

【作者】 赵玉焕

【导师】 薛荣久;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 国际贸易, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 随着世界范围内环境保护浪潮的兴起,贸易与环境问题日益得到国际社会、各国政府及人民的关注,成为国际政治、经济领域的焦点问题之一。 贸易与环境问题是环境保护与经济增长相联系的一个方面,主要包括以下几个方面的问题:1、贸易与环境的关系:贸易对环境的影响,贸易活动的开展和扩大是改善还是恶化环境;环境对贸易的影响,环境保护活动是促进还是阻碍国际贸易的发展;2、是否应该为了保护环境而使用贸易限制措施?3、如何防止环境措施成为变相的贸易壁垒?4、如何协调贸易与环境的关系,以实现可持续发展? 对于贸易与环境问题,有关专家和国际组织进行了大量的研究,取得了一些有价值的研究成果。由于贸易与环境问题相对较新,有些方面尚未得出明确的结论,需要进一步的研究和实践验证。同时,国际社会与环境有关的贸易争端也越来越多,不仅影响了国际贸易的正常发展,也不利于全球环境保护。因此,如何协调贸易与环境的关系已成为国际社会面临的一项迫切任务。对外开放和环境保护是中国的两项基本国策,二者在相互促进的同时也产生了一定的矛盾与冲突,影响了中国经济的可持续发展。所以,如何协调对外开放与环境保护的关系也是摆在中国政府面前的一项迫切任务。 在前人研究成果的基础上,本文使用理论和实证分析相结合的研究方法,进一步分析贸易与环境的关系,对贸易与环境领域的几个主要问题进行探讨。在此基础上,笔者认为,国际合作是协调贸易发展与环境保护的关系、使二者相互促进的有效途径,并对国际社会如何在国际合作的基础上协调贸易与环境的关系以及WTO新一轮谈判如何处理贸易与环境问题提出了自己的看法。最后,笔者对中国政府如何协调对外开放与环境保护的关系,以及在2001年11月份在多哈召开的WTO第四次部长级会议上和WTO新一轮谈判中应持的立场和原则提出了建议,希望能够对中国政府提供一定的借鉴意义,这也是写作本文的根本目的之所在。 引言部分论述了贸易与环境问题的起源。除引言之外,论文内容分为四部分共九章。 第一部分主要从理论的角度对贸易与环境问题进行了论述与分析。第一章分析了贸易与环境的关系,首先对五种典型的环境退化问题(农业、森林退化、全球变暖、酸雨和鱼类过度捕捞)进行了分析,这几种环境问题分别代表了性质相似的某类环境问题,并对贸易活动和贸易限制措施对这些环境问题的影响进行了分析,接着从整体的角度分析了贸易与环境的相互关系。 第二章从经济角度对贸易和环境问题进行了理论分析。第一节分析了贸易发展与环境保护的冲突及具体体现。接下来,论文对现阶段贸易与环境领域的几个焦点问题进行了理论和实证分析,对有关的一些观点进行评价并提出了自己的看法,主要包括1、是否应该为了保护环境而使用贸易限制措施;2、环境标准与竞争力的问题;3、环境标准与污染企业转移的问题;4、贸易、经济增长与环境保护的关系。 论文第二部分主要对国际及区域组织现行的处理贸易与环境问题的原则和方法进行了分析。一些国际及区域组织,如联合国、OECD、NAFTA等,对贸易与环境问题进行了深入的研究,并从各自不同的角度提出了解决问题的方法,其中有些做法可为WTO新一轮谈判所借鉴,第三章对这些问题进行了分析。为保护环境,国际社会签署了200多项与环境和资源有关的,约有20项协议中含有与贸易有关的条款,第四章分析了主要的多边环境协议对国际贸易的影响。第五章重点分析GATT/WTO对贸易与环境问题的处理。作为协调各成员方贸易政策和规章的多边贸易体系的基础的GATT/WTO,在其组织机构和协议内容中越来越多地反映了贸易与环境问题。1971年,GATT成立了“环境措施与国际贸易小组”(the Group on Environmental Measures and International Trade);乌拉圭回合谈判结束时,成立了“贸易与环境委员会”(the Committee on Trade and Environment),专门负责处理WTO内与贸易有关的环境问题。在WTO的内容中虽然没有专门的“环境条款”,但贸易与环境问题在许多协议中有所反映。从90年代初开始,GATT/WTO共处理了八起成员方之间与环境有关的贸易争端,对这些争端的处理体现了WTO对贸易与环境问题的处理原则。 第三部分主要是寻求贸易与环境协调发展的途径。第六章分析了环境成本内在化问题。从理论上讲,环境成本内在化是协调贸易与环境关系的根本途径。但是,在现实中,由于以下问题的存在,至少在短期内,环境成本完全内在化在实际操作中并不可行:一方面,有些环境资产很难定价,如大气,不同的人对清洁空气的偏好也不一样,这样就很难确定生产或消费活动的环境成本;另一方面,更重要的是,在政策的制定和执行中,存在着普遍的“政治失灵”(Political railure)问题,即政策的制定受利益集团的影响。此外,由于环境问题具有全球性和外溢性的特点,在环境问题的治理上存在着“搭便车”的倾向。因,此,单靠各国政府实行环境成本完全?

