

Inheritance And Irradiation Mutagenic Effects on Quality Characters in Indica Hybrid Rice

【作者】 方平平

【导师】 李维明;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 二十世纪七十年代初杂交水稻的成功应用,为我国粮食产量提高作出了巨大贡献。但是,当前生产上应用的杂交由表及里籼稻品质普遍较差,难以满足社会和市场对稻米品质日益提高的要求。因此研究杂交稻品质性状的遗传、优质组合配制方式和品质改良途径,具有重要的理论和实践意义。本试验围绕优质杂交稻的遗传和改良开展两个方面的研究,主要结果如下:1.忧质杂交籼稻品质性状的遗传研究 以5个优质不育系和5个优质恢复系为亲本,采用不完全双列杂交设计配制组合,采取分期播种方式种植亲本和Fι,收获成熟期相近种子,应用包括基因型×环境互作效应的种子性状遗传分析模型,研究在早季、再生季、和晚季三种不同气候生态环境下,不育系和恢复系均为优质的背景时杂交稻米加工、外观和蒸煮食用品质共12个性状的遗传,结果表明: (1)杂种稻米品质性状主要受遗传控制,12个品质性状的遗传方差(V_G)占表型方差(V_p)的比例都大于64%。其中,糙米率、精米率、谷粒长、米粒长、长宽比、糊化温度、胶稠度等7个性状的遗传方差占表型方差的比率更达90%以上(92.4%-98.7%),直链淀粉含量也达84.6%,说明这些性状的遗传稳定性强。 (2)在遗传效应中,所有品质性状都以加性效应为主。除谷粒长的加性效应占遗传效应的比重不到80%外(78.3%),其余11个品质性状的加性效应均占遗传效应的95%以上。但各品质性状加性效应来源不同,基本可以分为两大类。第一类为母体加性效应(V_Am)占绝对优势,即这些性状表现主要决定于二倍体母体植株基因型,且具有累加效应。这些性状包括糙米率、精米率、整精米率、谷粒长、透明度、糊化温度、直链淀粉含量;第二类是以种子直接(胚乳)加性效应(V_A)为主,即性状表达主要决定于三倍体胚乳基因型。这些性状包括米粒长、长宽比、垩白率、垩白度和胶稠度。除糙米率和精米率不存在细胞质效应外,其余性状均存在一定的细胞质效应,但其效应值小,影响甚微。 桅建农体入学曲土学付论义 门)与遗传效应相比,基因wX环境厅作效应则小得多,们每个品质性 状都有一些互作方差分量达极显著水个,说明环境对杂种稻米品质的影响因 基因型而异。其中,整精米率、平广]率、乎(1度、透明度等4性状的互作方 差(VGE)占表型方差比重较大,分别达到33.2O、35.1O、31.3o和27.1O。 因此,这些性状对环境较敏感,门不同某冈型的敏感程度不同。 (4)杂种优势分析结果表明,除K宽比、胶稠度、糊化温度(碱消值) 存在明显的负向杂种优势,直链淀粉含量1NZ著的正向杂种优势外,其余品 质性状无明显杂种优势。以卜四个,兀质件状的杂种优势对杂交稻品质改良有 不利的影响。 (5)不盲系和恢复系的贞献 本研究结采表明,在 12个.fib)ffi性状叶。, 糙米率、精米率、整精米率、长宽比、平白率、痤〔1度、胶稠度和直链淀粉 含量8个性状,不育系对杂种的贡献大于恢复系,而米粒长和糊化温度2个 性状则恢复系贡献大,X余二个忏状(谷粒K和透明度),两者作用相当。 因此,在优质杂交稻育种中,选育和应用优质不育系对杂种稻米品质改良至 关重要。 (6)亲本育种利用侧哺评价 对各余本在三种环境下的遗传效应值进 行估算,结果表明:不育系中金23A是改良杂种加工品质的良好亲本,德山 A和中九A则对外观品质改良较理想,在蒸煮食用品质方面,德山A属低 直链淀粉含最(<13%)、软胶稠度(>65mm)亲本,可用于同高直链淀粉 含量、硬胶稠度的恢复系配纠。恢复系中,亚花1号是综合改良杂种稻米品 质的较理想亲本。 门)遗传相关 对品质性状的遗作相关分析结果表明,以下性状两两 间存在较强的遗传相关关系(rDeo.5):精米率与整精米率、谷粒长与米粒长, 谷粒长与长宽比、米粒K‘j长宽比、平〔1率与平白度、胶稠度与直链淀粉含 量。前5对性状为正相大,仅最后1对性状为负相关。 二.稻米外观品质性状辐射诱变效应研究 龙特浦A(特A)和珍汕97A(珍A)配合力强,是应用较多的两个不 育系,但其品质较差,尤其是外观品质差,表现为短粒形、大圣白。本试验。以这两份不育系的同型保持系为材料进行Y辐射诱变,采用歪白数字化扫描 I 福建农林大学博土学位论文 测定法和数量性状突变频率保守估计法(犬为人,1993),研究。辐射对两 份保持系的 MZ和 M3代粒长和垂白两个卞要外观品质性状的诱变效应。结果 表

