

【作者】 郑军

【导师】 钟志华;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 车辆工程, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 本论文作为新概念车课题的前期理论研究,主要侧重于新概念车与普通轿车的舒适性与操纵稳定性对比分析,以验证新概念车的可行性。 在舒适性分析中,本论文建立了包括全部轮胎、悬架与座椅的11自由度非线性整车舒适性模型,根据计算要求提出了时域离散路面生成算法,并运用神经网络优化算法对悬架参数进行了舒适性优化计算,从而证实了新概念车具有优于普通轿车的舒适性。相应的台架振动试验验证了舒适性模型中非线性轮胎与悬架模型的合理性,实车舒适性试验则验证了新概念车确实具有较好的舒适性。 在操纵稳定性分析中,本论文建立了开环操纵稳定性模型,在频域与时域两个方面对新概念车与普通轿车的稳定性与动态响应性能进行了对比分析,并在此基础上提出了基于驾驶员—道路—车辆动态最优控制的闭环操纵稳定性模型,对新概念车与普通轿车的整体行驶性能进行了实时仿真,验证了新概念车同样具有与普通轿车相当的操纵稳定性。 论文中创新提出了路面生成算法、神经网络优化算法及驾驶员—道路—车辆动态最优控制模型,并在非线性舒适性模型与操纵稳定性模型中有所改进。根据计算分析与实车试验的结果,证实了新概念车在本论文研究的范围内是完全可行的。

【Abstract】 This paper mainly aims at feasibility study of a new concept car both theoretically and experimentally. Comparisons are made between the ride comfort and handling characteristics of the new concept car and ordinary layout car. For the ride comfort research, this paper proposes a nonlinear ride comfort model with 11 DOFs including tyres, suspensions and seats. An algorithm for generating discrete road excitation in time domain is applied for the study. Neural network optimization method is used for calculation study of the suspension parameters. The study shows that the new concept car has better ride comfort than ordinary layout car. To examine the validity of theretical models, experiments are carried out with a typical suspension system and the results show that the nonlinear tyre and suspension model in ride comfort model is reasonable. An actual vehicle comfort test is also taken and it can be seen the new concept car does have a better ride comfort property. For the handling characteristics research, an opened ioop handling characteristics model is established. Comparison is made between the stability and dynamic responding ability of the new concept car and ordinary layout car both in time domain and frequency domain. Furthermore, a closed loop directional model based on the driver/road/vehicle dynamic optimal control is put forward and real time simulation of the whole steering ability is done for the new concept car and ordinary layout car. The calculation result also indicates that the handling characteristics of the two type cars is equivalent. The paper creatively brings forward the road excitation generating algorithm, the neural net~vork optimization algorithm and the driver/road!vehicle dynamic optimal control model. It also improves the nonlinear ride comfort and handling characteristics model. This study shows that the new concept car is undoubtedly feasible regarding the features discussed in this paper.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】U461.4
  • 【被引频次】45
  • 【下载频次】1491

