

【作者】 李永林

【导师】 陈绶祥;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 美术学, 2000, 博士

【摘要】 隋唐以前,“艺成而下”,丹青一事被视为小道。宋元以后,文人画兴起,或云“气韵非师”,教育无从言论。故中国古代美术教育,向来不成题目,惟有经过近百年殖民文化周折,中国古代美术数千年一统其陶铸教化之功,始渐渐显山露水。业师 绶祥先生明鉴,命我以此为博士学位论文选题,并三年来悉心指导,遂成本篇。然题目究属初涉,故名曰“史纲”。本篇类以通史朝代常例,序为八章,曰先秦,秦汉,魏晋南北朝,隋唐。五代两宋,宋元,明,清。正文计约十五万言。其中宋代所涉,兼跨五六两章,又秦汉一章第四目下括魏晋工匠教育内容,明代一章第一目上含元代内廷美术教育内容,略相错综,皆因各章划分除朝代大体之外,别以书法艺术教育、百工美术教育、宫廷画院教育、文人画教育诸端为次,各有轻重。若再细究,复有官学私学以及教育思想、制度、名目种种区别、其间系统源流,穿插复杂,姑造附表如后,以见大要。诸端头绪,寻共纲领。止惟“经典”二字。无论官私、书画,亦无论宫廷、百工、文人,皆以经典范本为楷模,形成中国古代美术教育历史。书法教育临仿之法帖,隋唐以前画壁之粉本画样,宋元以后习画之画谱画诀,虽以摹写、捶拓、雕版刊印各有不同形式,然其为经典范本立意则一,并为美术教育主要传承师授媒介,是中国古代美术教育史重要内容。

【Abstract】 In the Chiese ancient fine art history .art was regarded as low skill("艺成而下") before 9. century A. C. Literati Painting rose in Song- and Yuan Dynasty. The literatl painters often said: "气韵非师"Which means that "气韵"cannot be achieved through the teaching from teachers to students, still less need fine education to say. That’s why Chinese ancient fine art education has never been specially researched. Now that after nearly one hundred years of essentnally colonial cultural revolution, China starts to introspect the historical reason why Chinese ancient civilization could have been going on continually for thousands of years,to reknow the cultural significance of Chinese ancient education and its importance to Chinese consummate fine art history. Professor Chen ShouXiang, tutor of my dissertation, has a very deep historical insight. He preseribed the titel of my dissertation "Essentials of Chinese ancient fine art history and has given me so elaborate guidance during the last three years that I could complete this text smoothly. The full text amounts to 150 000 words. According to the general divide method of Chinese history. the whole text is divided into eight chapters. Following the principles of Chinese ancient history research which lays on the basis of literature , it expounds the C.A. 3000-year-history of Chinese fine art development from Shang - to Qing Dynasty. In two aspects. official-and folk education, from various angles, such as educational thoughts and system(Including teaching organization,educational mechanism, qualify- leation of teachers, students, teaching matertal aim and demands usw ), the teaching-learning relations and schools, it conducted deep historical fesearch and exposition to Chinese ancient education of calligraphy, hand-lcraft art and architectual technology, to fine art education for imperial professional painters. and to the concerning contents about the education for impertal professional and to the concerning contents about the education of literatl painting. Each has its particular emphasis so as to expose the basic sequence of Chinese ancient fine art history. Though all kind of elements and threads are very comlicated, the fundamental progtamme femains"模范经典",which4 means to take good examples from classical model, style, form, size and proportion as educational pattern and stadard This is the consistant fundamental principle of Chinese ancient fine art education in different history Phases, departments and classes.

  • 【分类号】J120.9
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1923

