

【作者】 孔祥贵

【导师】 范希武; 许武; 曹望和;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所 , 凝聚态物理, 2000, 博士

【摘要】 半导体激光器泵浦的可见光上转换激光器的研究对光电子器件的发展具有重要的意义。掺杂稀土离子的PWG是一种具重要意义的发光上转换材料,它从红外到紫外波长范围内具有极高的透明度,这种材料容易制备成光纤以便在光电子领域获得更大的应用。与材料的结构和声子紧密相关的上转换效率的提高是这方面研究主要问题之一。晶格振动和声子的问题是这个工作和所有固体领域都必须考虑的问题,因而也几乎在固体物理的所有领域中起着重要而基本的作用。 本文借助于喇曼光散射技术研究了稀土掺杂和末掺杂PWG中的局域效应及其在这类材料中的重要作用。研究获得的主要如下结果:1.Yb3+和 Tm3+离子替代了部分Yb2+离子格位而形成了正电荷局域杂质中心,PWG:Yb3+、Tm3+中的这些局域杂质中心形成的局域电塌使PWG:Yb3+、Yb3+Tm具有很强的晶向有序微晶结构;除了晶格振动对极化率调制引起的喇曼散射外,这种局域电塌诱发了新的附加喇曼散射效应;研究发现:在适当掺杂的浓度下,只有在局域化的Yb3+和Tm3+离子的共协作用下才能便PWG中的所有振动模窄化。这个结果对功能材料的制备和性能的提高具有重要的理论指导意义。2.通过水分子与微晶中某些基团相互作用的实验研究,提出了通过水分子对PWG中某些基团化学键的扰动可定性地确定基团的维度结构物理方法。3.从得到 PWG:Yb3+、Tm3+的喇曼光谱强度与温度的函数关系发现4#PWG:Yb3+、Tm3+玻璃陶瓷具有铁电性并在315吐℃附近开始表现出抗铁电性,即开始从有序到无序的相变;高压诱导相变结果表明:与局域化的Yb3+和Tm3+离子有关的结构是不具有可压缩性。 PA:6320P;4270C

【Abstract】 Studies of red to b1ue up--conversion 1aser pumped by redsemiconductor 1aser are important for the deve1opments ofphoto--e1ectronics. PWG g1ass ceramics doped with rare-earth ions are attract ive because they are good up--conversion. -luminescence materla1s. In addition, they show a hightransparency from the UV to the IR and relative1yconcentrat ions of triva1ent rare earth ions can be introducedinto the matrices. This kind of materia1s can be used intosome important fie1ds of photo--e1ectronics on future, 0ne ofstudied prob1ems is main1y focused on deve1opment of.luminescence efficiency assoc iated with phonon and thestructure of the host. These prob1ems of matrices vibrationand phone must be thought for this fie1d and all so1id fie1ds,witch act on some importance on a11 fie1ds of solid physics.Some propert ies of 1ocated modes have are studied in PWGg1ass ceramics doped and undoped by Yb3+ and Tm3+ions by Ramanspectra. Fo1lowing by these main resu1ts:1. It was found that 1ocated e1ectric fie1d is generated afterYbs+and Tm3+ions are doped into PWG, witch resu1ts in aconsistence of crysta11ine direct ions of microcrysta1 inPWG. The co--operation of Yb3+and Tm3+ ions makes Raman.vibrationa1 modes from PWG to narrow with specialc o nc e nt rat i o n.2. The interactions of W03 in PWG with water indicate that theW0a unit has a stab1e three--dimension structure.3. A new phase transition of 4#PWG: Yb’+, Tm3+ of an order--disorder.type, at hi gh temperature about 315’C, was found. Moreover,Qn the basis of the temperature dependence of Raman intensity,. ta compari son was made with respect to PWG undoped: It was foundthat these structura1 uni ts associated wi th Yb3+ and Tm3+are1ack of the anoma1ous compress ibi 1 ity.


