

Effects Of Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibitor on Repair Tissue in Articular Cartilage

【作者】 孙炜

【导师】 金大地;

【作者基本信息】 第一军医大学 , 骨外科学, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 研究背景 关节软骨的损伤和退变是临床最常见的疾病之一。而关节软骨的自我修复作用非常有限。因此,怎样促进关节软骨修复重建一直是骨科工作者不断追求,渴望解决的难题。然而,无论是自体或异体软骨移植、软骨细胞移植,或者三维立体细胞培养及组织工程技术的利用,都仅能在早期生成透明和类透明软骨组织,且随后不可避免会发生退变。而这些再生的软骨组织,无论是其结构、生物化学或者生物力学特性都与正常透明软骨不同。因此怎样提高再生软骨质量和防止其发生退变就成为急需解决的问题。同时,系列研究证实诱导型一氧化氮合酶抑制剂的应用有助于炎性软骨代谢的恢复,而目前研究均着重于寻找使关节软骨缺损修复的方法,很少去研究如何提高修复组织的质量以及如何防止发生退变,更少探讨其原因。既然NO对软骨形成和基质合成有抑制作用,能促进软骨的退变,那么进一步弄清NO作用于再生软骨退变过程的机理,并且采用iNOS抑制剂等干涉手段,可望使修复组织不发生退变或减漫退变,提高修复组织的质量,维护关节的功能。目的和意义 (1)探讨各种一氧化氮合酶抑制剂对软骨细胞和软骨生物学特性的影响,为动物试验提供理论基础;(2)建立关节软骨缺损模型,探讨一氧化氮合酶抑制剂SMT对再生软骨的影响,为临床应用提供理论基础;(3)探讨一氧化氮合酶抑制剂SMT对骨性关节炎的潜在治疗意义。材料与方法 门)从成年新西兰大白兔膝关节无菌分离软骨细胞和软骨片,通过MTT法检测 ILj 和 LPS以及 NOS抑制剂对软骨细胞毒性反应,确定ILq和 LPS对软骨细胞合适的作用浓度。然后,以合适浓度 ILl 十LPS,IL-16 + LPS+SMT,IL-16 +LPS+L-NIL,IL-10+LPS+L-NMA分别作用于软骨细胞和软骨,采用重氮化反应法测定NO释放量,NOS活性;3咕掺入法检测蛋白多糖合成;原位杂交检测软骨细胞 iNOSmRNA表达;RT-PCR检测软骨组织 eOS和 MMPgmRNA的表达以评价不同 NOS抑制剂对软骨细胞和软骨代谢的影响。 (2)ZI只雄性新西兰大白兔随机均分为正常组(不使用任何干预药物人对照组(皮下注射生理盐水后给予膝关节内注射 IL刁 卜g·ml”‘和 LPS 20ug·ml一各 0.lml);SMT组(将 SMT sing·kgJ,l次·12h1经皮下注射,持续 24小时后,膝关节内注射相同浓度 IL1时0 LPS混合液人8小时后检测关节软骨、滑膜和滑液NO释放量和NOS活性,48小时后测定软骨蛋白多糖合成和oOSInRNA表达。初步确定NOS抑制剂SMT对炎性因子刺激的关节软骨代谢的影响,以及给药的浓度和方式。通过聚丙烯酷胺凝胶电泳鉴定AsMPZ以及用肌袋埋植法检测其成骨活性。 (3)将66只雄性新西兰兔,随机均分为正常对照组(双侧膝关节软骨缺损不充填任何物质及用药物干涉);BMP组(缺损应用BMP纤维蛋白凝胶复合物充填);SMT组(术前给予sing上g-’·12h”’皮下注射SMT,缺损应用BMP纤维蛋白凝胶复合物充填)。根据观察时间不同,治疗时间为8周、16周和1年。按观察时间处死动物,分别作组织形态学、组织化学、原位杂交和RTPCR观察SMT对修复组织质量的影响;3咕掺入检测修复组织蛋白多糖合成。 (4)无菌获取OA患者的关节软骨和滑膜,分为3组。对照组不加药物干预;L一NIL组力入 1。l,L”’L一NIL干预;SW组力入 1。OI·L-‘SMT干预。孵育刀小时后,通过检测硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的含量来观察软骨NO的释放量以及WOS的活性;原位杂交检测软骨iNOSmRNA和MMPglnRNA的表达。孵育 10天后,化学比色法观察软骨蛋臼多糖含量和胶原释放量的变化。 .4.结果分析 门)*TI’法显示,软骨细胞分别与2*g·m*uS走lllg、Ml1卜lp以及0《 浓度的NOS抑制剂共同培养72小时,未造成明显的毒性反应。…gthl”‘外源性ILl和0上屹·m1“‘L陀可明显促进培养软骨细胞和软骨 NO释放,诱导 iNOSmANA表达,增加 NOS活性以及抑制软骨基质蛋白多糖的合成。当 LPS浓度为 5-20pg·ml”时 NO释放量最为显著:而加入100《000叩**OS抑制剂均能剂量依赖性抑制炎性因子诱发的软骨细胞和软骨NO释放和NOS活性的增加;lmmol浓度的NOS抑制剂可显著逆转软骨细胞和软骨蛋白多糖合成抑制以及抑制oOS和MMPg基因的表达。 Q)动物实验显示lpg·ml-‘1卜lp和10叱·m卜**S关节内注射后8小时,能显著增加在体软骨、滑膜和滑液中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的含量,增高NOS活性,以软骨对刺激因子的反应最敏感。注射后48小时,软骨 3咕 摄入量被显著抑制,yOSmRNA 表达明显上调,而sing·kg-‘·12h-‘SMT皮下注射能明显逆转其对软骨蛋白多糖合成的抑制,下调ffoOSlllJLrvA的表达。聚丙烯酞胺凝胶电泳显示thBMPZ获得表达;成骨活性表明thBMPZ植入1周后,出现软骨组织;2周后,新骨组织形成;4周后,新骨成熟。 (3)软骨缺损动物模型显示;术后8周、16周和1年后,形态?

