

Innovation of Property Right, Technical Efficiency and Groundwater Irrigation Management

【作者】 王金霞

【导师】 黄季焜;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农业经济及管理, 2000, 博士


【摘要】 随着人口增长、城市和工业的扩张,日益严重的水资源短缺(尤其是北方地区的水资源短缺)问题已成为制约我国经济发展和困扰人民日常生活的大问题。以前,灌溉水源主要是地表水(从全国范围内讲),自从70年代以来,新增加灌溉项目的水资源大部分来源于地下水,地下水资源在农业生产(尤其是北方地区的农业生产)中的作用越来越重要,随之而来的地下水资源大面积超采和水位逐年下降的现象也越来越突出。 传统上解决水资源短缺问题总是求助于工程和技术的手段,运用政策、制度和管理手段来解决水资源短缺问题并未引起政策制定者和管理工作者的足够重视。而越来越多的研究表明,水资源管理不善是导致水资源短缺问题的重要原因之一。 在这一思潮的影响下,从80年代中后期开始,许多发展中国家和部分发达国家先后出现了将灌溉系统的权责从政府向农民协会和其它私人组织转移的改革浪潮,其目的主要是为了减轻国家的财政负担,提高水资源的利用率和水利工程的运行效率,缓解水资源尤其是农业用水的紧张态势。随着我国农村生产关系的变革和联产承包责任制的实行,我国地下水灌溉系统的权责(主要是小型水利工程)也正从政府(或集体)向农民团体(个体)或其它私人组织转移;在村和农户一级,出现了许多产权制度不同的地下水灌溉系统。 由于不同产权制度的地下水灌溉系统对于水资源利用效益和水利工程运行效率的影响不同,因而研究其产权变动规律及其相关的效率等问题对于缺水日益严重的我国而言具有十分重要的政策和实践意义,但是对这方面深入的尤其是定量化的研究国内几乎是空白。 鉴于这种情况,论文总的研究目的是要通过定量和定性研究,实证分析诱导地下水灌溉系统产权制度创新的因素及影响地下水灌溉系统的技术效率和产出水量的相关因素;探讨如何运用更有效的制度和政策工具来提高灌溉系统的运行效率、水资源的利用率和农业生产率,为政策制定者提供制定政策的理论和实证依据。根据研究目的我们提出了五点理论假设,并且建立了相应的理论分析框架。 为了达到研究目的,经过多次的预调查及与中央和地方水利行政部门官员的深入探讨,我们最终在水资源短缺较为严重、地下水灌溉面积较大、地下灌溉系统产权制度创新较为明显、各种产权制度并存的河北省选择了3个县,并在这3个县中随机抽取30个行政村和87个地下水灌溉系统进行了县级、村级、地下水 灌溉系统的实地调查。 研究结果显示,自从80年代以来,以河北省为代表的地下水灌溉系统的产权 制度止逐渐从集体产权制度向非集体产权制度演变,非集体产权制度所占的比例 己经从80年代初期的17%提高到1998年的69%。在集体产权制度中,混合产权 逐渐替代纯集体产权;而非集体产权制度的主体形式是股份制产权制度,个体产 ,权制度主要在90年代中后期发展较为迅速。随着地下水灌溉系统产权制度的创 新,地下水灌溉系统的运行机制逐渐向市场运行机制转变。在地下水灌溉系统产 权制度创新的过程中,农民由一种自发行为逐渐向一种自觉行为转变,而政府的 态度则由漠然,到默许,直到目前的积极发动与参与。总体分析表明,地下水灌 溉系统产权制度的创新并不是一种政府推动下的强制性制度变迁,而是政府在放 松约束下的一种诱致性的制度变迁行为。 数据的单因素定性分析显示,自从80年代以来,30个样本村的年均地下水 位逐年加速下降,灌溉用水中地表水所占的比例也呈现明显的下降趋势。数据分 组分析显示,年均地下水位越低,非集体产权所占的比例也越大;另外,灌溉用 水中地表水所占的比例越小,地下水开采利用程度越高,非集体产权制度创新的 可能性也越大,可见水资源短缺程度的加大很可能是导致产权制度创新的重要因 素。相对于趋于增长的农民经济实力而言,集体经济实力总体看却是不断衰落的; 而且集体的经济实力越弱,非集体产权制度创新的可能性也越大。随着农民文化 程度的不断捉高,农民的组织经营能力和市场经济意识不断强化,因而就为非集 体产权制度的地下水灌溉系统的产生莫定了良好的人力资本的基础。社区人均耕 地面积越小,生存环境越恶化,非集体产权制度产主的可能性就越大。分组分析 的总体趋势表明,得到水利财政补贴的村的数量越多,而得到水利信贷的村的数 量越少,非集体产权所占的比例就越高。随着市场发育程度和商业化水平的提高, 两业化性质不显著的集体产权制度的地下水灌溉系统就会向商业化性质显著的非

【Abstract】 With rising population, urbanization and industrialization, the growing scarcity of water resources has become a serious threat to the country future development. Since I 970s, groundwater has become more and more important in North China agricultural production. At the same time, the exploitation of groundwater has also resulted in water table drop and other environmental problems. Traditionally, water problems are mainly treated as engineering problems. However, there is growing evidence showing that water management and institutional arrangements are important measures for dealing with water shortage problems. Since the late 1 980s, many developing countries have begun to transfer irrigation management responsibilities from government to farmers? organization or other private organization in order to reduce government financial burden, improve water use efficiency and water supply efficiency of water project. Small irrigation system has also presented the same evolution trend and many different property right irrigation systems have formed in rural China. Although the impacts of various property rights of irrigation systems on water resources use differ, and understanding property right innovation has important implications for water policy, almost no empirical research has been found in China. The all goals of this thesis are to have a better understanding of property right innovation, determinants of water supply and technical efficiency in the groundwater irrigation system. Econometric models on property right innovation, determinants of technical efficiency and water supply in the groundwater irrigation system are developed and estimated using several sets of data from randomly selected 30 villages, 87 groundwater irrigation system in 3 counties in Hebei Province. The results show that the collectively owned groundwater irrigation system has been gradually substituted by a more market-oriented private or quasi- private irrigation system since 1980. Major determinants of the property right innovation in irrigation system are the increasing water shortage problems, stresses from local population growth with declining land endowment, weakening the village or community economic powder, improved human capital of the community, market development, and water finance and credit policies. The innovation of property right of groundwater irrigation system will have obviously impact on technical efficiency. Compared with the collectively owned groundwater irrigation system, private or quasi-private irrigation system have been more beneficial for technical efficiency. In addition to property right, management mechanism, scale of irrigation system and age of irrigation system also have important influence on technical efficiency. Based on the findings of this study, a number of policy recommendations are made for future reform of agricultural irrigation system in China. Author proposes that government should encourage property right innovation of groundwater irrigation system by effective water finance and credit policy instruments. However, if water pnce can not rationally reflect water resource value, property right innovation of groundwater irrigation system will result in overexploitation and degradation of groundwater. To promote water resources sustainable development, combined with rational water pricing and property right innovation should be emphasized by future water

  • 【分类号】F303.1
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】759

