

【作者】 赵军秀

【导师】 齐世荣;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 世界近现代史, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 土耳其海峡问题是近代国际关系的热点问题—“东方问题”的重要组成部分,在18世纪末至20世纪初的英国对外政策中占有重要地位。出于维持“欧洲均势”的需要,也出于确保英国通向东方之路畅通的考虑,英国从18世纪末至19世纪30、40年代,逐渐形成了对土耳其海峡的传统政策。它有两个显著特征:第一,坚持奥斯曼土耳其帝国对黑海两海峡的主权,当土耳其处于和平时期,海峡对外国战舰关闭;第二,维持土耳其的独立和领土完整,以此保证和加强士耳其对海峡的主权。这一政策是英国扼制欧洲其他大国、主要是扼制俄国在中近东地区扩张的产物。 19世纪后半叶,由于欧洲资本主义国家政治经济发展的不平衡,德国统一后迅速崛起成为欧洲强国,欧洲同盟体系发生了显著变化,大英帝国的霸权地位在世界范围内受到挑战。在新形势下,英国完全坚持传统政策已不可能,也不再符合帝国的整体利益。1875年近东危机以后至1915年英法俄签订海峡协定,英国从维持土耳其领土完整到参与对土耳其的瓜分,从坚持海峡关闭政策到同意按俄国意愿安排海峡和君士坦丁堡的命运,传统的海峡政策发生了有意义的变化。然而,英国维护其帝国利益的实质却没有改变。 英国的海峡政策不是孤立的,它的形成和演变,反映了列强在中近东地区的争夺与勾结,体现了大国外交的两个主要特征:“均势原则”和“补偿原则”。正是欧洲大国维持中近东“均势”的需要,才使行将衰亡的土耳其又苟延残喘地生存了100余年;也正是在不能完全维持土耳其独立和领土完整的情况下,列强又纷纷追逐补偿。英国的海峡外交不仅从属于英国对外政策的总战略,而且与列强在中近东地区的角逐及纷繁的国际问题交织在一起。 本文重点阐述土耳其海峡在英国中近东战略中的地位和作用;分析英国对土耳其海峡政策的演变及演变原因;揭示英国海峡政策与其“欧洲均势”政策、帝国防御政策及外交总战略之间的内在关系。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is focusing on the British policy toward the Turkish Straits to provide an explanation of the policy origins and changes which occurred; an analysis of why they occurred and how they related to the defense of British India; the balance of Power in Europe; and other foreign policy issues. The Straits question was mainly an Anglo-Russian problem created by the conflict between Russia抯 desire to secure a Black Sea exit into the Mediterranean and Britain抯 desire to protect her Mediterranean communications to India. The British Straits?policy, formed in the 1840抯, included two important points. First, Britain maintained that the preservation of the Ottoman Empire was key to checking ffuther Russian expansion; second, the Ottoman Empire held sovereignty of the straits of Bosphonis and Dardanelles, and closed the two Straits to foreign warships while the Porte was at peace. After the 1 870s, Britain抯 hegemony in the world was challenged by the other European powers, not only by Germany which was growing rapidly, but also by France and Russia which were appearing more avarice to expand than before. In order to prevent an alliance that would hurt the British Empire抯 interests, Britain came to realize that the traditional Strait policy would need to be modified. However, the Convention of Strait among Britain, France and Russia hadn抰 been signed until the First World War broke out. Another point, which must be emphasized by way of background, is that the Straits question during the period of this study was an integral part of a larger European problem: 搕he Eastern Question? Concessions to modify contro! of the Straits to the advantage of one power would require teffitorial compensations to other powers, so as to maintain the European equilibrium and the Balance of power in the Near East. This was fortunate for British foreign policy. In the nineteenth century it probably served to insure retention of Ottoman control over the Straits, and in the twentieth century it enabled the British to use concession on the Straits?question to obtain more vital foreign policy objectives in Central Asia and Asia Minor relating to the defense of India.

  • 【分类号】K561.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】770

