

The development and measurement of ship wake optical specialty

【作者】 张建生

【导师】 陈良益;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所 , 光学工程, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 关于尾流的直接文献基于军事秘密而极少见到。国外从二战以来就对尾流的特性着手进行研究,但研究内容主要是尾流的声学特性、尾流的几何特性、尾流中气泡形成和溶解及其在尾流声学特性中所起的作用等。 本文对舰船尾流具有的多种特性进行了概括和总结,同时,为了便于将尾流的光学特性从横向与声学特性进行比较,对尾流气泡幕的声学理论进行了详细的描述。在此基础上,对光在水中的特性、水对光的散射中气泡的影响等内容较为细致的阐述。目的是希望为该研究方向的可能读者提供一个较为完整的参考资料,也便于将光通过纯净水、海水、尾流气泡幕的特性做出对比,并在比较中促进该研究方向的成长和发展。 为了系统地完成研究内容,利用高速摄影技术对实验室模拟的尾流气泡幕进行了研究,初步掌握气泡的运动和动力学规律,并对水中气泡的分布得出了粗略的认识。 关于尾流光学特性的研究,分为两个阶段进行了实验研究。第一阶段是在实验室对气泡模拟器产生的气泡幕进行定量研究,实验使用自行设计、组装的实验系统;第二阶段是对真实尾流的光学特性进行研究,并自行设计了适合于水下测试的实验系统。 在第一阶段实验的基础上,建立了激光通过气泡幕散射的物理模型,并利用模型进行了相应的计算。经与实验结果比较,证实所建立的理论模型可定量描述实验结果,同时还说明了理论结果与实验结果存在一定的差异,并对差异的原由提出了初步看法。 本文的特点以及创新点主要表现在以下四个方面: (1)“尾流光学特性的研究与测量”属国内首次研究课题。 (2)在课题进行过程中,对大量有关文献做了整理和总结,首次将舰船尾流的多种特性进行了阐述,并对尾流气泡幕的声学特性、气泡的运动及动力学规律给出了较为系统的说明。 (3)在实验室研究的基础上,提出了尾流气泡幕光散射特性的物理模型, 摘 要 经与实验结果对比分析,证实该理论模型在对尾流气泡幕光学特性的研究中是 合理、适用的。 (4)自行设计了用于实验室和真实尾流光学特性研究的实验系统,实际便 用的结果表明,所设计的实验系统是可靠的,并能够满足实验要求。

【Abstract】 There is few direct reference on ship wakes duo to military secrets. The characteristics of ship wakes have been studied from the Second Word War in other countries where the main research is focused on the acoustic and geometrical specialty, along with the formation and dissolution of bubbles in wakes. The action of bubbles in wake acoustics is another subject investigated. In this present paper different properties of ship wakes are discussed and summarized. The acoustic theory of bubble film in wakes is described in detail in order to compare with wake optical properties conveniently. In addition, light transmission through water and influence of bubbles on scattering of light in the ocean and etc are mentioned in greater detail too. All as mentioned above is focused on providing an intact reference for possible readers to a certain degree, and comparing the light specialty through pure water and sea water and bubble film conveniently. By the comparison, the research growth and development will be accelerated. To accomplish the study items systematically, high-speed photographic technology is used in researching the bubble film. Kinematics and dynamics of bubbles or bubble film are estimated, distribution of bubble in water is roughly cognized. The optical specialty of ship wakes is investigated in two steps: firstly, investigation, on the bubble film produced by bubble worker, is taken with the scheme designed by ourselves in laboratory; secondly, investigation on the real wakes in situ is made with the under water system made. Based on the experiment of first step, physical model for light scattered by film 7 of bubbles is established and related calculation is made. Comparison with the results of experiment gives that the model is applicable and has definite error discussed in the paper. The main research work and the creative ideas in this thesis are as follows: (1) he development and measurement of ship wake optical specialty?is the first-time task in the country. (2)During studying lots of references is obtained and fixed, different specialties are discussed for the first time. The acoustics of bubble film and kinematics and dynamics of bubbles are made out systematically. (3)Physical model for light scattered by film of bubbles is established and related calculation is made based on the first step laboratory investigation, and the rationality is supported by comparing with experiments. (4)Schemes for lab and detecting real wakes underwater, used in practice and approved to be reliable, are designed and manufactured by ourselves.

【关键词】 尾流气泡气泡幕光学特性照度散射
【Key words】 WakeBubbleFilm of bubbleOptical specialtyIlluminationscattering

