

Kinematies、Real-time Measurement and Control of Cable and Cabin System for Large Radio Telescope

【作者】 王文利

【导师】 段宝岩;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 本文研究了大射电望远镜FAST悬索式馈源支撑系统的运动学理论、动态检测技术、控制结构与策略以及实验。大射电望远镜悬索式馈源支撑系统从理论上说属于并联机构学的研究范畴,国内外关于这种新型机构的研究目前仍然处于探索阶段,尚没有形成系统的理论与方法。本文从悬索式馈源支撑系统的粗精两级调节结构出发,首次提出了并联宏-微机器人的概念;根据机器人运动学理论建立了并联宏-微机器人系统的逆运动学模型,该模型是对馈源支撑系统进行计算机控制的基础;悬索式馈源支撑系统是并联机构,与串联机器人在控制策略上的不同在于对悬索系统进行点位控制的同时,仍需要考虑点到点之间的过程,因此不仅对索长要进行控制,而且对索的速度也要进行控制;本文将串联机器人理论中的基于启发式策略的速度规划方法应用于悬索系统的速度规划,采用此方法可以生成馈源舱在各个轨迹点时悬索的变化速度;然后根据本系统特点提出了一种过路径点的三次——四次多项式混合插值法,该方法用来生成路径点之间的插补轨迹、插补速度,计算结果表明按照此方怯生成的插补轨迹的误差完全可以满足系统控制精度的要求,同时可保证在路径点处悬索的速度连续;基于悬索式馈源支撑系统位置分散、控制集中的特点,提出了上下位机的分布式控制结构,考虑到馈源支撑系统的两种工作状态(跟踪射电源和寻找射电源)的不同要求,提出了系统的Fuzzy—FuzzyPID双模控制策略;在深入研究各种动态检测技术的基础上提出了可用来实时检测馈源舱位置与姿态的三种技术:全球卫星定位系统(GPS)、动态跟踪全站仪和基于计算机视觉的动态检测技术(CCD),完成了三种检测方法的技术方案,并建立了相关的数学模型;为验证大射电望远镜机电光一体化设计的基本思想及相关技术方案,设计并制造了直径5米的悬索式馈源支撑系统实验模型,对本文所提方案及策略进行了初步实验验证;为提高馈源舱在极限工作位置时系统的刚度,提出了六悬索系统的改进方案,增加两根下拉悬索以提高系统的刚度和稳定性,50米室外模型按照新的八悬索方案进行建造和实验。全文共分8章进行论述,各章所讨论的主要内容如下: 第一章 绪论。本章介绍了大射电望远镜FAST背景及技术指标;概述了柔性并联悬索机构的研究现状以及悬索式馈源支撑系统的主要研究内容;介绍了本文的主要工作和内容。 第二章 并联宏-微机器人系统的逆运动学模型。本章提出了并联宏-微机器人的概念及基于悬索张力均匀原则和悬索系统势能最小原则的两种索张力优化配置方案,并在此基础上建立了并联悬索系统的逆运动学模型,推导了动基座Stewart平台的误差补偿模型。 第三章 并联悬索机构的运动规划。本章介绍了并联悬索机构的速度控制策略,应用启发式策略生成了悬索在各个路径点的速度;提出了一种三次-四次多项式混合插值法,运用此方法可以生成路径点之间的插补轨迹、插补速度,计算结果表明此方法优于目前 常用的Stewart并联机构的插丰D方法;最后给出了悬索系统运动u实时性问题的解决办 法。 第四章 悬索式馈源支撑系统的u结构与控帘慌略。本章提出了悬索式馈源支撑 系统的分布u结构,根据大射甸戴顽鄙固宗时电源和寻找射+工作状态,提出 了系统的h肚y1讪叼水D聊圃揽慷略,介绍了锻-统的硼一, 最后给出了悬索的张力监坝u方案。 第五章 馈源舱位置与姿态的动态u。本章提出了可用来实时检测馈源舱位置 与姿态的三万4技术:全球卫星定ag统(GPS)、动态足团综全站仪禾U基于计算机视觉的动态检狈技术KCD),完成了刁+蹦u施的技术方案,并敬了相关的数髓型。 第六章 悬索式馈源支撑系统SWh型实验研究。本章介绍了在国家自然科学基金支持下$撇的5米实验模型的总体结构、控伟系统和初步的实验结果。 第七章 悬索式馈源支撑系统 50米室汐喉型。本章介绍了在中科院知间枪IJat程重大项目支持下正在建造的50米 喉型的总体结构u系统。 第八章 结论与展望。本章总结了本文的主要研究D需要进一步深入研究的课题。

【Abstract】 Study on kinematics, real-time measurement, control structure and method, and experiment of cable and cabin system utilized in large radio telescope (FAST project) has been described. From viewpoint of mechanism, it belongs to a kind of parallel mechanism. So far, there is still open about this parallel mechanism. The dissertation presents a concept called parallel macro-micro robot Ibr the first time. And more, the inverse kinematics model on this cable and cabin system is developed according to the kinematics theory of robot; Since the cable and cabin structure is a parallel mechanism instead of series system, both cable length and speed are required to be controlled. For the sake of this, a new interpolation method is utilized. In the method, a hybrid algorithm by combining 3~ and 4~?interpolation is applied to produce the route and speed between the route points. The result has shown that this algorithm is better than the classic methods. The distributed control system with a host computer and six subordinate computers is put forward. Considering the different requirements of the tracking and searching the radio source, the Fuzzy桭uzzyPD control method is proposed too. Three kinds of usable measurement technologies (GPS, Laser Ranger and CCD) are proposed. A 5m model has been constructed to correct the related theories and technologies. In order to enhance the stiffness of cable and cabin system, two downward cables are added. The following eight chapters are divided in the dissertation.Chapter 1 is Preface. The background and target of the large radio telescope FAST are introduced. The study condition of cable structure is reviewed. The studied works of this dissertation are given at the end.Chapter 2 is Inverse Kinematics Model of Parallel Macro-Micro Robot System. The concept called parallel macro-micro robot is presented. Two kinds of optimal disposing methods of the cables?tensions are used to build the inverse kinematics model of cable and cabin system. The error compensation model of the fine tuning Stewart platform is deduced.Chapter 3 is Kinematics Planning of Parallel Cable Structure. The speed control strategy of parallel cable structure is introduced. The heuristic method is used to produce the speed of six cables. Then a hybrid algorithm by combining 31d and 4敀 interpolation is applied to produce the mute and speed between the route points.Chapter 4 is Control Structure and Control Strategy of Cable and Cabin System. The distnbuted control structure and Fuzzy桭uzzyPID control method are proposed. Two kinds of communication methods are introduced. Finally, the monitoring project for the cables?tensions is givenChapter 5 is Real-time Position and Orientation Measurement System for Cabin.ThreeIII1~~~usable technologies for measuring the position and orientation of cabin (GPS, Laser Ranger, CCD) are introduced. The technological design and the mathematical model have been built.Chapter 6 is 5 Meter Experimental Model. The total structure, control system and expeiimental results of Sm model are introduced in this chapter.Chapter 7 is 50 Meter Outdoor Experimental Model. The total structure and control system of 50m model in constn.icting are described in this chapter.Chapter 8 is Conclusion and Expectation. The conclusion of studied works in this dissertation and the future works are given in this chapter.


