

System Construction and Empirical Study on Ecological Evaluation System of Healthy Urbanization

【作者】 宋杰

【导师】 蒋涤非;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 土木工程规划与管理, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 摘要:健康城市化是城市化发展的新理念,是传统城市化发展理论的延伸与拓展。本文基于国内外健康城市化及其生态评价体系相关理论,选取环长株潭城市群为研究对象,以其健康城市化存在的主要问题为导向,借助于驱动力—压力—状态—影响—响应(DPSIR)与承载力—支持力—吸引力—延续力—发展力(CSAED)模型构建其健康城市化的生态评价指标体系,采用主成分分析法对环长株潭城市群城市化健康状况进行实证分析,为确定该区域城市化的健康调控体系、重点突破领域与策略实施支撑系统提供政策决策依据。主要研究结果如下:(1)从人口、空间、经济与社会城市化等层面对环长株潭城市群城市化存在的问题进行了深入研究,结果表明,该区域呈现出城市体系不健全、人口城市化滞后于工业化、经济结构和经济部门的就业结构对称性差等问题。从城市化发展模式、城市化成果的城乡共享状况、城市化进程中效率与公平表现等方面的全面解析结果表明,士地浪费严重、能源消耗过高、环境污染加剧、城乡发展与公共服务不均衡等明显制约该区域城市化健康发展。(2)基于DPSIR与CSAED模型,将经济高效适度发展、社会民生和谐进步、人口质量综合提升等要素纳入到生态评价体系中,构建了健康城市化的生态评价体系。从潜在驱动力、发展压力、控制状态、社会环境影响和多元响应等方面阐明了城市化健康发展的主要影响因素。以环长株潭城市群城市化健康发展的主要问题为导向,采用建立的生态评价体系分析框架,结合国内外健康城市化相关评价体系研究成果及政府规划中确定的城市化发展相关目标与控制指标,构建了以潜在驱动力、发展压力、控制状态、社会环境影响、多元响应五要素为基础的环长株潭城市群健康城市化的生态评价指标体系。(3)根据五要素生态评价指标体系,运用主成分分析法,对环长株潭城市群城市化健康状况开展实证研究。研究结果表明,长沙与湘潭健康城市化的驱动力系统处于相对高度健康水平,益阳的驱动力系统处于较低健康水平;长沙与衡阳的状态系统与影响系统健康状况处于较高的水平,而压力系统健康状况处于较低的水平;株洲、湘潭、娄底的状态系统与影响系统处于较低健康水平。响应系统的健康状况分级结果表明,该区域还存在着生态承载能力不够强、环境容量有限、产业结构仍待升级、城市劳动力就业供给能力不足、就业结构不优、公共服务不足等经济社会发展不协调问题,在一定程度上阻碍了环长株潭城市群的可持续发展。根据环长株潭城市群城市化的健康状况,提出资源与环境有效改善、经济高效适度发展、社会民生和谐进步、人口质量综合提升及政策与制度调整与完善应是该区域健康城市化政策响应的发展重点。(4)针对环长株潭城市群城市化健康发展的主要问题及其健康城市化政策响应的发展重点,提出了该区域健康城市化政策实施的“两型”发展、高效适度、城乡互动、多元融合、包容均等五大目标;在全面把握健康城市化政策目标的基础上,从坚持“两型”引领、推进分享主导、维持民生主导、走向多元互促与实现民主共享等层面构建了环长株潭城市群城市化健康调控体系;针对健康调控体系的要求,从经济社会与生态环境和谐发展、大中小城市与小城镇共生发展、区域协调发展、与新农村建设并进的城乡统筹发展、市场调节与政府调控健康有序等方面构想了环长株潭城市群健康城市化的重点突破领域;根据重点突破领域的发展需要,从经济可持续性、空间健康发展、社会空间正义等层面确定了环长株潭城市群健康城市化的策略实施支撑系统。图21幅,表51个,参考文献238篇。