【Abstract】 With the environmental protection having become increasingly important, the issue of trade and environment has become one of focuses in the international economic and political society.The issue of trade and environment is one aspect of the interconnection between environmental protection and economic growth. It includes: 1. The relationship between trade and environment; 2. Should we use trade measures for environmental purpose? 3. How to prevent environmental measures from becoming disguised trade barriers? 4. How to harmonize the relationship between tra~le and environment?Many experts and international organizations have researched into some aspects of the trade and environment issue and reached certain conclusions. As this issue is relatively new, it needs further study before we reach definite conclusions. In recent years, there arise more and more environment-related trade disputes in international society, which not only impede trade development but also do no good to environmental protection. In this sense, to harmonize the relationship between trade and environment has become an urgent task of the international society. Opening to the outside world and environmental protection are two basic national policies of China, but nowadays there are conflicts between them, which will harm the sustainable development of chinese economy. Therefore, harmonizing the relationship between the two basic national policies is an urgent task of chinese government.On the basis of former research, employing the method of theoretical and empirical analysis, the author further analyzes the relationship between trade and environment and discusses the main problems in trade and environment area. The author holds that international cooperation is an effective way to harmonize trade and environment and gives the viewpoints on how to do in the new round of WTO trade negotiation. In the end, the author puts forward the suggestions to chinese government on how to do in the future, hoping it can benefit the sustainable development of chinese economy, which is the main purpose of writing this thesis.The introduction illustrates the origin of the trade and environment issue. Apart from the introduction this thesis comprises four parts which are divided into nine chapters.The first part mainly analyzes trade and environment issue from theoretical perspective. The first chapter is about the relationship between trade and environment and deals with five typical environmental degradation problems, including chemical-intensive agriculture, deforestation, global warming, acid rain and overfishing, and analyzes the effects of trade and trade measures on these environmental degradation problems, and then analyzes the relationship between trade and environment from the overall perspective.The second chapter gives the theoretical analysis of trade and environment issue from economic perspective. The first section analyzes conflicts between trade and environment. The following sections discuss the current focal problems in trade and environment area , which includes: 1. Should we use trade measures for environmental purpose? 2. The problem of environmental standards and competitiveness; 3. The relationship between environmental standards and relocation of polluting industries; 4, The relationship between trade ,economic growth and environmental protection; and also gives evaluations to some viewpoints and puts forward the author’s own viewpoints.The second part of this thesis mainly analyzes the principles and methods coping with trade and environment issue by some international and regional organizations. Some international and regional organizations, such as the United Nations, OECD, NAFTA, have done some deep research in this area and take some measures dealing with trade and environment issue, some of which can be used by WTO to deal with this issue. The above are contents of the third chapter. To protect the environment, the international society has signed about 200 Multilateral Environmental Agreements(MEAs), among whi

  • 【分类号】F740
  • 【被引频次】27
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