【Abstract】 Two experiments were conducted to study the inheritance of quality characters and the mutagenic effect of ~?-ray on appearance traits in indica hybrid rice. The main results were as follows:1.The inheritance of quality characters in good-quality hybrid riceTen good-quality parents including 5 CMS lines and 5 restorers were used to make incomplete diallel crosses for studying the inheritance of quality characters in indica hybrid rice. F1 and their parents were sown and planted under early, ratoon and late seasons respectively. To harvest the seeds in near mature date, all stocks were sown in different date for both early and late seasons. Genetic analysis was conducted by using genetic models including genotype >( environment interaction for 1 2 quality characters, i.e. brown rice%(BR), milled rice%(MR), head rice%(HR) , grain length(GL) , kernel length(KL) , length/breadth ratio(LBR), chalky rice% ( CR), chalky score (CS), kernel translucency (KT)1 gelatination temperature( CT), gel consistency( GC)and amylose content (AC). .The results showed that:(1 )The genetic variations(Vg) for each of 12 characters accounted for more than 64% of phenotype variation, especially for traits BR, MR, GL, KL, LBR, GT and GC, which accounted for 92.4%-98.7%, indicating that all of quality traits were mainly controlled by genetic effect.(2)The genetic variations of all characters were mainly attributable to maternal additive (VAin) and direct additive (VA), with maternal additive effect predominating for BR, MR, HR~ GC, KT, GT and AC, while direct additive effect predominating for KL, LBR, CR, CS and Ge. Except for BR and HR, slight cytoplasm effect was also detected in other 1 0 characters.( 3 ) Comparing with genetic main effect , the genotype X environment interaction effects( VGE)were much less important~ although there were some interaction variation components were significant for each character. Among 12 characters, the VGE for HR, CR, CS and KT was higher, which accounted for 33.2%, 35.l%~ 31.3%and 27.1% of phenotype variation respectively.(4) Heterosis were unable to be detected in most of characters except for LBR, GC and GT (ASS) with negative dominances, and AC with positive dominance. The heterosis found for these four traits were unfavorable for quality improvement in indica hybrid rice.(5) Comparing contribution between CMS lines and restorers to F1 quality improvement showed that among 12 characters, eight (BR, MR, HR, LBR, CR, CS, GC, AC) were much more influenced by CMS lines than that by restorers, two ( GL and KT) almost equally affected by both, and only two (KL and GT) showed more influence by restorers than by CMS lines, suggesting that using CMS lines with good quality were crucial in breeding of high quality hybrid rice.(6)The evaluation of genetic effects for parents under three seasons demonstrated that in CMS lines, Jin23A was favorable for improving milling quality, DeshanA and ZhongjiuA were better for appearance quality improvements DeshanA, with low AC( <13%)and high GC ( > 65mm), was also recommended as better parent in cooking quality improvement. In restorers, Yahua No.1 was an ideal stock for developing high quality indica hybrid rice.( 7 ) Significant genetic correlations were uncovered between following traits: MR and HR, GL and KL, GL and LBR, CR and CS, GL and AC. Except for negative genetic correlation between GC and AC, all others showed positive correlation.2.The mutagenic effects of y -ray irradiation on appearance quality inindica riceLongtepuA (TA) and Zhenshan97A (ZA) were two CMS lines with high yield general combining ability and had been utilized broadly in breeding of hybrid rice. However, the grain quality especially for appearance quality in these two CMS lines was unfavorable. Short grain and high chalkiness were two main shortages. In present study, the dry seeds of LongtepuB ( TB) and Zhenshan97B ( ZB), the maintenance lines of TA and ZA, were used for irradiating by Y -ray to investigat

  • 【分类号】S511.21
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】229