【Abstract】 BACKGROUNDArticular cartilage damage and degradation are the most common diseases in clinic, but the self-repaired ability of articular cartilage is limited. How could restore cartilage defects is still the problem of orthopedic doctors. No matter what applying to autograft and allograft, or chondrocytes graft and tissue engineer culture, the defect could be filled with para-hyaline cartilage or hyaline cartilage in the early stage that subsequently could be fibrous degeneration ineluctability. It is important to promote repair tissues quality and retard its degeneration; because these repair tissues have different structure, biochemical and biomechanics characteristic. A serial of studies showed NOS inhibitors were benefit for arthritis. At present, Studies emphasize to the skill of cartilage defect repair, so that it is inadequate to promote the quality of repair tissues and retard its degeneration. Now that nitric oxide could increase cartilage matrix synthesis, NOS inhibitors were applied for cartilage repair would mediator repair tissue degradation and ameliorate its quality.OBJECTIVE( 1 ) To explore the effects of NOS inhibitors for chondrocytes and cartilage entities, and offer bases of animal model study. (2) To discuss the effects of NOS inhibitors for the cartilage repair tissue. (3) To study theclinical potential effects of NOS inhibitors in OA.METHODS( 1) Articular entities and chondrocytes taken from mature New Zealand white rabbits, the toxicity of IL-lp and LPS and NOS inhibitor on chondrocytes were measured through MTT. Then the experiment were performed in five groups: control group; IL-lp+LPS group; IL-lp+LPS + SMT group; IL-lp+LPS + L-NIL group; IL-lp + LPS + L-NMA group. The release of NO and the activity of NOS in rabbit chondrocytes and cartilage entities were measured by Griess reaction and spectrophotometric methods. The proteoglycan synthesis was assessed by incorporation of radiolabelled sodium sulphate Na235S04. iNOS and MMP9mRNA expression were measured by in situ hybridization and RT-PCR.(2) Twenty-one New Zealand white rabbits were divided into normal group, the control and SMT group. The normal group did not use any drug interfere, the control and SMT groups were given normal saline and SMT respectively by a single hypodermic injection after IL-lp and LPS were administered by interarticular injection. The NO release and the activity of NOS were measured by Griess reaction and spectrophotometric methods in 8h. The proteoglycan synthesis and iNOSmRNA expression was assessed by incorporation of radiolabelled sodium sulphate Na235SO4 and in situ hybridization respectively after 48h. Through polyacrylamide and mouse muscle bag model, the bioactivity of rhBMP-2 protein was identified.(3) Full-thickness defects of cartilage were created in the trochlearn groove of sixty-six adult New Zealand White rabbits. Forty-four defects were empty, Forty-four were filled with a fibrin glue impregnated with rhBMP, and Forty-four were filled with a fibrin glue impregnated with rhBMP and hypodermic injection with Smg-kg’Mltf1 SMT. The animals were killed at eight, sixteen weeks and one-year postoperatively, and the gross appearance of the healed defect was assessed. The repair tissue was examined histologically and was evaluated according to a grading scale. The tissuesections were immunostained with antibodies against type-II collagen and type- I collagen, RT-PCR examines the expreesion of iNOSniRNA, MMPsmRNA and type- II collagen.(4) 17 specimens of articular cartilage were taken from osteoarthrosis patients. The experiments were performed in three groups: control group and L-NIL.and SMT intervenient group. The release of NO and the activity of NOS on OA cartilage were measured by Griess reaction and spectrophotometric methods after 72h culture. iNOSmRNA and MMPg expression was measured by in situ hybridization. Proteoglycan and hydroxyproline in OA cartilage was measured after lOd culture.RESULTS( 1 ) chondrocytes incubated in vitro for 72h in presen


