

The Structured Perturbed Robust H_∞ Control for Open-loop Thermal Power Torpedo Propulsion System

【作者】 李佐成

【导师】 樊思齐;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 航空宇航推进理论与工程, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 开式循环鱼雷热动力装置的鲁棒控制是一新兴的学科分支,本文在分析开式循环鱼雷热动力装置控制系统技术方案、建立动力系统数学模型及对动力系统开环特性进行分析研究的基础上,着力研究HAP三组元鱼雷热动力装置结构参数摄动的H控制问题、动力装置启动过程的控制问题及动力装置鲁棒控制系统的综合与实时混合仿真问题。主要研究内容归纳如下: 1、在分析HAP三组元鱼雷热动力系统技术方案及各主要部件性能特点的基础上,根据各个部件的不同情况,分别采用数理推导或实验统计分析的方法建立其机理模型或统计模型,构成了一种混合型非线性的HAP三组元热动力装置总体模型。并以此为基础建立起三组元热动力装置的变参数状态空间模型。 2、深入研究了HAP三组元热动力系统的开环特性,着重分析了系统在各种情况下的开环稳定性及参变量之间的相互关系。 3、研究了三组元热动力装置启动过程的控制问题,在反复仿真分析的基础上,给出动力装置启动过程的控制规律,并进行了开环燃烧试验的验证。 4、在研究动力推进系统大偏差数字模拟方法的基础上,给出了一种开式循环鱼雷热动力系统变参数实时混合仿真的原理和方法,建立了一台动力装置控制系统的实时半物理仿真试验系统,为研究系统各部件之间的相互适配问题,以及动力装置控制系统结构参数的调整与优化问题打下了基础。 5、基于干扰抑制下的二次稳定理论,研究了状态空间描述中所有矩阵均存在结构参数摄动的问题,提出了一种广义结构参数摄动系统输出反馈鲁棒H控制器的设计方法。 6、针对三组元鱼雷热动力装置广义结构参数摄动问题,研究了在H2性能约束条件下的H控制器的设计方法,推导出了鲁棒H/H2状态反馈控制规律,给出了结构参数摄动系统混合H/H2状态反馈控制的充分必要条件,这一结果可以作为H/H2控制理论在范数有界的结构摄动多变量控制系统的发展。 7、针对鱼雷热动力装置工作状态变化范围大,系统非线性强的特点,解决了动力装置控制系统在控制区域边界的控制器切换及跨区域过程控制问题,设计了一个鱼雷热动力装置综合控制系统。以动力装置非线性模型为控制对象,对综合控制系统的鲁棒性能、目标跟踪性能及抗干扰性能进行了仿真验证。从—— 仿真结果可知,该系统具有大幅度恒深变速、恒速变深及在变深的同时实现变 速的功能。变深过程鱼雷航速十分稳定,变速过程调节时间在3秒以内,并实 现了无误差目标跟踪。

【Abstract】 The robust control of open-loop thermal power torpedo propulsion unit now becomes one of the new branches in scientific research. This dissertation focuses on the research of control problems of structured parameter perturbation of the torpedo power unit which uses tri-componet fuel, and on the control problems of the start-up transition process of its power unit, and on the problems of real time mixed simulation of robust control system. Based on the thorough analysis of the technical scheme of the control system of open-loop torpedo power unit and the analysis of its characteristics, and on the establishment of its mathematical model, we have made the following contributions and findings: 1 ... A working model and statistical model have been established by employing respectively the methods of mathematical and physics derivation or experimental statistical analysis, thus forming a mixed nonlinear overall model of the thermal power unit which uses HAP tri-componet fuel. As a result, a variable-parameter state- space model of the thermal power unit has been set up. 2 This dissertation provides a thorough study of the open-loop characteristics of the thermal power propulsion system, and focuses on the analysis of open-loop stability under various circumstances, and on the relationship among different parameters and variables. 3~ This research offers the control rules of start-up transition process of power unit and has conducted open-loop combustion tests to verify them, based on the study of its control problem and on the repeated simulation analysis. 4.. Based on the study of large deviation data simulation of power propulsion system, this research offers the principles and methods of variable-parameters and real time mixed simulation for open-loop torpedo thermal power system. Furthermore, a real time and semi-physics simulation testing system has been established so as to test the mutual matching of different components in the system. This testing system has also laid a good foundation for the study of regulation and optimization of the structured parameters of its control system. 5.. In terms of the theory of quadratic stabilization under disturbance attenuation, this research has discovered that structured parameters perturbation exists in all matrices in state-space description. Therefore, it presents a new designing method for output feedback robust H~, control in general structured parameters perturbation system.6. Aiming at solving the sthectured parametCr perturbation in torpedO thermalpower unit which uses HAn tri-compoent fuel, we have derived the colltrOl rules ofrobust HJH, state feedback, and offers necessary and sufficient conditions for mixedHN, state feedback conifOl in the system. This result is considered as thedevelopment of Hm, control theory in structured perturbed multi-variables conifOlsystem with norm-bounded.7. Because of large and changeable working area for toopdo thermal powerunit and its nonlinear characteristics, this research has solved the problems ofcontroller speed change in its power unit condol system over the boundny of contrOlarea and of the colltrOl process across the boundare. As a result, a comPrehensivecolltrol system of torpedo thermal power unit has been designed. Aiming atcontrolling the nonlinear model of POwer unit, we have conducted simulation tests toverify its robust performance, servo tracking PerfOrmance and disturbance rejection.From the results of above tCstS, we have proved that this system has a large range,constan depth and fast sPeed change, and its sPeed can be changed While it is goingdown to a cehain dePth. wnle deePening down, it has a stab


