

【作者】 张谦

【导师】 李忠杰;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 国际政治学, 2000, 博士

【摘要】 实施“一国两制”,是中国政府一项长期的基本国策。本文以马克思主义、毛泽东思想中有关世界政治、国家学说和外交战略思想,特别是邓小平理论中有关国际战略和“一国两制”论述为指导,对国际战略大背景下“一国两制”在澳门的实践过程及基本特点,进行综合研究和系统归纳,试图从宏观战略的角度去分析澳门“一国两制”具体实施模式的形成及其发展进程对祖国和平统一大业的战略影响,并联系香港“一国两制”的实践进行比较分析,思考和探索“一国两制”实际运作的客观规律,归纳出香港、澳门全面实践“一国两制”过程中需要处理和把握的重要关系问题。尤其注意对我国三代中央领导集体在不同阶段处理澳门问题过程中提出的战略和策略思想,进行收集、归纳、整理,形成系统的文字,以便为进一步研究“一国两制”理论发展过程作一些基础性的工作。 全文分序言和正文8章。序言部分主要对澳门问题的性质及“一国两制”在澳门实践的阶段性特点和在祖国统一大业中的战略地位进行概括性描述,阐明写作本文的目的和意义。正文第一章首先阐述澳门问题的由来、国际地位的变迁及以毛泽东、周恩来为代表的第一代中央领导集体对澳门问题的战略方针。第二章对国际战略背景下邓小平“一国两制”构想的形成及其在澳门问题上运用进行归纳分析。第三章着重就对中葡双方关于澳门问题谈判过程中的合作与分歧及葡方的战略进行分析。第四章对澳门前过渡期面临的国际战略背景对澳门的影响进行分析,对澳门基本法与香港基本法异同进行比较。第五章主要阐述澳门后过渡期要迫切解决的主要问题和中葡在解决这些问题上的合作与分歧,系统归纳第三代中央领导集体关于澳门过渡期的战略策略思想。第六章联系国际背景对澳门特区筹委会筹组特别行政区的实践过程加以综合分析并与香港进行比较。第七章对澳门回归前夕国际战略背景下中葡双方对解决澳门政权交接重大问题的最后战略把握进行分析。第八章在上述过程分析的基础上,着重对解决澳门问题过程中国际环境、中葡关系以及澳门问题等相关因素之间的战略互动关系、中国政府以“一国两制”解决澳门问题的战略策略进行评估分析,对“一国两制”在香港、澳门全面实践的关系问题进行思考、提炼,提出观点,并对澳门“一国两制”长期实践进行战略展望。

【Abstract】 The ne country, two systems policy is one of the long term and basic policies of Chinese Government. This paper, under the guide of Marxism and Mao Zedong thought on the strategic thoughts about international politics, nation and diplomacy, especially under the guide of the international strategy and exposition of ne country, two systems in Deng Xiaoping theory, has comprehensively studied and systematically induced the practice process and basic characteristic of ne country, two systems against international strategic background in Macan; tried to analyze the strategic influence of the formation of concrete implementation mode of ne country, two systems on the great task of national reunification in a macrn-way; compared this with the implementation of ne country, two systems in Hong Kong; pondered and explored the objective law through actual implementation of ne country, two systems identified key issues which need to be solved and dealt with in Macan and Hong Kong in their carrying out ne country, two systems It has paid much attention to the strategies and tactics put forward by the three generations of central leaders in their respective period when dealing with the question of Macao. Through collecting, inducing, rearranging, this paper intends to make the basis for further studying the development process of the concept. ne country, two systems This paper constitutes a foreword and eight chapters. The foreword mainly depicts the nature of the issue of Macao and the strategic characteristics in Macao and the strategic status in the great task of national reunification of ne country, two systems elaborating the purpose and significance of the paper. The first chapter expounds the origin of the question of Macao, changes of its international status and the strategy of the first generation leaders with Man Zedong and Zhou Enlai as representative. The second chapter discusses the forming of the concept of ne country, two systems initiated by Deng Xiaoping and its practice in Macan against the international strategic background. The third chapter mainly analyzes the co-operations and divergences of China and Portugal during the negotiations on the question Qf Macao as well as Portugal strategy. The fourth chapter analyzes the influence of the international strategic background on Macan, during the Pre-transitional period, meanwhile, compares the basic Laws of Macan and Hong Kong. The fifth chapter principally identifies the main issues to be solved during the post-transitional period, and the co-operations and divergences on these issues between China and Portugal, systematically induces the third generation central leaders strategic thoughts on the transitional period of Macan. The sixth chapter comprehensively analyzes the process of forming the preparatory committee of Macan Special Administrative Region with reference to the international background, and compares this with Hong Kong. The seventh chapter discusses the last strategic arrangement on both China and Portugai to solve the key issues concerning the handover of Macan against the international strategic background before the return of Macan. The eighth chapter mainly analyzes and evaluates the strategic interactive relationships among various factors concerning Macao, on the basis of the prior work, the international environment during solving the question of Macan, the relationship between China and Portugal, the strategy of Chinese Government in settling the issues of Macao by employing ne country, two systems studies and identifies the universal relations in the all-around implementation of ne country, two systems policy in Honk

  • 【分类号】D618
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】697

