

The experimental study on the mode of invasion and metastasis of hilar bile duct carcinoma

【作者】 王宏宇

【导师】 黄志强;

【作者基本信息】 军医进修学院 , 肝胆外科, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 在临床意义上,肝门部胆管癌是一种恶性程度高预后差的肿瘤。有关它的生长、浸润和转移的机制一直困扰着广大的外科医生。从形态学和分子生物学的角度来观察和研究胆管癌的表现,可能更深入的揭示它的发生、发展和其恶性生物学行为的机理。基于这种思路,本实验是将计算机技术和基因芯片技术结合到肝门部胆管癌的研究中,为探索如何提高此病的临床治疗效果打下基础。目的:1.为研究肝门部胆管癌的发展与转移机制提供一种新的思路。为建立科学的临床治疗观念提供形态学和分子生物学的依据。方法:3例手术切除的较完整肝门部胆管癌及其周围正常组织,病理证实均为中低分化的胆管腺癌。运用石蜡包埋和连续组织切片获得二维肝门部胆管癌大体组织断面,以体素重建法,结合插值拟合与光照处理技术,对手术切除的肝门部胆管癌和其相关连的组织进行大块标本三维重建;观察癌细胞的立体分布。另外,分别提取胆管癌和正常组织的RNA,作为待测样品。用荧光染料标记制备成探针与基因芯片进行杂交,通过检测探针分子的杂交信号强度而获取样品分子的数量和序列信息,寻找出胆管癌组织中差异表达的基因。 一结果:!.整体重建效果图像(图10《5)兰色的为胆管,红色的为肿瘤细胞;从重建的效果区””“、上及不同的角度显示肿瘤的大体形态及其在空间上与周围组织的比邻关系。2.胆管和胆管癌的三维关系图像(图 16士0)在整体重建的基础上调节密度梯度,隐去胆管和肿瘤细胞之外的其余组织结构;只显示胆管和肿瘤细胞,更直观的展示了肿瘤细胞沿胆管壁和胆管周围浸润生长的三维图像。3.神经侵润的三维图像(图2125)兰色的为一条完整的神经束,红色为肿瘤细胞:从三维重建的图像上及不同的角度和方位显示肿瘤细胞沿神经鞘膜进行自上而下的浸润生长。4.筛选出246项;这246项数据所代表的基因在与两种探针杂交时表现出较大的差异。其中新基因102条。下调基因164条,上调基因82条;这246条基因代表15种类别,其中癌基因17条,离子通道和运输蛋白基因4条,细胞周期蛋白基因16条,外压反应蛋白基因l条,细胞骨架和运动基因12条,细胞凋亡基因3条,DNA合成和修复重组基因 4条,DNA结合、转录基因 17条,细胞受体基因 6条,兔疫相关基因 11条,代谢基因 33条,蛋白质翻译合成基因 30条,发育相关基因10条,细胞信号和传递蛋白基因58条,其它类基因57条。结论:1.成功地建立了基于微机的肝门部胆管癌病理图像三维重建。2.真实反映了重建区域内各结构立体形态,空间位置和相互的毗邻关系。 5博士论文 中国人民解放军军医进修学院一3.可以对重建的图像进行各种操作,诸如不同方位的立体视图,肿瘤的各种几何尺寸的测量和空间定位,不同组织的单独显示或多种组织的重叠显示。4.从癌细胞在胆管和神经分布模式可应用于改进根治性手术方式和评估手术效果。5.可应用于外科的计算机辅助教学。6.成功地筛选出胆管癌的差异表达基因。其实际理论意义仍有待于进一步研究。

【Abstract】 HBDC are highly malignant tumors with poorprognosis. The spreading mode and mechanism of invasion andmetastasis are still confusing to many clinicians. The mostimportant factor affecting prognosis is "radical"resection of the tumcr. More under standing of the spreadof the cancer cells along the bile duct and nerves isneeded. According to this, we use computer technique andDNA microarray in the study.Objective: 1. To establish an algorithm of three-dimensionalresconstruction of HBDC.2. To find a reconstruction technique where all HBDCstructures can be individually or globally analyzedaccording to what is required.Methods: Taken from 3 paraffin-embedded tissues HBDCspecimens were cut into serial histologicsections. Information were inputted into computer after theprocessese of scanning and recognizing. By the techniques ofreconstruction, the 3D stereo HBDC models were retrievedfrom 2D digita1 data. Furthermore, we developed a cDNAarray representing 2048cDNA clusters, to profi1e the geneexpression patterns in 3 sets of c1inica1 HBDC samp1esinc1uding paired cancer and non--tumorous biliary duct.Results: 1. HBDC comprising severa1 components can beana1yzed as a who1e or each structure may be vieweds eparat e 1 y.2. It a1so show the re1ationships between the constituentparts such as bi1e duct and tumor.3. The 3D mode of spread a1ong nerve revealed that thetumor stayed sporadica1ly in perineural space.4. 1t was observed that 246 genes were differentia11yexpressed in paired cancer and distal non--tumorous bi1educt tissues. includes l64 down--regu1ated genes, 82 up-regu1ated genes. the 246 genes represent l5categori zations: l7 oncogenes, 4 ionic channe1 genes, 16cyc1 in genes, l2 cytoske1eton g3nes, 3 apoptosis genes, 4 DNAsynthesis and recombination genes, l7 DNA transcriptiongenes, 6 ce11 recipient genes, 1l inununization corre1atedgenes, 33 metabo1 ism genes, 30 protein translate andsynthesis genes, 10 growth correlated genes, 58 cel1 signa1and transducin genes, 57 other genes.Conclusion: 1. The method of the microcoInPuter aided 3Dreconstruction was suc.t5sfu11y estab1ished in HBDC.2. The reconstructed 3D image showed HBDC realistica11y.3. A11 structures reconstructed could be disp1ayed alone, inany group or total1y and rotated in 3D space or rotatedcontinuous1y at different speed.4. It can be app1ied in se1ecting the pattern of "radica1"resection and judge the resu1t of operation from the spreadof the cancer ce11s a1ong the bile duct and nerves.5. Such a series images of HBDC might be app1icated as acornerstone of the computer aid instruction in surgery.6. The differentia11y expressed genes was successfu11yscreened in HBDC.

【关键词】 肝门部胆管癌三维重建基因芯片
【Key words】 Hilar bile duct3D ReconstructioncDNAMicroarray
  • 【分类号】R735.8;R657.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】90
  • 攻读期成果

