

【作者】 王大良

【导师】 蒋福亚;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2000, 博士

【摘要】 本课题是一个探讨该时期官吏经济生活状况及相应政治措施的专门课题,旨在通过对相关问题的系统研究,尽可能地揭示各级官吏不同经济来源的真相及与当时政治的关系,认知影响其经济收入的行政监督机制的得失,同时昭示其学术价值和当代意义。通过研究,指出当时官吏收入由于受统治者民族和社会性质的影响,经历了一个从无序到有序的过程:其在前期长期无俸禄,与国家财政状况无关,而是受其统治者传统习惯影响的结果。当时官吏收入来源于非经常性的班赏、掠夺、廪给,实际生活水平差距很大,贪赃枉法被允许,都与当时制度有关。至献文、孝文二帝时期班行了俸禄制,不仅使各级官吏获得了前所未有的帛、粟、土地和劳动力等多种名目的实物俸禄,解决了长期以来吏制败坏的根本问题,同时还使这一制度作为北魏统治者从游牧经济渐次依附于农业经济的表征和孝文改制的基础屹立于当时政治制度之林,具有不容忽视的作用。同时,在这一制度之下,官吏收入以实物为主,且中央和地方、高级和低级官吏有别,其间所存在的差距远较前后各朝为甚,反映了当时等级制度和民族界限的严重存在。至于那些身有国封的官吏,从封地上所获得的爵禄数量则相对有限,说明封爵的经济作用远在政治意义之下。尽管如此,在其俸禄制度健全起来以后,官吏收入基本得到保障,传统“禄以代耕”原则也发挥了作用,与之相应的防范官吏贪污措施与监督机制也逐步完善,说明经济发展和社会的进步应是保证官吏收入和吏治清明的两大前提,而制度的健全则是在这些前提下约束官吏行为的政治保证。上述这些,都是我们从事本课题研究所得到的具有现实意义的启示。

【Abstract】 This subject is a special one which will probe to discuss the economic and liv- ing conditions of the government officials and their corresponding political rnea- sures. Its purpose is as followed: First,to reveal the real resource of the officialsconomy and its relation with the politicization of that time. Second to recognize the success and failure of the administration and supervi- sion that influenced the officials, earnings, stimultaneonsly reveal that academic value and the meaning for today . We want to reach the two purposes by systematic study of relative problems. It’s expected to point out that the officials’earnings of Beiwei dynesty experi- enced a process from irregular to regular one . All this is the result from the influ- ence of the controlled nation and society. The fact is that in earlier stage the offi- cials had no salary, which had no rolation with the financial situation of their state,but was the result of the dominator’s traditional habit. In that time, the resource of the officials’earnings were unfrequent bestow, plunder,salary ,which had a big distance from the factal living conditions. 憀抙is is why corruption was permitted. All that was relative with the institution of that time. Upto the dominant periods of Emperor Xian Wen, Xiao Wen ,salary regula- tion was carried out , which not only made officials acquire varieties of material salary such as unpredented silks, millets,earth and labours, and solved the long- exsisting essential problem of the regulation of officialorruption, but also made this reguiatoin be a token that the dominators of Beiwei Dynesty attached their- selves to nomadic economy, then gradually changed into agricultural one. It also became the base of Xiao Wen reforming his regulatoin. It is just because of these that the regulation could stand in the forest of political institutions at that time. It made a great role. Under that regulation ,the main parts of official earnings were material. And there was different between central and locational officials, high and low ones, even more serious than other dynesties in that time. All that reflected the real ex- sistence of the hirerachy and national dividing line. As for the nobility, their salaries from feud were limited, which indicates that the economical meaning.of nobel was far lower than that of politicition, However, after the salary regulation come into being, the officials’earnings were basi cally protected, and the tradational principle ofuyidaigeng?(means earning salary from government instead of gaining by themselves) played a role. 4. The corresponding measure that kept officials from corruption and the super- vision mechanism were also gradually perfected. All that indicates that the economic development and social advancement should be two premises of ensuring the officials’earnings and keeping their hands clean, and the perfected regulation was the political ensure to restrain the behavior of the officialsehaviors. Above -mentioned are the realistic enlightenment from the project we are studing.

【关键词】 班赏官俸爵禄监察
【Key words】 hestowofficial salaryearnings from feudsupervision
  • 【分类号】K239.21
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】613

