

【作者】 罗莉

【导师】 徐杰;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 经济法学, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 网络自诞生以来,其发展可以说是日新月异。我国的计算机网络服务自1994年3月正式开通,发展也极为迅猛。据中国互联网信息中心调查统计,1997年10月我国还只有互联网用户62万,而到2001年初,我国互联网用户已达2250万人,.cn下的网站达122099个,WWW站点数(包括.CN、.COM、.NET、.ORG下的网站)约265405个。2000年,尽管网络信息产业形势不好,.com公司的股票一路下跌,但美国投入创业公司的风险投资还是高达1050亿美元,比过去15年加在一起的风险投资还要多。中国投入互联网的风险投资也达到了10亿美元左右。 网络在信息传播中扮演着越来越重要的角色。据调查,我国68.84%的网络用户上网的主要目的是为了获得信息。发展互联网,“以信息化带动工业化”已经成为人们的共识。 然而网络并不仅仅意味着效率和公正。网络的产生本是为了实现“非中心化”,因此最初的网络用户本能地排斥对网络设置各种规章制度并进行管理。最初的用户大多是一些高科技工作人员,利用网络进行交流和共享信息,遵守不成文的网络礼节(etiquette),友好相处。但网络毕竟不是世外桃源。互联网在给予人类从未有过的自由空间的同时,也导致了绝对自由主义和无政府主义的出现。随着网络商业化的发展,网络越来越深地介入普通人的生活,在现实社会发生的种种法律纠纷也开始出现在网络这个虚拟世界,例如诈骗、虚假广告、侵权、诽谤、传播色情信息等。 网络的发展需要法律的规范。要解决网络中存在的各种问题,使信息社会始终处于良性、有序的发展之中,就必须把网络纳入规范化、法制化的轨道。然而,正 网络信息传播中的法律问题研究如美国麻省理工学院媒体实验室主任尼古拉·尼葛洛庞帝所说,“我觉得我们的法律就仿佛甲板上吧啦吧啦挣扎的鱼拼命喘着气,因为数字世界是个截然不同的地方。大多数的法律都是为了原子的世界,而不是为比特少ite)的世界而制订的。”‘如何在网络环境下适用现有的法律,如何制定出适应数字技术的法律制度,成为摆在法学工作者面前的一大难题。 美国、欧盟等网络信息业发展较早的国家已经积累了丰富的立法和司法实践经验,并凭借自己强大的经济实力向世界推行自己的标准,以进一步确定。巩固和扩大其在网络信息业的优势地位。与此同时,我国的信息网络业却不得不在模糊的法律规定甚至根本无法可依的情况下摸索着前进。尽管关于网络立法的呼声很高,但相应的法学理论研究却尚未深入展开,很多领域几乎还处于空白,使得立法工作缺乏足够的理论基础。正是在这样一种情况下,笔者选择了“网络信息传播中的法律问题研究”作为博士论文题目。 全文共分四章:第一章域名的法律规范;第二章数据库的法律规范;第三章链接的法律规范;第四章网络服务商的法律规范。选取这四个问题进行讨论的思路是:域名是网络信息传播的基础,任何信息的传播都必须通过某个具体的网站,因此建立域名也是网络信息传播的起始;数据库是一种常见的网络信息存在形式,网络也极大地影响了数据库的建立和法律保护;链接是网络信息传播的技术支持,是网络信息传播与传统信息传播的一个重要区别之一;网络服务商则是专事网络信息传播的经营者。这四个问题对于网络信息传播至关重要,同时也是目前关于互联网的法律问题中争论最为激烈的。 在第一章“域名的法律规范”中,笔者首先在阐述域名的特性和我国现行的域名登记管理制度的基础上,对我国不允许域名与他人的商标相同、不允许域名买卖等规定的合理性进行了质疑。对于域名恶意抢注,笔者分析了其原因、种类,并对域名恶意抢注的判别标准提出了建议。在解决域名争议中,笔者指出,由子域名与商标有着天然的千丝万缕的联系,且各国都有着成熟的商标法律体系,商标侵权成为当事人为解决域名争议提起诉讼的首选。但在有的情况下,特别是域名不受商标法保护的情况下,当事人可以选择采取反不正当竟争法来维护自己的权益。然而,诉讼并不是解诀域名争议的唯一方式。完善域名登记制度。发挥域名注册登记机构的调解仲裁功能对于防止域名争议的产生以及迅速有效地解决域名争议有着极为重要的意义。对此,笔者分析了中国互联网信息中心的域名登记制度,对完善我国的‘尼葛洛庞帝,《数字化生存》。 11 内 容 摘 要域名争议仲裁程序、充分发挥中国互联网信息中心在域名争议中的协调功能提出了自己的看法。 在国际上有关强化对数据库保护的立法一浪高过一浪时,很多数据库在我国现行法律制度下却根本无法寻求法律保护。在第二章“数据库的法律规范”中,笔者首先介绍了欧美在数据库这一领域的立法新动态,分析了数据库的定义和性质,指出了给予数据库充分法律保护的必要性和重要性。在对各国的相关的立法司法实践进行比较分析后,

【Abstract】 The Internet has been developing rapid since it came into being. The network in China grows also at very high speed since the Internet server was initialized at March 1994. According to the survey of China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), there were only 620,000 Internet users in October 1997, however, the number of users reached 22,500,000 at the beginning of 2001; the domain names ending with .cn amount to 122,099; the number of web sites (ending with .cn, .com, .net, .org) has been 265,405 totally. Even though the Internet information industry is in the down turn, especially the .com stocks crashed, the amount of venture capital in the United States is still as high as 1,05 trillion dollars in the year 2000, which is more than the total of that in the last 15 years. The venture capital in the Internet industry in China also hits about 1 billion dollars. The role of the Internet in the information transmission is more and more impor- tant. According the survey, 68.84% of the Internet users surf with the goal to obtain information. Developing the Internet, 搖sing information to promote industrialization? has been a national strategy of China. However, the network does not only mean efficiency and justice. To realize the decentralization is the aim of network, so the first network users are reluctant to follow the regulations and administrations. The initial users are mostly high-tech workers. They use the network to transmit and share information friendly by following network eti- queue. The internet is not the Shangri-La. While the Internet provides a space the human being never had before, it also results in absolution liberalism and anarchism. With the development of commercial network, the Internet has been a part of the lives of the V common people. The lawsuits in the reality have surfed in the virtual world, such as fraud, fake advertisement, tort, defamation, pornography and etc. The development of the Internet needs regulation of law. The Internet must be put on the track of the standardization and institutionalization in order to solve the problems in the Internet. This is the possibility to make information society develop in ordered way. On the other hand, just like what Nicolas Negroponte said, 揟he law we have is like a fish breaths desperately on the deck because the digital world is a total different place. The most of the laws are designed for the atomic world instead for the bite world.? It has been difficult challenges for the jurist to adapt the current laws in the Internet environment, and to establish adaptive legal system for the digital technology. The developed countries in network information industry, such as the US and EU, have accumulated many experiences in the legislation and justice. They are using huge economic powers to push their own standard to secure and expand their leading positions. At the same time, the network information industry in China has to explore its way with vague regulation, or even without law and regulations. Although the demand on the legislation for network is high, the corresponding research has not been done thoroughly. Some areas are even left blank. It leaves legislation without a profound theoretical foundation. In this scenario, the author chose 揟he Research on the Intellectual Properties Law in the Network Information Transmission?as her dissertation for the doctor degree.

  • 【分类号】D923.4
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