

The Study on Zhu Gong Diao

【作者】 龙建国

【导师】 刘崇德;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 诸宫调兴起于北宋中叶,“靖康之乱”后分为南北两个系统,并都有长足的发展。元代初期是诸宫调的兴盛期,涌现出不少的专业艺人和作品。元贞以后,元杂剧兴盛,诸宫调渐渐衰落。明清时,人们对它茫然不知。诸宫调具有自己独特的音乐体制。从宫调和曲牌看,它上承宋词而下启南北曲。它的音乐单位的组合形式有种:一曲独用、一曲带尾和多曲带尾。它的演唱方式为一人表演到底,其伴奏乐器主要是打击乐器,如锣鼓、拍板、方响等。 诸宫调的文学意义是十分明显的。它的题材大致可分三类:历史题材、爱情题材和家庭婚姻题材。其中有些题材对后世的戏剧、小说具有开启作用。诸宫调具有通俗文学的艺术特性,表现为语言的通俗化、思想内容的世俗化和审美趣味的大众化。诸宫调作用所表现的主题,对后代影响较大,具有深远的文学史意义。 诸宫调与传统的说唱艺术一脉相承。它的曲辞仍属唐宋词系统。它的说白受到说话的影响。它还吸收了鼓子词、大曲、宋杂剧、缠令、唱赚等伎艺的长处,以丰富自己的艺术体制。 诸宫调对南北曲产生了直接的影响。它的音律和音乐组织结构为北曲所继承。北曲的基本曲线和形式特点直接从诸宫调发展而来。诸宫调对南戏也影响很大。无论是南戏的兴起,还是南戏的音乐结构和表演,都与诸宫调有着密切的关系。

【Abstract】 Zhu Gong Diao emerged in the middle time of Northern Song Dynasty. It has gone through the course of rise, development, prosperity and decline. Zhu Gong Diao has its own particular musical system. Gong Diao and Qu Pai inherited Qu Zi Ci and then developed Nan Bei Qu. There are three compositional forms in musical unit. The way of singing in a performance is that only one person performs from the beginning to the end. Percussion instrument is the main accompany instrument . Zhu Gong Diao has three kinds of chief themes, including history, love and family. It has artistic characteristic in popular literature and displays the popularization in language, ideological content and aesthetic taste. Several literature themes Zhu Gong Diao showed have great influence upon the literature in later ages. Zhu Gong Diao can be traced to the same origin of the art of talking, singing in tradition. Its Qu Ci came from Song Ci and its spoken parts in an opera was affected by talking. Zhu Gong Diao also absorbs the advantages of Gu Zi Ci, Da Qu, Song Za Ju, Chan Ling and Chang Zhuan. Zhu Gong Diao brought about the direct influence upon Nan Bei Qu. The musical composition and feature in style in Bei Qu comes into being from Zhu Gong Diao. The musical formation in Nan Qu and its performance were affected by Zhu Gong Diao, as well.Research Achievements:1.Long Jianguo, ((Explanatory in Detail and Comment on Liu Yong Ci)) , Zhong- zhouAncient Books Press, 1992.2.Long Jianguo, ((The Creative Phases and Artistic Features of Shi Dazu Ci Writings)),Literary Heritage, No.6,1995.3.Long Jianguo, ((Artistic Features in Tang Song Ci)) , Shanxi College Press, 1996.4.Long Jianguo, ((Qin Yuan Chun)) Sichuan People Press, 1998.5.Long Jianguo, ((Music and Ci Writing: An Essay on Da Sheng Ci)) , Literary Heritage,

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】834

