

Study on The Agricultural Natural Disaster During Zhou, Qin, Han and Jin Dynasties and The Strategies of Agricultural Disaster Reduction

【作者】 卜风贤

【导师】 张波;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业经济管理, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 农业灾害的历史与农业生产的发展相始终。在古代社会,中国农业灾害频繁发生,对农业生产和国民经济造成严重危害和破坏。在现代灾害学昌兴的新的历史形势下,农业灾害史的研究需要汲取灾害学的理论成果,重新审视古代灾害的发生发展及农业减灾的措施和成效。为此,本文研究了周秦汉晋时期的农业灾害和农业减灾方略。全文由三部分组成。第一章,农业灾害史研究导言。阐述农业灾害史研究的目的意义,回顾农业灾害史研究的学术历程,提出了新的研究方法和研究体系。本文认为,农业灾害史的研究虽备受各方关注,且取得了诸多成果,但因限于研究者所处的历史条件,许多领域有待开发拓展。本文以现代灾害学理论为指导,从历史农业灾情、历史农业灾害的成因、历史农业灾害发生演变规律、历代抗灾救荒措施、古代荒政制度、救荒书与救荒思想等方面论述了灾害史研究的学术历程,总结了灾害史研究所取得的成就,分析了其中存在的问题,提出了解决问题的方案和办法。针对历史农业灾害史料处理中存在的法则零乱问题,本文提出了灾害史料灾度等级量化办法,根据现代灾害学中的灾度理论,确立了1度灾害的基准线,在此基础上,依据历史灾害资料的有关信息,以灾区大小、灾情状况和灾期长短等要素逐一确定历史农业灾害的灾度等级。本文所涉及的灾害历史以其发展变化特征而划分为两个阶段,即周秦两汉时期和三国两晋南北朝时期。周秦两汉是中国历史上传统农业产生发展的重要阶段,农业灾害在发生规模、要素构成、灾情状况、减灾方略、减灾思想等方面都处于革故鼎新阶段。三国两晋南北时期虽历时短暂,但农业灾害的发生却经历了由北而南的重大转变。第二章,周秦两汉时期的农业灾害。论述了农业灾害的发生演变和农业减灾等问题,以详实可靠的资料分析说明了农业灾害的灾情特征和所取得的减灾成就。周秦两汉时期是中国农业灾害系统初步形成的重要时期,各种农业灾害基本都有发生,且对农业生产造成重大破坏。在时空分布方面,农业灾害多集中于夏秋时节发生,山西山东地区是当时灾情最为严重的两个地区,农业灾年也呈现不平衡分布趋势。在传统农业的发展过程中,许多技术措施在农业减灾领域得到应用且取得一定的减灾成效。沟洫系统、农田灌溉工程、治黄工程等水利工程在减轻水旱灾害中发挥了积极作用;农作技术的进步也在一定程度上减轻了干旱、病虫害、草害的危害;一些物理化<WP=4>学和生物方法也被应用于农业生物灾害的减灾实践中。为了减灾防灾,古代国家也大力建设荒政制度。《周礼》中的荒政十二内容丰富,奠定了中国古代荒政制度的基础。仓储建设、灾民赈济安抚、灾后的农荒垦殖和稽核检恤救灾弊端共同构成了中国古代荒政制度的基本体系。国家行为的积谷备荒起源很早,两周时期国家仓储粮食是灾荒赈济的物资基础。两汉时期农荒赈济的粮食仓储开始向专门化方向发展,西汉耿寿昌创建的常平仓是其发展的标志。农荒赈济方式尽管多种多样,但赈民以谷依然是最主要的赈灾措施。此外,移民移粟、蠲免钱粮等措施均有施行。产生于本时期的重农政策也发挥了积极的减灾作用,政府在灾荒年份一再鼓励灾民耕垦荒地,促进了灾区农业生产和再生产的继续进行。为规范减灾行为,国家还经常委派官员检查灾荒赈救工作,对救灾不力或营私舞弊的官吏严加惩处。本时期还是传统农业灾害观初步形成的重要时期。人们在农业灾害的基本概念、发生规律、灾害分类、灾种关联性等方面均有创新性认识成果。在农业灾害的防治抗救方面,积极防灾抗灾依然为主流思想。第三章,三国两晋南北朝时期的农业灾害。论述分析了农业灾害复杂多样的发生态势,总结了农业减灾的历史成就。三国两晋南北朝时期农业灾害的发生规模和危害情况发生了重大转变。农业灾害在年内的分布差距逐渐缩小,山西、山东和江南地区成为三大农业重灾区,农业灾害在年际间不平衡分布且频繁发生。农业减灾技术的进步体现于农业生产的各个方面,具有典型意义的北方抗旱保墒耕作技术取得良好的减灾效果。而作为有效减灾方式的水利工程建设则因受社会大环境的影响而发展缓慢且不平衡,江南地区水利建设初见成效。物理化学生物减灾技术有继承发展,也有创造进步。荒政制度经历了一个曲折的发展过程。国无宁日的社会政治状况冲击破坏了正常的社会秩序,仓储制度时兴时废,尤为重要的是专门用于救灾的义仓制度于南北朝时期诞生。农荒救济制度全面发展,灾荒发生后,中央政府多次遣使勘灾施赈,以此为依据进行灾赈。赈谷、赈物、赈药、赈粥成为最常用的救灾手段。曹魏和南朝宋加强了移民移粟工作,救助大批灾民。在灾后重建过程中,国家对灾民赈给耕牛粮种,劝课耕垦,发展生产。为解决灾害赈济过程中的各种问题,国家强化了监督机构的职权,把御史台从少府中分离出来,归皇帝直接掌管,将各类各级官员全部置于监察范围之内。农业减灾思想在三国两晋南北朝时期主要是对前代灾害思想的继承。在灾害性质和成因、灾害发展演变规律、农业防灾抗灾等总体认识上均未超出周秦两汉水平,仅在仓储思想、农业技术减灾思想等方面有所创新突破。

