


【作者】 阴存欣

【导师】 潘家英; 庄军生;

【作者基本信息】 铁道部科学研究院 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2000, 博士

【摘要】 本文从我国铁路正全面提速并积极计划修建高速铁路的形势出发,对铺设无缝线路的多跨及大跨桥梁与轨道系统的静力与动力相互作用进行较系统的分析研究。文中深入探讨了线桥相互作用原理,论述各种纵向力的产生机理及其求解方法,对传统的微分方程解法及现代的数值解法进行了分析与对比。为了深入研究线桥相互作用的静力非线性问题及动力问题,在数值求解技术方面作者重点研究了解非线性方程的切线刚度法、细步增量法、自动搜索步长的变步长增量法、线性方程组的快速解法、自由度的凝聚方法、各种逐步积分方法、用淘汰矩阵与逆迭代法相结合的振型求解方法等,并将其编成适用于对大型桥梁结构进行纵向附加力静动力非线性分析的有限元软件。通过不同求解方法对比及与实测结果的对比,验证了程序的正确性。作者运用所编程序对常用多跨简支梁的各种纵向力影响因素,包括纵向阻力、跨数、下部结构刚度、支座型式等进行分析,对桥梁纵向传力特点尤其是桥梁设计所用的有效制动力率和轨面制动力率的关系进行了研究。文中结合红水河斜拉桥的线路改造,对其纵向受力特性及钢轨伸缩调节器的合理布置形式进行了研究。以列车制动原理为基础建立并求解纵向动力平衡方程,从而获得常用货车的制动力荷载谱,得出了相应轨面制动力率的计算值。并以芜湖长江大桥为对象,将该制动力荷载谱输入到桥线系统进行移动荷载下的动力反应分析,研究了该桥在不同列车制动初速度、不同停车位置、不同轨道结构、不同纵向约束阻尼等因素下的纵向动力反应,得出了对该类桥梁设计有参考意义的结论。最后,作者进一步将有限元程序和可视化语言相结合,编制了界面友好的仿真软件,首次对移动荷载过桥的纵向力进行了仿真分析,并使桥梁的挠曲变形实现同步动画显示。

【Abstract】 On account of the situation of the train speed rising all over the country and the urgentdemand for development of high-speed railway,the static and dynamic interaction betweencontinuous welded rail and multi-span or long span bridge are studied systematically in this thesis.The principle of interaction between rail and bridge has been reasoned, the mechanism of theformation of longitudinal additional forces including braking force, bending force and temperatureforce and also solution method are profoundly deduced, the comparison between the traditionaldifferential method and the modern numerical method has been conducted. In order to analyzingnonlinear static and dynamic interaction between tail and bridge thoroughly,the author pay muchattention to the study of numerical solution method such as tangent stiffness method,increasingmethod with small step, increasing method with automatically chosen changing step for solvingnonlinear equation, fast solution method of linear equations, shrinkage method of freedom,different step by step integration method, the eigenvalue calculation using both sift matrix andinverse reiteration,etc, and make full use of these different arithmetic technology synthetically todevelop a set of programs,which are suitable for nonlinear static and dynamic analysis oflongitudinal additional forces in large-scale bridge structures with large lnumber degree offreedom. The same results from different methods and its consistence with the tested data fromfield measurement confirmed the correctness of the programs. Applying the programs to theparametric analysis, the influence on longitudinal forces of longitudinal resistance, span number,substructure stiffness, bearing type etc. and on longitudinal forces the longitudinal forces’transmission performance,especially the relation between the effective braking force rate and thetail above braking force rate in common used multi-span simply supported girders,have beenresearched. With the rail reconstruction of the Hongshui River Bridge its longitudinalperformance and the reasonable arrangement of rail expansion joint has been studied. Based onthe principle of vehicle braking procedure, the longitudinal balance equations are set up, and theaccording spectra of braking forces subject to braking time and train position, and the rail abovebraking force rate of common used freight train have been obtained. By inputting the brakingforces obtained to the model of Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge, the nonlinear dynamic responses tothe longitudinal forces under different factors of original train velocity stopping position, railStrUCtUre,damping of longitUdinal edctions etc., are ~ied profoundly and thoroedly and theimportan concIusions which can be referable tO the design of this type of bridges haV beendrawn Ou. Finally by combining the finite elemen method and the visual PrOpeminglanguage, the aUthor develoPPed a emulation software with friendly iuput and outputinterfaCe,which have been used firStty to the emulation of longitudinal fOrces in case ofmoving load on bridge, nd aiso the simultanious animaton Of the bening diSPlacemnt of thebridge hav been conducted.,

  • 【分类号】U441.5;U448.13
  • 【被引频次】37
  • 【下载频次】693

