

【作者】 周敬青

【导师】 金春明;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 中共党史, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 1971年爆发的被一些人视为“中国政治之谜”、“亚洲最大谜团之一”的“九一三”事件,再过几个月就是整整30年了。多年来人们一直在不懈地探索这一历史之谜。应该说,批林的文件和资料,特别是“两案”审判(指审判林彪、江青反革命集团),己经基本上揭开了谜底。但一些人仍在不断地提出问题,又把一些问题带进了新的世纪。本文旨在对林彪集团问题进行再研究:追溯林彪从革命功臣到反革命叛国者蜕变的轨迹;考察林彪集团的组成及其形成发展过程;对九届二中全会和“九一三”事件进行再探析;分析毛泽乐与林彪的关系、林彪集团与江青集团的关系;并对在国内外引起较大争议的若干史实进行辨析;总结林彪现象及其经验教训。 本文由导言和正文六章组成。各章的主要内容如下: 第一章 国内外研究现状述评。从国内外的主要著述、我国党史界研究现状、当前如何深化对这一问题的研究等三个方面作一概述。 第二章 林彪蜕变的轨迹剖析。以历史进程为基本线索,追溯林彪从革命功臣到反革命叛国者蜕变的轨迹,解析林彪蜕变的原因。 第三章 林彪集团的形成。首先从林彪与黄吴李邱的勾结、叶群在林彪集团中的作用、林立果及其小舰队的角度对林彪集团的组成部分作横向的解剖。其次,对林彪集团的形成过程作了纵向考察,由于这一过程错综复杂,本文抓住一条主线,即林彪集团是在打击排斥异己的一连串事件中形成的,其基本活动组织就是军委办事组和大小舰队,这样林彪集团形成发展的几个阶段就明朗化了。据此,将这一过程分为五个阶段。 第四章 九届二中全会上的斗争。九届二中全会是林彪集团由盛到衰的一个转折点。会上,林彪集团与江青集团、毛泽东与林彪之间的矛盾都发生了质的变化。本章分析了毛泽东选择林彪作为他的接班人原因,以及他们的分歧之所在;并对林彪集团与江青集团的勾结特点及其矛盾作了考察。林彪为何提出要设立国家主席?林彪是否想当国家主席?这也是多年来社会上和学术界争论不休的两个问题,本章力求作出合理的解释. 第五章“九一三”事件与林彪集团的覆灭.本章有三个组成部分:一是着重探讨林彪集团失败的历史必然性.它主要表现在三个方面:党内健康力量和人民群众的斗争;林彪集团本身外强小干、色厉内在的特点;256号飞机坠毁的技术上的原因.二是分析了“九一三”事件后国内政局的一系列深刻变化:人民群众开始觉醒;毛泽东对“文化人革命”的政策进行了局部性调整;周恩来身负重任,纠正“文化人革命”的“左”的错误;江青集团开始 “退却”,企图扭转批林方向.三是对在国内外引起较大争议的儿个问题进行史实辨析:也谈“林彪之冤”—一驳孙万国所谓“林彪三冤”;再谈“林.彪之冤”—一20 年后对“两案”审判的再思考;林彪外逃中一个插曲的真相;解开林彪是否被挟持之谜;辨析林彪的“九八”手令之真伪. 第六章林彪现象及其经验教训.通过对林彪现象的分析,得出以下儿点经验教训:个人上义的恶件膨胀是林彪等人蜕变的主观原因;封建专制主义思想的遗毒是林彪集团产生的社会原因;党和国家领导体制上的弊端是林彪集团产生的制度根源;民主和法制的破坏造成了林彪集团肆意横订的环境; “文化人单命”为林彪集团的产生提供了适宜土壤.

【Abstract】 Regarded as the Chinese Political Enigma and the Biggest Enigma in the Asia, 9 13 Incident, which occurred in 1971, will be undergoing thirty years after several months. For many years, people have been trying to probe into this historical enigma. Although the documents and information of Criticizing Lin Biao Cliques, especially the Trial on the ?Two Cases ?trial (It refers to the two cases of trying Lin Biao Cliques and Jiang Qing Cliques) had revealed the enigma generally, some people still put forward questions constantly, and some of them are brought into the new century. The purpose of the thesis is to study Lin Biao Cliques once more. The main tasks of this thesis are: traces back to the track of Lin Biao from a revolutionary hero to a counterrevolutionary and a traitor; studies the take-shape and developing process of Lin Biao Cliques; explores the Second Plenary Session of the Ninth Central Committee of CPC and 9 ?3 Incident again; analyses the relation between Mao Zedong and Lin Biao, Lin Biao Cliques and Jiang Qing Cliques discriminates some historical fact that arose disputes internally and externally; summarizes the experiences and draws the lessons from the Lin Biao Phenomena ,and so on This thesis is composed of introduction and six chapters. The main contents in every chapter are as follows: Chapter 1 discusses the studies status quo inside and outside, which includes three aspects: the main works on the Lin Biao Incident in and out of China, the studies status quo in academic circles of the history of CPC and the ways of how to deepen the studying of this subject. Chapter 2 studies the track of Lin Biao?s degeneration. From the historical aspect, this chapter traces back to the track of Lin Biao from a revolutionary hero to a counterrevolutionary and a traitor, 3 explains the cause of Lin Biao?s degeneration. Chapter 3 analyses the take-shape process of Lin Biao Cliques. Firstly, from the horizontal aspect, this chapter explores the collusion of Lin Biao and Huang Yongsheng, Wu Faxian, Li Zuopeng, Qiu Huizuo ,the function of Ye Qun in Lin Biao Cliques, and Lin Liguo and his Small Fleet. Secondly, from the vertical aspect, this chapter studies the take-shape and developing process of Lin Biao Cliques. Because of the complexity of this process, this chapter catches hold of a masterstroke, i.e. the foundation on which the Lin Biao Cliques set up gradually is a succession of incidents aiming at striking and excluding political dissidents. It抯 basic active organizations were the Affair Handling Group of the Military Committee of CPC and two fleets: the Big Fleet and the Small Fleet.So the take-shape and developing process of Lin Biao Cliques is lucid, and in this chapter the author divides the process into five phases. Chapter 4 discusses the conflict in the Second Plenary Session of the Ninth Central Committee of CPC. This session was a turning point of Lin Biao Cliques from vigorous to weak. In the session,tbe contradiction between Lin Biao Cliques and Jiang Qing Cliques,Mao Zedong and Lin Biao had a qualitative change.This chapter analyses why Mao Zedong chose Lin Biao as his successor; and what divergences existed between them; it also analyses the character of the collusio

  • 【分类号】D65
  • 【下载频次】2032