【Abstract】 The history of agricultural natural disaster is closely related to the development of agricultural production. Ancient China saw frequent occurrence of agricultural natural disaster and its serious harm and damage to the agricultural production and economy. The study of agricultural natural disaster in the new historical trend needs absorption of theoretical results and review of measures and effect of development of the disaster and its reduction in ancient times. The thesis, consisting of three chapters, studies the agricultural natural disaster and reduction strategies during Zhou, Qin, Han and Jin dynasties.Chapter I, the introduction of history of agricultural natural disaster research, discusses the aim and significance of the disaster research and reviews the academic research in this field, also puts forward a new research approach and system of agricultural natural disaster.Fruitful achievements have been made in agricultural natural disaster research thanks to much concern and support from many departments concerned.Yet many fields in the research need to be expanded due to historical limitation of the researcher. This paper, guided by theory for modern disaster, expounds the academic history of disaster research and its achievements, analyzes problems in the research and proposes solution and approach to the problems.In view of standard confusion in the material processing of agricultural natural disasters in history, disaster scale grading of historical disaster materials is put forward according to disaster degree theory in modern disaster science and establishes the standard for grade I. disaster. Based on this, disaster grades of historical agricultural natural disaster is to be determined on the basis of relevant historical information of the disaster area, actual situation and duration.The disaster history involved in the paper is divided into two stages according to its development characteristics, respectively are Zhou, Qin, West and East Han dynasties and Wei, Jin, South and North dynasties. The former is the important stage for developing traditional agriculture. The scale of the agricultural natural disaster, components, actual situation, reduction plan and thoughts are all in the changing period. Wei and Jin dynasties last a short period while experience the important shift of agricultural natural disaster from the north to the south..Chapter II, agricultural natural disaster during Zhou, Qin, West and North Han dynasties, <WP=6>discusses happenings of agricultural natural disaster and reduction measures and analyses disaster characteristics and reduction achievements.Chinese agricultural natural disaster system came into being mainly in Zhou, Qin, West and East Han dynasties. The period witnessed occurrence of all kinds of agricultural natural disasters and serious damage to agriculture. The disaster centered on mainly in summer and autumn with Shanxi and Shandong the two worst regions. The disaster was not evenly distributed through the year.Many technological measures have been used in agricultural disaster reduction fields with certain effect in the development of traditional agriculture. Furrow irrigation system, farming irrigation project, the Yellow River conservation project etc. played an active part in relieving floods and droughts. Progress of farming techniques diminished droughts, plant diseases and insect pests, weeds and other harms to some extent. Some physical, chemical and biological techniques were also applied in the practice of biological disaster alleviation.To diminish and prevent disaster, ancient governments established policies of natural disaster preparation and disaster relief. For example, rich contents of policies for disaster preparation and relief in chapter 10 of Zhouli, a book about Zhou_dynasty, formed the basis for the system. The construction of grain storehouse for natural agricultural disaster, relieving the people in stricken areas, opening up virgin soil after disaster and inspection of relief work comprises the basic system of an


