

Studying of field gamma-ray full spectrometric surveying

【作者】 方方

【导师】 贾文懿;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工学院 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 本论文是在“九五”和“十五”期间,先后承担了多项科研任务:“野外伽玛射线全谱测量技术及应用研究”(国土资源部“九五”地质科技项目“核方法全谱测量快速分析及其应用研究”子课题之一)、“核方法全谱测量快速分析技术中试研究”(中国地质调查局地质调查项目)等课题的基础上完成的。 研究发现,野外地面伽玛射线能谱测量主要研究地壳岩石土壤中产生的伽玛射线,它们的能量范围主要是30~3000keV,这里面包含着铀钍钾等天然放射性核素信息、核工程活动产生的大量人工放射性核素信息、以及伽玛射线与地壳相互作用产生的相关信息。在野外地面测量30~3000keV的伽玛射线全谱,是进行野外伽玛射线能谱测量的基础。研究表明,用于野外伽玛射线全谱测量的闪烁伽玛射线全谱仪,分析道数应大于1000道,研制相应的仪器设备是开展野外地面伽玛射线全谱测量的必备条件。 作者分析了国内外野外地面伽玛射线全谱测量存在的问题主要是:(1)目前国内外野外地面伽玛能谱测量中主要使用四道能谱仪,仅利用能量大于1000keV的伽玛射线,通过数个谱段的读数结果,计算铀、钍、钾的含量,而没有利用伽玛射线全谱,使80%以上的伽玛射线能谱信息摒弃未用。(2)国外近年已经生产出大于256道的伽玛射线能谱仪,但由于仪器应用滞后于仪器研究,且仪器稳谱未完全解决,获取全谱信息困难,加之对低能谱段的认识不足等原因,致使野外应用仍然滞留在仅限于测定铀钍钾含量的伽玛能谱测量水平上。 针对上述问题,研究工作集中于野外地面伽玛射线全谱测量仪器设备、工作方法的研究和进行实际应用等。 与国内外现有野外伽玛射线能谱测量技术相比,本论文工作具有以下特色和创新: (1)在理论上完善了伽玛射线全谱概念,在技术上实现了野外地面伽玛射线全谱快速测量。利用虚拟仪器技术,研究成功1024道野外地面伽玛射线全谱仪,可在现场及时获得伽玛射线全谱曲线,为我国开展野外伽玛射线全谱测量工作提供了先进的仪器设备。 (2)研究成功伽玛能谱测量无放射性核素源的计算机稳谱技术,摒弃了放射性核素源,充分发挥多道脉冲分析器、计算机控制系统等虚拟仪器的优势,实现了计算机软件稳谱。 (3)结合我国西部大开发的需要,将野外伽玛射线全谱测量技术及时应用于地质填图、多金属矿产勘查、核工程环境地质评价等领域中,测量结果直接用于生产和科研。并根据野外工作反馈的信息,不断完善仪器设备的硬件软件和野外伽玛射线全谱测量的方法技术,为总结提高推广应用创造了有利条件。

【Abstract】 This paper is finished on the basis of scientific studying items 揝tudying of field gamma-ray full spectrometric survey technology and application?and 揇emonstrative studying of nuclear method full spectrometric surveying quick analysis technology? Base on literature search, the paper analyzed the overseas and intestine instruments and methods, that were relate to field gamma ray full spectrometry. The some problems are indicated. (1) In general, four channels gamma ray spectrometer is used in field gamma spectrometric surveying. The instrument only made used of the gamma ray about bigger than 1 000keV, which was used to determine contents of uranium, thorium and potassium. It is cast off that abundant information of about 80% gamma ray spectrum. (2) In recent years, although multichannels (more than 256) gamma ray spectrometer has been made overseas, field gamma ray spectrometric survey is only used to determine contents of uranium, thorium and potassium, by reason of applying gamma ray spectrometry later than developing instruments, can’t obtaining full spectrum because of the problem of stabilizing gamma ray spectrometric peaks, and it is impercipient for field gamma ray spectrometry. It is important that studying gamma ray spectrometry of field rocks and soil in the earth抯 crust. Their energy range are mainly 30-3000keV, they contain abundant information of natural radioactive nuclides, such as uranium, thorium, potassium, etc, and of artificial radioactive nuclides from nuclear engineering activity, such as cesium, americium, cobalt, etc, and of the results in interaction between gamma ray and earth抯 crust. Detecting 30-3000keV’s gamma ray is based on field gamma ray spectrometric surveying. It is proved that field scintillation gamma ray spectrometer must have 1000 channels analysis precision. It is necessary that developing new instrument for field gamma ray spectrometry. There are follows of characteristic when the studying results compared with existing field gamma ray spectrometer. (1) In theory, the concept of field gamma ray full spectrometry is established, in practice, the technology of field gamma ray spectrometric surveying is achieved. We utilized the virtual instrumental technology, have developed 1024 channels field gamma ray spectrometer. It can be used to quick obtain gamma ray full spectrum in situ. The instrument has provided the new equipment for field gamma ray spectrometric surveying in our country. (2) It has succeeded in the technology of stabilizing gamma ray spectrometric peaks. It is not used to radioactive nuclide. It makes the most of the predominance in multichannels analyzer and microcomputer, achieves stabilizing spectrum by computer software. (3) Field gamma ray spectrometry has been betimes applied to geological filling, mines prospecting, nuclear engineering environment monitoring, and so on. It is necessary of development in west part of our country. The studying results have been used for our country production and scientific research.

  • 【分类号】P631.6
  • 【被引频次】48
  • 【下载频次】686