【Abstract】 Abstract:Healthy urbanization is a new conception of urbanization, which is theoretical extension of traditional urbanization. A case study of Pan Chang-zhu-tan Urban Agglomeration is utilized to explore existing problems of its healthy urbanization. Based on the research of supporting theories concerning healthy urbanization and its ecological evaluation system, the ecological evaluation index system of healthy urbanization is constructed by using both Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) model and Carrying capacity-Supporting capability-Attractive capability-Evolutional capability-Developing capability (CSAED) model, to conduct the healthy urbanization assessment based on principal component analysis, which contributes to guaranteeing astute decision-making of strategy implementation for healthy regulation, development priorities, and supporting system of healthy urbanization in the urban agglomeration region. The main conclusions of the thesis are as follows.(1) The existing problems of urbanization in Pan Chang-zhu-tan Urban Agglomeration are deeply analyzed from the four perspective, including population urbanization, space urbanization, economic urbanization, and social urbanization. The results showed that there are some problems to restrict the urbanization, such as imperfect regional city system, population urbanization lagging behind industrialization, as well as mismatched economic and employment structure. Meanwhile, unhealthy phenomena are found based on the analysis of urbanization mode, urban-rural sharing for urbanization achievements, and efficiency as well as equity during urbanization process, which refer to severe waste of land resources, excessive energy consumption, ecological deterioration, widening gap between urban and rural areas, and imbalance of public services.(2) The ecological evaluation system of healthy urbanization is constructed based on DPSIR model and CSAED model, which contains economic high-efficiency and moderate development, harmony and progress of social livelihood, as well as comprehensive promotion of human quality. The influencing factors of healthy urbanization are identified in five major pillars, including potential driving forces, development pressures, control state, social and environmental impact, and multi-responses. Based on main problems of healthy urbanization in the study area, urbanization development targets and regulation indices from governmental plan, the ecological evaluation index system of healthy urbanization in Pan Chang-zhu-tan Urban Agglomeration is built from the five perspectives of potential drivers, development pressures, control state, social and environmental impact, and multi-responses.(3) The healthy situation of urbanization based on ecological evaluation index system in Pan Chang-zhu-tan Urban Agglomeration is discussed by using principal component analysis. The results showed that the development level of potential drivers in Changsha and Xiangtan is comparatively high, while potential drivers in Yiyang are still in a relatively low level. The performance of control state, and social as well as environmental impact in Changsha and Hengyang is emphasized in a balanced way, the development pressure factor has the highest score in the two cities. The development level of control state in Yueyang and Yiyang is still in a relatively low. The effective improvement of eco-environment is limited, suggesting that it is appropriate and necessary to expand urban ecological and environmental capacity; development level of high efficient and equal growth of economy, as well as population quality is relatively low, signifying that optimizing industrial structure and employment environment can tackle the challenges properly; promotional ability of social livelihood as well as policy and systems is insufficient, indicating that promoting public services and citizens’welfare are the key solutions to guarantee healthy urbanization efficiently.(4) According to main problems of healthy urbanization and the identified development priorities of policy responses for healthy urbanization in Pan Chang-zhu-tan Urban Agglomeration, the five policy targets of healthy urbanization in the urban agglomeration region lie in two-oriented development, high-efficient and moderate form, urban-rural interaction, pluralism and fusion, as well as inclusiveness. To understand the core connotation of five policy targets of healthy urbanization and implement healthy planning regulation, it is appropriate and crucial to stick to two-oriented guidance, achieve sharing mechanism, sustain livelihood harmony, maintain mutual promotion, and realize democratic sharing.Based on the above requirements from healthy planning regulation system, the development priorities of healthy urbanization in Pan Chang-zhu-tan Urban Agglomeration consist of five pillars:(i) harmonious development among economy, society, and environment;(ii) simultaneous development among the large, medium, small cities and towns;(iii) regional coordinated development;(iv) harmonious urban-rural development accompanied by new countryside construction; and (v) healthy and orderly combining mode of market principle and government control.According to development priorities of healthy urbanization, it’s very vital to strengthen three supporting systems of strategy implementation in Pan Chang-zhu-tan Urban Agglomeration, including economic sustainability, spatial health, and social space justice. The number of figure, table, and references in the paper is21,51, and238, respectively.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

