


【作者】 孙佑海

【导师】 曲福田; 沈守愚;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2000, 博士

【摘要】 人口多,人均土地少,耕地后备资源不足是我国的基本国情。加强土地管理,盘活城乡土地资产,提高土地利用效率,切实保护耕地,对我国经济和社会的可持续发展具有非常重要的意义。本研究以土地流转基本理论与制度为主题,对土地流转的基本范畴、历史演变、国外经验、理论基础、国内各类土地流转的运行规律以及存在的问题和原因等作了比较系统的归纳、分析和研究,并对建立和完善具有中国特色的土地流转制度提出了对策建议。 在第一章绪论中,明确了本研究的主题并对选题背景与意义、国内外的研究动态、本文拟回答和解决的几个问题、研究方法、思路与结构、创新与不足等作了简要说明。看重指出,为了管好土地,实现土地资源的可持续利用,缓解人地关系的紧张状况,采取各种用地管制措施是必要的,但是,决不能因此而忽视盘活土地资产、提高土地利用效率对保护和节约土地的特殊作用。有效的土地流转制度是盘活土地资产、提高土地利用效率的重要手段。因此,必须抓紧做好土地流转制度的建立和完善工作。 第二章揭示了土地流转的内涵及意义。指出,土地流转是一个综合性的概念,既包括土地权利的流转,又包括土地功能(用途)的流转。本文将土地权利的流转作为研究的重点,指出土地权利流转的基本形式是土地使用权的初次流转(所有权与使用权相分离)和再次流转(土地使用者之间的权利流转)。与以上两个流转层次相适应,应当建立土地流转的一级市场和二级市场。 第三章简要论述了我国土地制度的历史演变和土地流转制度的产生、发展与完善过程。指出,在私有制社会里。土地流转一方面促进了土地资源的合理配置,提高了土地利用效率,另一方面也经常发生负作用,即在剥削制度的作用下,因土地过度兼并而导致农民失去生存条件,引发社会动乱。我国建国后,很长一段时期不允许土地流转,大大影响了土地利用效率,而改革开放之后逐步允许土地流转,总体上促进了经济的发展,但在一些地方由于管理不当也发生了严重的土地炒卖行为。因此,国家既要鼓励土地流转,又要对土地流转进行必要的宏观调控。 第四章简要论述了国外土地流转制度。纵观国际土地制度的创新过程,大多数国家和地区的土地制度都经历了两个发展阶段,即耕者有其田阶段(平均地权阶段)和农地规模经营阶段,每个阶段的到来都伴随着大规模的土地所有权和使用权的流转。租赁、买卖和抵押是资本主义国家土地流转的主要形式,不同的国家根据本国的国情,制定了相应的土地流转制度和土地收益管理制度,这对我国土地流转制度建设具有重要的启示意义。 第五章对土地产权问题进行了研究。通过对世界不同国家和地区土地产权制度的分析,认为,国外土地流转制度之所以比较发达,对生产的促进作用比较明显,与其土地产权比较清晰、土地流转的机制比较合理有着密切关系;在西方土地经济学中,土地产权不仅仅是传统意义上的土地所有权和使用权,而是每个国家都有一套适合本国国情的完善而具体的土地权利束制度,士地市场上的供求双方可以根据自己的需求和供给能力,确定是否进行士地流转,如何进行土地流转,需要进行流转的是士地权利束中的哪部分权利,从而在多元化、多层次的上地流转市场中,合理、合法、方便地进行士地流转,以优化土地资骡的合理配置。这对建立、完善市场经济条件下的我国现代上地流转制度,培育我国的土地流转市场体系,具有重要的借鉴意义。 第六章对士地流转的基础理论进行了研究。认为,马克思主义的企业学说、产权理论、地租理论和邓小平关于建设具有中国特色的社会主义市场经济理论,对我国土地使用制度的改革,特别是对加诀新时期我国士地流转的制度建设,促进以市场机制合理配置土地资源,具有极大的指导意义。同时,西方的一些经济学理论、特别是西方的古典地租理论和新制度经济学关于交易成本、制度变迁等理论;对于经济转轨型国家建立市场经济体制、对于我国士地制度的创新和士地流转制度的完普,也有一定的借鉴意义。而现代民法理论中的物权理论和债权理论,其基本原理和主要内容与现代上地流转理论更是一脉相通,可以直接指导我国土地流转制度的建立和完善。 第七章专门研究了农用地的内部流转。在农用地内绍的初次流转阶段,笔者鉴于农户因农地承包权不稳定等原因不愿意或者无能力进行土地流转的实际情况,建议通过落实家庭承包经营制。进一步扩大农户的上地权利,通过向承包户发放《农村上地使用权证》,确认农户的承包权为物权,通过尽快制定《物权法》,对农户的权利提供有力的法律保障。为了解决“增人个增地,减人不减地”的土地长期承包政策与“土地权利人人平等”的上地调整理山在实践中的矛盾;笔者建议向已经承包士地的农户收取“士地先占费”,用于解决土地承包后新出牛的农民因无地可分。无地可种造成的生活困难,例如用于其生活补贴和非农产业枝能培训等。同时,建议取

【Abstract】 It is well known that China is featured with a large population, less land of per capita and deficient reservation of arable land resource. Therefore, it is of great realistic significance to revitalize urban and rural land capital, enhance land use efficiency, effectively protect arabic land as well as maintain socially and economic ally sustainable development in China. The thesis is devoted to the research on the fundamental theory and practice policies of land transference, focusing on the primary concepts, historical evolution, theoretical basis, experiences in the other countries, current problems and the law governing domestic land transference. On a basis of the research and discussion above, the thesis puts forward some strategies for the establishment and complement of land transference systems in China. In the preface, after a brief introduction to the theme, background, meaning, existing problems, research methods, innovation and shortages of the thesis, the author argues that it is very essential to adopt land management measures so as to realize land sustainable use, alleviate the tight relationship between man and land. However, we can by no means neglect the great positive affects of revitalization of land assets and efficiency of land use on protection and saving of land resources. The available land transference systems are usually considered as an important method to revitalize land assets and improve land use efficiency. Thus, we must accelerate the establishment and perfection of land transference systems. Chapter t~w) bf this thesis reveals the contents and the meaning of land transference. The author points out that land transference is a complex concept, which contains the transference of land rights and the transference of land functions. In the chapter, an emphasis was 217 just put on its transference of land rights. It is demonstrated that the essential way of land transference should consist of primary transference (i.e. the sq~aration of the land ownership and land use rights) and secondary transference (i.e. the flow of land use rights between different latxl users). Corresponding to the above viewpoints, land transference market ought to include the primary market and secondary market as well. In chapter three, the author indicates the historical evolution of land transference in China. In private ownership society, on one hand, the land transference impelled rational distribition of land resource and enhanced land use efficiency; on the other hand, its negative effect was rather evident, diat is, in exploiting society, due to land over- annexing, peasant often lost their hying basis, and caused social disturbance. Therefore, after establishment of new China in 1949, the government had prohibited land transference for quite a long time, but land use efficiency was impaired seriously. After embarking the policy of economic reform and open up to the outside world, land transference lus been initialized and has been functional as an impetus on the socio-economic development. However, in some areas, the unsuitable management systems still exist and even lead to serious speculation on land. Accordingly, it is necessary for the government to take macro control over the land transference. Chapter four makes a brief illustration to land transference systems in other countries. Considering the

  • 【分类号】F321.1
  • 【被引频次】131
  • 【下载频次】11114

