文对其中有过考古或考察的21个绿洲遗址的废弃及其与当地东汉至清朝时期的绿洲农业生产开发之间的关系进行分析,得出了与上述假设一致的“绿洲废弃规律”:绿洲废弃的频率与农业生产开发的强度成正相关;绿洲废弃的峰值期与农业生产开发期同步或滞后,滞后期约300多年到400多年;塔里木河流域西汉至清朝时期绿洲废弃的周期约500多年到600多年;绿洲稳定期与农业生产开发强度成负相关。 其中绿洲农业生产开发强度:与屯田的人数、屯田时间的长短、屯田所使用工具的先进性、屯田管理效率、屯田人员的生产技能、屯田主体对土地索取的压力等因素成正相关。理论模型表述为:P=F(X1·X2·X3·X4·X5·X6) 式中:P为绿洲农业生产开发强度,F为函数,X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6分别为屯田的人数、屯田时间的长短、屯田所使用工具的先进性、屯田管理效率、屯田人员的生产技能、屯田主体对土地索取的压力。 本文还对楼兰古国居民植被消费的范围、程度进行了分析,说明楼兰古国居民对植被的无节制消费,也是导致楼兰地区植被毁灭性破坏的重要原因之一。 此外,塔里木河流域生态环境的嬗变还受到随着绿洲农业的开发所带来的生产模式和 扬 要制度变迁的间接影响,如从内地引入的先进生产工具、劳动组织官理形式等,本文对此也作了一定程度的分析研究。 在以上分析的基础上,本文的最后一章,对塔里木河流域的绿洲农业生产模式和制度创新,提出了基于水资源利用方式和利用主体全面创新基础上的一系列新的生产模式和制度机制。

【Abstract】 environment in River Talimu valley in the historical time, the development of oasis agricultural there is the dominant and crucial factor. Following the agricultural development history in Loulan kingdom lying to the northwest part of Luobupo and the center of collecting waters of River Talimu from Han to Tang dynasties as the main line, using the information of geographical environment, stratum sediments, dry climate and atmospheric circulation(basic ecological factors) inherited from Tertiary and Quaternary, we studied the effects of oasis agricultural cxploration under the conditions of war stress and 憈he silk road?trade (ecological disturbing factors) on ecological environment, and put forward a hypothesis called 慳bandoning cycle of oases?to the arid area of River Talimu valley: abandoning cycle of oases is positively correlated to both agricultural development density and the speed of wind-corroding(or the speed of wind-sand) with the theoretical model as: a~s/pv a= abandoning cycle of oases (unit: year) p= agricultural development intensity (expressed by exponent. It would be 慖?if all the vegetation had been destroied) s~oasis area (unit: square kilometers) vthe speed of wind-corroding (unit: Square kilometers/year). To test and verify the above theoretical model, we selected the relics of Hetian area lying in the branches valley of River Talimu including River Pishan, River Sangzhu, River Hetian, River Keliya and River Niya etc to study in this article. Hetian lies in the south of Takelamagan where most relics in the history are distributed, and the oases there is surrounded by desert. There are more than fifty relics in l-letian area and 21 of them have well recorded. The relationship of the abandoning of these oases with the degree of agricultural development was analyzed and the result is consistent with the above hypothesis, e.g., the frequency of oasis抯 abandoning is positively correlated with the degree of agricultural development; the peak value of oasis抯 abandoning is synchronous or lag with the period of agricultural development, and the lagging time usually 300 to 400 years; abandoning cycle of oases is 500 to 600 years; oasis抯 stability is negatively correlated with the degree of agricultural development. Hereinto, the degree of agricultural development is positively correlated with farmer 3 Abstract population, farming time, advancement of farming tools, efficiency of farming management, production ability of farmers, pressure of farmers?extortion to the land arid so on. The theoretical model for this is as follows: P=F(X1 ?X2?X3 X4 X3?X6) Where P is the degree of agricultural development of oases, F is a function and X~, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6 are farmer population, farming time, advancement of farming tools, efficiency of farming management, production ability of farmers, pressure of farmers?extortion to the land respectively. This article also analyzed the scope and degree of civilian抯 vegetation-consumption of Loulan kingdom, and proved that exorbitant vegetation-consumption is one of the most important reasons leading to the destruction of Loulan抯 vegetation. Furthermore, it is also found that environmental change were influenced indirectly by the change of production model and institution with the

  • 【分类号】S181
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】970

